After lurking here for over a month, I have decided to start my own braces journal. I am not sure that anyone will even care about the details, or take the time to read it, but that is ok with me. I am just wanting to track the progress I make.
Back story....
I have always wanted braces. Why? I don't know, maybe because that is what all the "cool kids" were getting. I don't know. I just know that I always wanted them. I knew that they could help my teeth, which are only a little crooked. I just thought/think that they are a way to better your appearance, without surgery or other invasive procedures. My parents could never afford something like that, so I never asked about it.
Fast forward to 7 years ago...
My daughter has always hated her teeth. From the time she was like 8 she hated the way one of her teeth stuck out, so she would not smile with teeth showing. I took her for an ortho consult. She was going to need braces... big surprise...
Of course being there started me thinking about my teeth again...
Super fast forward to last winter....
Finally able to afford braces for my daughter last November. I am excited to finally start getting pictures of her with TEETH showing!!!

I am still thinking of my teeth....Tell her that I want to get my teeth fixed (which by this point are getting very worn down in the front from grinding/deep bite/clenching...). She wants me to wait till hers are done so I am not *trying to be like her* (yah typical 14 yo teenager!!!

) I tell her that I will...
I have decided after seeing the beautiful teeth that she now has, that I am NOT going to wait.... I am going to do it now, and she had just better adjust to it. She is fine with my decision now (AMAZING how 9 months can help with the maturity of a child!!

) She is actually enjoying telling me all about the different things I will be experiencing, and how to handle them. I think it is going to be something that we can bond over.

(I sure need to find things like that- the older she gets.. but that is a whole other story...)I am getting excited for tomorrow morning. She is even going to go with me for moral support

. I sure think she is a great daughter!
Going to skip the coffee...

I know, I know.... WHAT am I thinking ??? I am thinking that I will be nervous, and don't want to have to make too many bathroom breaks during the whole process...

. I am thinking I will treat my self to a wonderful Dutch Bro coffee after I am done...My apt is at 7:30 in the morning, and I should be done by 9 at the latest. My ortho does the indirect bonding method- so the brackets go on in like 30 min or so. I watched my daughter last Nov. get hers and it was quite speedy.

Thank goodness!! I wonder how they are going to feel... I even experimented with some wax blobs on my teeth one day to try to simulate the feeling (I got the idea from someone on this board, but can't remember who.. but thanks whoever you are... it was a great idea!)... I know, I know... silly.. but it was fun to try to see how it was going to feel somewhat.....

I HOPE I don't become a bigger baby then my daughter (who has been quite the trooper as far as pain goes!). My hubby just smiles and says that I probably will be the bigger whiner... which I think I just may

Well that is it for now....I will update tomorrow after the braces are on