32 with braces, wooohooo!

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32 with braces, wooohooo!

#1 Post by GypsyinBraces »

I already introduced myself, but I do want to document everything... So here I am, about 21 hours into my braces. My teeth aren't quite as sore as last night, but I can't wait to get this powerchain off my front teeth! But first, here's how I got here:

Like a lot of people, I've needed braces for a long time. I'm congenitally missing my eye teeth (or incisors). This makes my upper arch a lot smaller than the lower, and squeezes the bottom teeth. Family couldn't afford them when I was a kid, so I started looking into them as an adult. My bottom teeth have been twisting for years because of the pressure from the uppers and I have a slight case of TMJ, so it seemed like a good thing to do! The first ortho I saw wanted to break both jaws, expand my upper palate and insert my missing teeth, expand the bottom, remove my never-separated-from-my-jaw lower wisdom teeth and fix the crowding on the bottom. I about fell out of the chair. :shock: Nevermind all the surgery, the cost would have been insane! I didn't go back.

Fast forward a few years where I had my upper wisdom teeth removed (easier than I ever imagined!) and the bottom really started to go to hell. My dentist has always been extremely nice, but when one of my bottom teeth moved completely behind the others, he telling me about all the terrible ways I could loose it. I finally scheduled another ortho consult. It was a hard thing though, because I love my dentist, but his office doesn't accept the DMO insurance that gives orthodontic coverage. :( But this ortho said my teeth could be cleaned up without surgery, and only about 18 months of braces. I jumped.

I have ceramic on the top six, and will have ceramic on the bottom also in about a year or so, once there's room for them! I'll have my canines and first bicuspids rotated to look more like the teeth that *should* be there, and then some grinding and shaping to complete the illusion. The tooth that's behind the rest on the bottom will be pulled.

I'll try to put pictures up once my hubby gets up, I can't get the camera to focus on my teeth instead of my nose!

I feel a bit crazy for taking all this on (especially when my teeth are this sore!) but I know it will be worth it in the end! :mrgreen:

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Re: 32 with braces, wooohooo!

#2 Post by Snowglobe32 »

Welcome and congratulations!

I got my braces when I was 32 also. I have had them for over 17 months now and the time goes by so quickly.

I wish I would have started a blog to document everything. Things are constantly changing and you can look back and see major differences when things get rough.

I look forward to keeping up with your story!

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Re: 32 with braces, wooohooo!

#3 Post by GypsyinBraces »

Thanks Snowglobe. :D

I have just one picture for now, but you see my canines taking over the show!


Sorry for the blobs of wax! :oops:

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Re: 32 with braces, wooohooo!

#4 Post by GypsyinBraces »

Some thoughts about my first (almost) week with braces:

Did anyone else start out with a powerchain? This seems like unnecessary torture!

Day 2 featured a funny feeling every time I tilted my head... I'm sure it was just a bit of swelling or extra blood, but it felt like my teeth were moving the way I tilted! :shock:

I'm now on day 4. I'm amazed at how much pain I'm not in! :::knocking again::: I'm not even using the wax 24/7 anymore. And even though I hate it, I will say the powerchain has closed the gap on my front teeth really fast! :thumbsup:

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Two weeks!

#5 Post by GypsyinBraces »

It's been two weeks now. I just survived my company's annual meeting. I talked all day Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Tuesday was slower, and I realized I didn't even need wax! :o

Brushing my teeth after every meal is still a pain, but like everyone has said would happen, I've gotten much quicker at flossing.

I have mixed feelings about getting the uppers first. It's nice to get used to everything without my *whole* mouth going crazy, but I'm a bit apprehensive about going through everything again for the lower. I know it had to be this way, and I know I'll still get them, just a bit of anticipation!

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Re: 32 with braces, wooohooo!

#6 Post by GypsyinBraces »

Yikes, it's been a while since I've posted!

I've learned that even the small amount of curry in samosas will stain my clear bands. And so will mustard. D'oh! :x

Friday was my third appointment, and I was surprised with the dental dremel to do some of the cosmetic shaping on my canines! It didn't hurt, but the sound and the smell were awful. Everything but my last molars are powerchained together on top. Add that to the heavier archwire I got last time, and things were pretty sore that afternoon.

I'll try to put up some pictures tomorrow before we pack the camera. (We're moving next weekend! :D )

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Re: 32 with braces, wooohooo!

#7 Post by Melody85 »

hello and welcome! Don't be shy in telling your story, i find that it really helps to share and write down any concerns, as alot of people will be in the same boat. Congrats on taking the plunge and getting braces, im 5 months in myself. It will be well worth it, and I look forward to seeing your progress :)

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Re: 32 with braces, wooohooo!

#8 Post by GypsyinBraces »

I think I'm going to get scolded tomorrow. :cry:

I looked in the mirror this weekend after brushing (like you do) and realized my right canine looks weird. Not in the "I'm still not used to the shaping" weird either. I pulled out my little dental mirror and confirmed that feeling of dread: somehow I chipped the tooth. :shock:

I don't know how. I don't know when. I didn't feel it at all. I suppose I should be happy for that. But all I keep thinking about is "I don't think he can make it any shorter!" (And really wishing I could have got those pictures before I moved! :( )

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Re: 32 with braces, wooohooo!

#9 Post by GypsyinBraces »

So no chipped tooth, hooray! :D He says he probably just left it that way because of the steep angle on that edge, and he will try to do some more shaping on it next time, when he goes after the tooth next to it!

I have a really crappy picture of my braces, the lighting in the new bathroom isn't great. I'll have to figure out a new picture set up!
And to compare, here's March:

It looks like my canines have moved in, but my front teeth have actually come out. (It's so much easier to brush the back of your teeth when they're not pointing at your tongue!) Beyond that, not a whole lot of movement. Okay, there was moving the canines to shape them and now moving them back, so I guess I just have to keep that in mind!

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Re: 32 with braces, wooohooo!

#10 Post by White Fang »

Hey Gypsy! I'm 33 in braces and I'm about 6 weeks in (18-24 month estimate.) You look like you have a whole new mouth already! I'm also congenitally missing a tooth -- one lower incisor. I have three across the bottom instead of four. I can't believe all the torture that first ortho wanted to inflict on you!! I don't think I could ever have gone for that either. I fled my first consult when he dared suggest an extraction!

Anyway, congrats on taking the plunge in your thirties. I know from experience it ain't easy but I have to believe we'll be so much happier with our new choppers down the road!

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Re: 32 with braces, wooohooo!

#11 Post by GypsyinBraces »

Thanks Fang! I'm currently stuck on a train in a storm so I got to read your whole thread, we've got a lot in common! I've got tiny teeth too... I actually don't have two of my top brackets yet because I don't have room for them. But it looks like you've got some movement going. I'll keep my fingers crossed that we both see more soon! :D

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Re: 32 with braces, wooohooo!

#12 Post by GypsyinBraces »

Okay, so it's been a long time since I posted! I don't have current pictures, but:

I have my lower braces! :jump:

I got them last week. That's about four months earlier than he first estimated! It seems weird to be so excited about:

Not being able to eat! :shock:

He checked my bite before the archwires went on. Then they did, and only my very back left molars touched. "That's fine," he said, "things will move and your bite will be normal again in no time." But until then, I can't really chew! I've been living on soft things: soup, yogurt, oatmeal, eggs, squash, bananas, sweet potatoes, apple sauce, pumpkin, peas...

I have to admit it is getting better, I discovered tonight I can chew enough to not choke on a bite of my hubby's lamb burger. :D

I'll try for pictures tomorrow, tonight it is time for bed because work is kicking my butt. I hope everyone else's braces are going well! :BigGrin:

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Re: 32 with braces, wooohooo!

#13 Post by belistic10 »

you can see alot of change already :) well done for doing it now :) i cant wait to get mine on in 12 days time (also having ceramic top, & metal bottom). Goodluck with everything :)


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