Donna's Tooth Journey. Age 20.

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#16 Post by sarahlynn »

That is some good movement in just a month! Your lower canine came down quite a bit. My changes are really starting around the 2 month mark so I bet you'll see a lot more change in the next few months.

I have the molar build ups too - they're annoying but overall mine don't bother me.
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#17 Post by SassyCatLove »

Hey... so about four or five days ago, my left wisdom tooth started to hurt... and it wasnt any different from when it hurt before or anything... and then the next thing i know, i open my mouth wider and there is sharp extrutiation pain doing around the whole region of the left side of my gums and left side of my throat..
it really hurt to eat and i didnt know what to do,...

NOW, i woke up this morning, and found the pain had subsided just a tiny bit but something new was there.. a really loud snapping sound everytime i closed my jaw from being wide open. at this point it has died down to a much quieter click....

it stll hurts a bit...

what do you think this is? its not TMJ is it? that would SUCK BALLS!
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#18 Post by wallywest »

I have damons too , and just like you I would stare in the mirror for hours hoping to look for some movement , let me break it down for you ;
the first wire they use , is very thin and ( mind you these are my very own observations from my experience) they hardly cause any major movement.

On your second adjustment you will be given a thicker wire, and these bad boys are good, couple days after the adjustment you will notice this wire is yankin your tooth to where it is supposed to be and by your third or fourth wire all the major work will be done and you will be left with minor issues such as bite correcting and gaps and mid line correction which will seem like it takes forever because you hardly tend to notice it .

On a side note I thought crooked teeth gives a person character, I mean i despise the hollywood cocaine white smiles but the girlfriend begs to differ !

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#19 Post by Mr Rich Uk »

You're braver than I, as I was completely scared by metal braces, but then again I am lucky enough to have a problem which is fixable by Invisalign.

Luckily I'm still going to retain part of the character of my teeth as I was always the guy with the prominent canines, but there is nothing that can be done about those so they will be with me for years to come.

I'm sure it'll be worth all the hassle in the long run.

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#20 Post by SassyCatLove »

Hey.... to those of you talking about keeping my crooked teeth as a mark of my personality, read my intro. I didnt want braces for their cosmetic treatment but because my teeth would rot away otherwise.

but otherwise..... i really have to peee...
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#21 Post by SassyCatLove »

SOOOO heres my before and afters from a few days after braces vs. today...... (1 1/2 months later)




THAT IS A LOT OF MOVEMENT FOR 14 DAYS.......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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#22 Post by SassyCatLove »

Hey guys. So, yeah.... (on a quick side note: I GOT A NEW FROGGY AND HE IS SO CUTE), but other than that, got my first adjustment this past monda (sept 14) and then took some photos few days later. They put in a thicker wire and metal bands around the top molars. Anyone know what those are for? They didnt attach a wire to them yet.

My two other teeth on the bottom were connected too. Anyway, here is my progress: at 2 months and 3 days in braces!!!!!

And these are in comparison from a month ago (side veiws and open mouth):
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#23 Post by Grover »

Awesome progress. You must be stoked!

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#24 Post by SassyCatLove »

LOL!!! love your signature..

and yes i am stoked! Its al feeling very weird.. 20 years feeling the same crooked teeth and now its all ... like ... smoother and.. strange. ;)
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#25 Post by SassyCatLove »

soo... as you can see in the last photos, which even up until this point, tit hasnt changed much, does anyone know why the orthodontist would put the brackets on my two front top teeth in such a way that one of them would be slightly lower than the other?

Is there a reason for this? It feels really weird and I want them to be aligned. They were before I got braces... what is going on there?

I hope hes not planning to like... file off the bottom of it just because its a little chipped... ide rather not do that.
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#26 Post by yj207 »

Mine are like that too. I don't like it either, I plan to ask the ortho during my next adj. My front 2 teeth are shaped differently and is forming a gap at the middle like in a triangle shape. I know that the bent wire in the middle is where the middle of the archwire is so thats why its like that.
Braced for 23 months 1 week and 3 days!
I had 4 extractions and all my wisdom teeth removed.
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#27 Post by Miranda86 »

I hope my teetch shift as fast as yours are!!! your teeth look great! :)

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#28 Post by Miranda86 »

Miranda86 wrote:I hope my teetch shift as fast as yours are!!! your teeth look great! :)

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#29 Post by PrettyWoman »

I just read your story and wow, what a progress!!! Your teeth are looking great already and it's just the beginning. Congratulations, you must be really happy with the changes.

Regarding your question about the brackets on the front teeth, it probably makes the most sense to ask him, but in my unprofessional opinion maybe he's trying to even them out first? I'm not sure if it's the angle of the picture, but it appears that your two front teeth may still be sitting on a bit of an angle and maybe he's working on fixing that. In any case, if you don't want him to shape the teeth, you should let him know :wink:
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#30 Post by SassyCatLove »

So, I had my second adjustment today......... and am in rather annoying discomfort. They connected my last top molars and my arch has deffly gotten wider since this morning because my teeth no longer fit together ...... and they connected my "alternate route" tooth my bottom left (your right). Yeah... Theres still a lot of work to be done for them to be perfectly straight...... AND SO HELP!!!

1. I asked the nurse that was giving me new wires about the two front teeth being misaligned and the way she made it seem, my ortho was planning to file off the bottomof the one that is chipped like I assumed.... But then I said "well... you can tell they are not aligned at the top too" and she made a "hmm" and said nothing of it.

I asked my ortho when he came around after that, and he said they have yet to align from their angle and that will come later with the thicker wires. He still mentioned the chipped tooth.... and ..... well, I will let him know next time I do not approve of it being filed. I dost not wants.

2. I dont know whats going on with my cavities. I guess Im gonna see the dentist around thanksgiving..... I just dont want things to get worse and end up having to get root canals and blah blah..


They are planing on fixing my overbite when things straighten out more... and I am wondering....... is there ANY other way they can fix it without having to move my jaw forward? I like my jaw where it is. I dont think it will look good if they move it up. Ive moved my jaw to the approximate place where it would be (i am assuming) and I DO NOT LIKE IT AT ALL. I DONT WANNA LOOK LIKE JAY LENO DAMMIT!

Is there any other way? Like... just moving my bottom teeth forward a bit? .... I kind of wanna keep my overbite.. :/ I mean especially if it means moving my jaw forward, I want my overbite!!!

i shall post photkiz now.
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