Jaime's Braces Story (w/pics) - Updated 8/7/08!

If you want to share the detailed saga of your braces story, this is the place to do it. You can use this forum as a braces journal, editing and updating your posts as your treatment goes on. Remember to also visit the main ArchWired.com site for additional stories from other readers!

ATTENTION NEW MEMBERS: Do not post full-face photos or personal contact information on this website. We have had problems with people re-posting members' photos on fetish websites. Please only post photos of your teeth, not your whole face. Keep your email and your personal information private. Thank you.

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#16 Post by kisses14 »

Hey all! I decided to try and take some pictures with my camera phone. They aren't the best of quality but they're good enough to give you an idea of what my teeth actually look like...

My top arch w/spacers (very narrow):

My lowers (Can't see hardly at all with the lighting, but you can see some crowding in the front):


My teeth from the front:


I'm really looking forward to get my treatment started. I'll post some pics when I get my palatal expander put in on October 16th. Thanks for all who responded. This site is a great place for support!
Last edited by kisses14 on Tue Oct 03, 2006 10:01 am, edited 1 time in total.

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#17 Post by kisses14 »

Thanks KK and Linda21 :D I think posting pics is a great idea! I'm looking forward to seeing my progress throughout this whole thing, and looking at yours as well! :wink:

I had the spacers put in on Thursday, and they really didn't bother me much until Monday, when I started to feel as if my mouth was achy and the teeth were moving. It gave me a headache that has lasted for 3 days now...ibuprofen hasn't helped much with that. :cry:

Last night I was eating pasta for dinner and noticed that one of my spacers had broke!!! It's still in there, but the top of it snapped. The receptionist at the orthodontist office told me that if one fell out it would be okay, but if two fell out then I should call them to have them put in again. Has anyone else experience their spacers breaking?

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#18 Post by kisses14 »

Hey all :D

Well, last week two of my spacers broke, so I had to go back to the ortho to get them replaced with new ones. My bottom left teeth were REALLY sore this weekend; I couldn't eat on that side. Well, today I went for measurement for my RPE. They put molar bands on the top and did an impression with those on, then they took them off and put spacers back in. But, they cemented the bottom molar bands in. Getting the molar band on the bottom left was painful since I was already sore....she actually had to numb me with this stuff she put on a cutip that tasted AWFUL. But, it's on now, and I'm allll good! :wink: The outsides of the molar bands are kinda uncomfortable with them rubbing on the inside of my cheek. I just keep thinking about how the braces are going to feel...I can't wait until this is all over and I have pretty teeth!!!

I go back in 3 weeks to have the expander fitted :shock:

Thanks for listening...or reading...ha!

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#19 Post by kisses14 »

Thanks Linda21! I actually started rinsing with the warm salt water last night, and have already done it 4 times today! I'm experiencing the molar bands cutting up the inside of my cheek. I have kept a huge chunk of wax over them, and it helps a lot! Thank you for your advice, and of course KK too!

I have to say that I'm experiencing more pain now than I did with the spacers in. I don't think the spacers created quite enough space for the molar bands so she had to really force them in. I'm definitely VERY sore today, especially on the top where the put the molar bands on, and took them off and put spacers back in. I feel like one of my upper molars on the right side has that "spongy" feeling like it has moved. I have only been able to eat soft things yesterday and today. I hope it subsides soon because I surely love my food!!!

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#20 Post by kisses14 »

This morning I got my RPE placed. I also got a bite plate retainer thingy on the bottom. I have to say it is very hard for me to talk with both of these things in my mouth. I'm feeling quite discouraged right now because this RPE is not very comfortable at all. I can't believe I have to keep this thing in for 6 mos! I will want to rip it out by then. I ate lunch today, and all this food got stuck against the roof of my mouth and behind the expander. The only word I can think of for this device is ANNOYING. Ughhh! I have to turn it once every other day for 2.5 weeks, then I go back and hopefully I would have achieved enough expansion by then to get my braces on. I will cross my fingers!

On a good note, I can occasionally take out the bite plate...mostly for eating and times when I'm talking a lot (for instance - during phonescreens at work). I have noticed that it is a lot more comfortable with it out! But, it's supposed to speed up the expansion process so I will wear it as much as I can. My mouth feels really full right now. I just hope I can adjust and not be so miserable.

I took a pic with my camera phone (it's not clear - one of these days I'll get a digital camera). Take a look:


Thanks for reading...

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#21 Post by kisses14 »


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#22 Post by kisses14 »

Linda21 ~ Thanks for responding :D You're always very helpful, and encouraging, and I really appreciate that!

I have had the RPE in for a week now, and I'm slowly getting used to it. I had a lot of trouble talking with it at first, but I've slowly gotten better although I don't think I will ever be able to say everything normal again until I get it out. :cry: But, I've accepted it so I'm not going to dwell on it anymore.

I have turned it 4 times now, and I really don't notice any changes at all. I am supposed to go back to see the ortho on November 1st, and by that day I will have turned my expander 9 times. She is going to take a look at the progress and if I have achieved enough expansion she said she would put the braces on that day. But, as I said already, I don't notice any changes so I have a feeling I won't get braces when I go back in a week and a half. :( Maybe I'm just impatient I don't know.

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#23 Post by kisses14 »

Linda21 and kk - Thanks for the rainbow passage. I am now used to the expander and there are very few things that I say un-clear. Hahaha except when I've had a few drinks :) I honestly thought I would never get used to something this bulky in my mouth, but it's amazing what you can get used to with time.

But, I finally have some good news!!! I reach my 15th turn of my expander, and now my orthodontists has given me a date to be braced! I will only be braced on the top with 3M Clarity brackets for the first few months while they round out my upper arch...then later down the road they will place metal brackets on the bottom. I go on Nov. 22nd to get the tops placed, and for some odd reason, I'm really excited about it!!! The only bad thing is, it's the DAY BEFORE THANKSGIVING!!! Can you believe that? If I'm really sore I may just have to stick with stuffing and mashed potatoes, which doesn't really bother me because that's my favorite part of Thanksgiving dinner, along with the pumpkin pie!!! :)

My roommate is borrowing her digital camera from her boyfriend next week so I'm going to use it to take some clear photos of my teeth prior to getting the braces placed, as well as after. The phone camera quality just sucks. I'll be back next week :)

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#24 Post by jennandtonic »

Ooh, four days until BRACE DAY! How exciting!

I just read through your story, congratulations on taking the plunge. And you are a SAINT for being able to stand that RPE, I know I would NOT be able to!

And those warm salt water rinses, especially at the beginning, are wonderful, definitely keep up with those if you can. I know it toughened up my cheeks so I didn't have to wear wax as much, not to mention just gave me some relief from the pain.

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#25 Post by kisses14 »

Thanks guys! I used my roommate's boyfriend's digital camera to attempt to take some clearer pics of my teeth before I get my braces on Wednesday...here's how they turned out...

With Flash:


Without Flash:

Upper Arch w/Expander and Flash:


I'll post more when I get my upper braces placed! :)

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#26 Post by lisaemtp »

Good luck tomorrow! Can't wait to hear how it goes :) After surviving the RPE hopefully braces won't be too bad...just take small bites of soft foods and you'll be ok!


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#27 Post by kisses14 »


Back to the camera phone...this is day 1 in top braces....

I can't post about my experience right now...but will over my Thanksgiving break...I'll post better pictures too

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5 Month Progress Pics!

#28 Post by kisses14 »

Well, it's been quite a while since I posted. I got my top braces on in November 2006, and it's been just about 5 months. I figured I would post some progress pictures below. (picture quality is not great - I would like for my ortho to copy my pictures from my file onto a disk for me).

Mouth Open:

Biting Down:

Slowly but surely the teeth are moving. I feel like this process is very slow!!!! My canine tooth that was way out of alignment is slowly getting into place, but not where it needs to be yet. ALMOST though! I feel like some people on this site have such quick movement! I wish my teeth would move faster! I am always looking in the mirror at my teeth looking for the slightest bit of movement! :)

In the second picture I am biting down. As you can see, my bite is not centered. The ortho said they probably couldn't completely fix this without surgery, due to the assymetry and the jaw forming longer on one side as I grew. I guess that's okay, I just want straight teeth and I'll be happy!

I have also noticed that I have some chipped incisors...can these be sanded down or bonded after treatment?

Thanks! :lol:

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#29 Post by becks »

Hi Kisses,
I think your teeth look wonderful!! I am in the same boat with your feelings about movement being slow. I would love to be one of those people that has dramatic results right away but looks like I'm gonna be one of turtles in the race. But you know what they say, slow and steady right?! Here's to quicker movement for the both of us :)
Braced ~ March 13, 2007



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#30 Post by kisses14 »

Thanks Becks! It's nice to get other people's opinions on these things because you know what they say - "We are our own worst critic" Yes, it does seem like progress is slow, but I think it will be important for you to take progress pics as your go along in your journey. I decided to take pictures today after 5 months in braces, and here I thought I wasn't experiencing much movement, until I took a look at Day 1 and where I am now! I must say I'm shocked at the change! Especially in these pictures below of my upper arch. It's been dramatic improvement for me and it's very exciting! I almost don't even recognize those teeth from Day 1!!!

Here is Day 1 with the Expander:


Here is today:


Here's to HEAPS of Movement for everyone! Woo Hoo! :-)o

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