GemGal's Story (New with ANGRY GEM RANT ON PAGE 4)

If you want to share the detailed saga of your braces story, this is the place to do it. You can use this forum as a braces journal, editing and updating your posts as your treatment goes on. Remember to also visit the main site for additional stories from other readers!

ATTENTION NEW MEMBERS: Do not post full-face photos or personal contact information on this website. We have had problems with people re-posting members' photos on fetish websites. Please only post photos of your teeth, not your whole face. Keep your email and your personal information private. Thank you.

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GemGal's Story (New with ANGRY GEM RANT ON PAGE 4)

#1 Post by GemGal »

I am new to this site and I just started reading other peoples stories and am realizing my story does not compare to the journey and sacrifices alot of you have taken.

I am 27 and I got my braces on October 4, 2006. I am doing the PowerProx "Straight Teeth in Six Months" method. I also have ice brackets which I love because from afar, they are not noticeable.

I have tried to get braces before as a kid, but my parents did not want to subject me to the jaw surgery and extractions the ortho recommended. They also told me when I heard about getting jaw surgery it was me who decided not to get braces. Can you hear Cher right now singing... "If I can turn back time..." I think it would have been much easier if I just got it over with as a kid.

I've been to a couple orthodontists over the past few years trying to learn about invisalign and to see if there were any alternatives. I was told I only qualify for standard braces at 3 to 3 1/2 years with surgery and extractions (and NO CHANCE at invisaligns for me). Of course I said that I wasn't going to spend the rest of my twenties in braces.

Then I heard about the six month braces and I went in for a consult. From what I understand it to be, I'm only getting the cosmetic appearance of a straight smile without the surgery, extractions, etc. Any major jaw issues are not being corrected. And honestly I don't care. I've been living with my bite quite happily and it was never a reason for me to go to the orthodontist.

Here is a picture of my smile:
And this is the main reason I'm getting braces. I hate this profile.
Problems with my smile include Crowding, Openbite, Xbite. I'm still very sore from getting the braces and I still can't chew my food. I tried eating whole foods yesterday and I was told I looked very uncomfortable.

Thanks for reading my story!
Last edited by GemGal on Wed Oct 03, 2007 7:29 am, edited 10 times in total.

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#2 Post by joney »

Hi GemGal

I bet your teeth will look fantastic, and in six months, you lucky devil! Hope the eating situation improves for you soon.


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#3 Post by GemGal »

Thank you both for your kind words. After reading many members stories on this site, I have gotten nervous that:

:arrow: You'll all think I'm an impatient brat. :wink:
:arrow: My results will not have the same quality as all of yours. :yikes:

Does anyone else have these braces???

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#4 Post by lionfish »

I think the important thing is for one to be happy with one's choices, gemgal, and if you're happy with yours, then that's what counts.

I have ice brackets on my lower teeth (even though I'm not doing the powerprox thing). I'm here for the long haul....18 months estimate.

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#5 Post by Lisa65 »

I can't say I blame you for going for the quicker option Gemgal. I'm in for the long haul myself. Like you I was only really worried about the appearance of my top front teeth, but because of the way my teeth are, a 6 month option just wouldn't give the necessary space to straighten things up.

I'd never worried about my weird bite but I do get a lot of headaches and jaw clenching which my ortho said might improve if my bite was corrected.

But if it works for you, why not? If I could have had a 6 month fix I'd have gone for it in a heartbeat!

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#6 Post by GemGal »

You're right I shouldn't regret my decision in my treatment, but I do regret not getting it done earlier. Now that they are on, I'm thinking this is not the BIG DEAL I made it out to be. I was so nervous to how people would react or what people would say about me. But no one cares after noticing them.

In fact, I've gotten the very sweet, "you were perfect the way you were" or "your smile gave you character" or "i never noticed a problem with your teeth".

I think that I just never realized that being an adult in braces meant that the people around me would act as ADULTS! I guess I was the one with the immature thoughts.

:!: This site has an explanation of the treatment I'm getting and it's here:

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#7 Post by newmetal »

Hey gemgal!

Your sixmonth quick braces really interest me, i have never heard of anything like them. Maybe they dont have them in the UK huh? Your side profile is similar to mine...i unfortunately am going to be in braces longer than six months...18 months minimum, this is probably mainly because i opted for extractions.
Good luck on your brace journey!!


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#8 Post by GemGal »

Just to update my story -

It' been one week and I have solved all major dilemmas :thumbsup: and have come up with some new ones :-+ :

Flossing: Instead of using the rigid floss my ortho gave me, I bought a threader and I'm using the satin floss someone recommended on the main board. This equals less bleeding and it's easier to get between the crevices of my crowded teeth. :thumbsup:

Eating: I am able to eat solid foods again with minimal discomfort. :thumbsup: Still not on to RIGID FOOD like crust and I am upset that I can't bite into food and I have to feed myself food. When will I ever be able to bite into a juicy cheesburger again? :soremouth:

Brushing In Public: Not a big deal. People make a look but I think it's more of a "Wow, they take really good care of themselves". :-}

Movement: I have noticed two teeth move slightly and two look better but I can't pinpoint exact movement. My smile still looks the same. :(

Trip: I have been nominated to go away to represent my company next month and I'm nervous about the reaction I'll get as an adult in braces. :yikes:

Bar Scene:
(I am a single 27 yr old ;-) ) NO ONE can tell. No one has said anything and I thank the low light levels. Still haven't kissed anyone in these yet - I'm kind of nervous too. :oops:

That's the one week wrap up!

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#9 Post by GemGal »

Hey... Forgot to post these pics with my update! As you can see, no movement. WHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!

(I will accept any helpful camera tricks!)
[Pics Removed]
Last edited by GemGal on Mon Oct 30, 2006 7:14 am, edited 1 time in total.

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#10 Post by florencegal »

Hey there Gemgal! Thanks for checking in on my thread and for your kind wishes - you said your profile was similar to mine so of course I had to come check it out and see how you're doing! You seem to be coping with all of this really well in these first few days and I'm sure you'll start seeing some great movement really soon. I don't think you're impatient at all to have gone with the speed treament and you've made the best decision for you that you are comfortable with - be proud of your choice and it will give you a smile to be truly proud of in return! :mrgreen:

lol, my friends have all reacted in exactly the same way as yours - "I never noticed anything wrong with your teeth, you're wonderful as you are" etc etc, which is really lovely. I wasn't so impressed with the "But they give you character" response though - I just thought Great, so my character is "Nice girl, likes shoes, speaks Italian, has wonky teeth"......!!! Heck, I know she meant well!

I'm sure you'll do your company proud on your trip - like you said, being an adult in braces means you're mostly hanging around adults who should be more understanding of other people's quirks and choices. I have every faith you'll be fine, hold your head high and they probably won't even notice (your brackets barely show at all in your photos! They're fantastic!)

I wish you best of luck in your journey - keep us posted!



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#11 Post by GemGal »

Thanks Florencegal! Glad you stopped by :D

So minor updates.

:arrow: I have pain on my lower front teeth today - I hope something is moving!
:arrow: My upper teeth have started to move and it's very encouraging but it's only minor and I noticed because I stare at my teeth now every day.
:arrow: The pain of eating with my back teeth has eased up.
:arrow: I find that I lisp when talking fast. I sound real funny!

That's all!

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#12 Post by M1k3y »

That's awesome that you found an alternative that meets what you wanted. I hope your journey is smooth and successful.
Braced 5-27-06 - 18 months with braces
Case 1 - minor crookedness
Envision Composite Brackets
M1k3y's introduction with photos
M1k3y's journey with photos

Debranded 3-20-08

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#13 Post by GemGal »

Hello my braced/unbraced friends!

Today was my first adjustment and I wanted to share the experience with you all. I have the 6month braces and I go for an adjustment every four weeks. I LOVE LOVE LOVE my ortho and his lovely assistant. They are making this experience wonderful. I am also seeing some great movement! :thumbsup:

This is what I got at my adjustment:

:arrow: New wire (i was told it was a stronger wire)
:arrow: Two powerchains (not sure what these are)
:arrow: New ligs (good cause they were stained)
:arrow: More wax!
:arrow: And a couple teeth shaved

Here are some new pics. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let me know what you think.

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#14 Post by MrsF »

Hi Gemgal! I love looking at your posts because I think we only got braced a day or so apart...somehow it makes it better knowing that someone out there is going through the same things at the same time! Glad to hear your first adjustment went smoothly...mine is coming up in less than a week. I haven't had a chance to post pics, but my teeth and mouth looks very similiar to yours. Isn't it great to see movement?! I stare at my teeth every day as well! In fact, my friends and husband are pretty sure I have become obsessed. :crazy:

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#15 Post by M1k3y »

Your upper teeth have really aligned themselves so there is definitely movement.
Braced 5-27-06 - 18 months with braces
Case 1 - minor crookedness
Envision Composite Brackets
M1k3y's introduction with photos
M1k3y's journey with photos

Debranded 3-20-08

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