LynnM's Story -- BRACES: the first 3 days ...

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LynnM's Story -- BRACES: the first 3 days ...

#1 Post by lynnm »

Hi, all! Before I get into my story, I need to send a big "thank you" to all in community - you've been a great support for me for years already. I don't know any adults in braces personally and it's been great to hear from so many of you on what it's like to do this (again). I've been reading your stories and am starting to feel like I know you - like we'd be on a first-name basis. But, of course, you don't know me yet. So, let me introduce myself and let you know where I'm coming from.

In my late twenties, I was having increasing sensitivity in my molars and gum recession on my lower front teeth. I saw multiple dentists over the years (due to insurance company changes) and all said, "No cavities, looks great, see you in six months." Then I met the dentist who changed my life. He said I had "premature contact" of some molars and it was causing all kids of wear and tear. Ahhh! An explanation that made sense. That was Spring 2004 and I found this website.

My head was spinning, I have almost no fillings, but the gums are definitely showing wear. My teeth look OK, but still orthodontics is the treatment. I scoured the internet (and I mean scoured) for anything that would tell me it was OK not to do braces - that my teeth would last fine, though not be in great alignment. I found nothing. :(

I had consultations with 2 orthodontists (including the one I saw as a teenager). Both said about the same thing. 2.5 years in braces. My old ortho wouldn't touch me without extracting teeth. The other (recommended by the dentist diagnosing the problem) said 65% chance of no extractions.

Most people are surprised when I mention getting braces again. My front teeth are relatively straight-looking, though I do have a 5-6mm overjet. What folks don't see is the horrible malocclusion in my molars. I have a single point of contact when I bite down - it's on my left side. In order to get contact on both sides of my mouth, I have to slide my lower jaw forward about 10 mm! I've learned to do this when I eat without even realizing I'm doing it. Surprisingly, I don't have TMJ problems or much muscule pain in my face or jaw.

Anyway, in 2004, I wasn't ready mentally to get the braces. I've been in a nightguard since, which stops the grinding at night and seems to have stopped any additional wear and tear. Some of the sensitivity has subsided. I also didn't want braces while pregnant and I wanted one more baby!

So, life happened. My husband got seriously sick. Then we got him better. Then I had another baby (love my 2 kids). My teeth were still a mess. I would like to be out of braces by 40. Let's just say the window is closing.

I had my courage together last fall. Then I looked at the calendar and realized that I had an appointment everyday of the month. Then things got busy w/ Thanksgiving and the holidays. Oh, with this line of excuses, I'd never do it!

Finally, I made the call - yes, it's been THREE YEARS! This week, I went for my records appointment with that second orthodontist who thought we could address the problems w/o extractions.

Feb. 5 - I go for the treatment plan. If we're going to try it without extractions, I think I'll get the spacers right then and there. I could be banded by the end of the month!

So, I have to get the financial/insurance side of this figured out. No coverage for adult orthodontics. But, the orthodonist is a participating doctor, so we get an in-network rate. That should help. And, I definitely have to work out the flex spending account thing.

I hope you guys are there to catch me when they tell me I need extractions and I faint on the spot! :wink:
Last edited by lynnm on Sun Mar 25, 2007 7:14 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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#2 Post by antsika »

Welcome lynnm! I totally agree with you, it is a great place, and I am also so happy I have found this site!
It is great you have finally made the decision! I think a lot of us are like you, too busy to start this thing... but anyway, we are on the journey!

I think you shouldn't be so scared about extraction, if it is needed to have healthy and straight teeth, then one tooth is not the world. You now how many extractions I had? 7! When I first heared that, I thought I will faint also! I wanted to have the braces so much but I couldn't imagine to have 7 healthy teeth pulled :shock: But I made the decision and I survived! And I am happy with the results so far, although I am still at the beginning.

Anyway, I wish you won't need that extraction, and good luck for the journey! :thumbsup:

Upper and lower Evolution linguals
B-day: 30. 06. 2006
Treatment time app. 2 years

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Thanks for the warm welcome!

#3 Post by lynnm »

Thanks for the warm welcome everyone! It really makes a difference to me.

I mentioned the site to the orthodontist. He hadn't heard of it and was really interested. He said that the HIPAA privacy laws here in the States prevented him from putting new patients like me in touch with other, local adults in braces. He seemed excited that the site and forum exist.

I've been trying to find out more about my orthodontist's reputation. So far, all I have is my dentist's recommendation and the raves of his staff. I'm asking lots of local moms with teenagers, but haven't found any other patients. I'm fine going with my dentist's word and my own impression, but more favorable opinions would be nice, too.

I'm feeling a little more comfortable about the decision now that I've been to the ortho's office and had the records appt. (Or maybe it's the wine I've been drinking tonight. :D ) They were very understanding and supportive. I was surprisingly nervous about the appointment - not the impressions and xrays - just the fact that I was finally there and setting the ball in motion.

Thanks for the reassurance on the potential for extractions too. It's a mental thing for me. The teeth they'd pull have no decay and aren't the ones with sensitivity -- why pull "perfectly good" teeth? I'm surprised by the number of people who have had teeth pulled for braces. If it comes to that, I'll need time to mentally adjust and find an oral surgeon willing to put me under!

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#4 Post by mayday »

Welcome and again, congrats on starting your journey!!

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Treatment Plan Day!

#5 Post by lynnm »

Today I met with the treatment coordinator to go over the treatment plan. I brought my DH along for moral support. The word "extraction" jumped out at me from the summary page. Just what I was hoping to avoid. Ugh!

The meeting was actually good and I'm apprehensive but excited. Let me just dwell on the extraction thing for a minute to get it out of my system.

I hoped to avoid extractions - of all the teeth in my mouth that suffer from recession and sensitivity, the ones they want to extract DO NOT! How's that for Murphy's Law? There's no decay -- they're perfectly good teeth, but, alas, they're in the way. The analytical geek in me was persuaded by the lines and angles they had superimposed over my x-rays. I know it needs to be done - doesn't mean it's going to be fun. More UGH!! Thanks to all who have posted about extractions - I have hopes that it'll be easier than when I had the wisdom teeth out in high school. (I wonder if Mom will come over to make me milkshakes while I lounge on the couch again?)

I was surprised at my reaction too - I found I was annoyed at having to get the teeth pulled because it delays me getting the braces on! Now that I've decided to do braces ... LET'S GET ON WITH IT!!

I appreciated that the treatment plan focused on function and then addressed how it will affect things cosmetically -- mirrors my own priorities. I appreciated that they could identify from the x-rays and impressions all the things I see and feel that concern me.

I was surprised that they're planning on retainers for just 2 yrs. I thought adults wore retainers for the rest of their lives! I was also surprised that she said several of their night-grinders don't need a nightguard after treatment. I figured I'd need some sort of combo retainer/nightguard, football player-looking thing forever. How nice to know that's not a definite.

DH tackled how to pay for this stuff. No small task. Between the various payment plans and the reimbursement account, what's the best way?

My next step is to get all the logistics worked out. For some silly reason, I find this really stressful. I stay at home w/ 2 small children. So, I've got to coordinate the surgeon's appt with someone to come over to help me for a couple of days afterwards. I think Mom and DH can help. I also want a cleaning before banding - probably before the extractions, huh?

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#6 Post by Sumendoza »

WOW! Great things you've been throu Lynn! I just read your story and I admire you courage and finally deciding on getting braces! Way to go!! :jump:

Best of luck with the extractions; the financial planning (a pain, I know!), and coordinating a helper withhouse and kids on b-day... wow that was a mouth-full! Anyways, I know everything is going to be just fine and you'll be on your way to a great smile very soon.

Keep us posted and take pictures... we love pictures!! :tingrin:

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#7 Post by smallbutmighty »

Welcome Lynn!
It is a big decision and sure sounds approppraite for your future dental and personal health. I sure understand your dilema over the extractions. I was so proud of the fact that I still had all of mine up to age 63, and then had 3 out in a year and a half. I mourned them, even though they were wisdom teeth that couldn't be worked on any more, and my mouth is so small. Anyhow, with TMJ issues I knew that "going under" was the way I wanted to go. It helps to relax the jaw more so the dentist can get in and out faster. And it could be as simple as using nitrous oxide ("laughing gas") and the local anesthetic. With the gas, you can even drive yourself home. THere was no severe pain or bleeding either.
Hopefully this practice will allow you to set up a payment plan per month that agrees with an amount that you can afford. I basically told my guy what I could afford, and he said that amount ($100/month) worked for him. It sounds as though you have a nice group of people in that ortho practice, and they have been very professional and up front so far.
So best of luck in this-- we are all here on your side!
Peace, Ruth :)

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#8 Post by lynnm »

Earlier in the school year, I spotted another one of the moms and noticed she was sporting braces. Just today, I *finally* managed to stop her. She went to the ortho I've chosen! She was very approachable about it and she gushed about the practice. Her story was much the same ... 4 extractions, 2 yrs in braces, now in retainers 24/7 for one year, then expecting to drop back to nights only. How reassuring!

I've got a consult scheduled for my extractions tomorrow! Yikes!

Looks like the long pole in the tent is my dentist's schedule to get that cleaning. The soonest I could move my appt to is 3/1! That probably means extractions about 3/8, separators around 3/15, and banding around 3/22. I know it's not that far off, but I'm getting anxious to get on with it!!

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Consult with Oral Surgeon

#9 Post by lynnm »

Had my consult with the oral surgeon today. Their parking lot stinks, but I was having good parking karma and pulled right in with minutes to spare. I didn't need to worry though ... they had me wait FORTY-FIVE minutes! Aargh! For a 20 minute consult! I considered leaving and going to one of the other gazillion oral surgeons in the area. Since I don't need a long-term relationship with the doctor, just one appointment, I decided to stay. I didn't love the front desk lady. The assistant was fine. I like the doctor the best of all. It seemed like all the other patients were 70 year-old ladies. I felt out of place.

After the long wait and my general anxiety about the extractions - they measured my blood pressure at 30 points above what it normally is!

Anyway, the doc says she doesn't expect any complications given my teeth and where the nerve is in my lower jaw. She says dry sockets aren't that common with the premolars. Only risk sounds like some issue with the floor of the sinus cavity above the upper teeth since mine are close. Not too fun - I'm hoping it doesn't happen.

Extractions scheduled for 3/8 - got Mom and DH lined up too!

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#10 Post by lynnm »

So, I got my cleaning and extraction appointments scheduled. On Friday, I called the orthodontist to get my separator and banding appontments on the books. That's when I learned that the ortho doesn't work on Fridays! Shoot. Guess I'll do it Monday. Not a big deal, but I was looking forward to getting all the scheduling wrapped up.

I haven't been dwelling on the extractions much -- at least not while I'm awake! A couple of nights ago, I dreamed that the oral surgeon pulled the wrong teeth! Yikes! Next, the orthodontist was shaking his head saying, "Well, we'll do what we can ..." Ugh!

Yesterday, my jaw and facial muscles were pretty sore. Not get-me-some-advil-right-now sore, but I noticed it. I also have this weird sensation in my lower front teeth. I know the pain is my body's way of telling me something's wrong. I'm anxious to start treatment to start doing something about it!

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#11 Post by emily25 »

Hi lynn

goodluck for your extractions :thumbsup: , i had four extractions and if i can do it then anyone can lol, im a big chicken when it comes to dentists!

Its honestly not bad at all, congratz on deciding to get braced too. :wink:

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#12 Post by cowlypso »

Try not to worry about the extractions. They really aren't too bad. I was also a bit paranoid about the surgeon pulling the wrong teeth. When I went in, he had the paperwork from the ortho. But I had also asked the ortho which teeth we were pulling, and then I asked the surgeon to confirm with me which teeth we were pulling so I knew we were all on the same page. That's always a good idea, when you see a surgeon, to confirm that they know exactly what it is that they are doing to you, and it's the same thing that you expect them to do to you...

Other than being an unhappy camper the day of the extractions, and some prescription pain pills to sleep for the next few nights, it wasn't bad at all really. You can check out all my gory pictures on page 3 of my braces story (linked below) if you want more details about the experience.

Enjoy your last days of freedom, eat all those bad foods that you shouldn't eat later, and smile because you're doing something great for yourself! :D

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#13 Post by lynnm »

Alright! I've got my initial appointments scheduled. I'm booked for the 1st four Thursdays in March:

3/1 - cleaning
3/8 - extract 4 premolars
3/15 - separators
3/22 - braces

My cat went to the vet this week for his first ever dental visit. They called while he was under to let me know he needed an unexpected extraction. Which tooth? - you guessed it - a premolar! That sure hit home with me. He took it all in stride - no pain medication afterwards, no change in what he could eat, he wasn't even cranky. I doubt I'll be able to follow his example after mine come out. :wink:

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#14 Post by joney »

Hi Lynn

Just read your story and wanted to say good luck with your extractions on March 8. I remember when I was at this stage last November and just wanting to get on with things but time flies. I also remember pointing to the teeth that had to come out to make sure that the dentist took the right ones out so I think that all your concerns are normal.

Sorry to hear about your kitty but sounds like he is coping just fine. Isn't that a funny coincidence. You'll be fine too, it is much worse thinking about it beforehand.

2 Extractions 2nd November 2006
Brace On 10th November 2006
Top brace off 26 June 2008 (19 1/2 months)


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And the Journey Begins!

#15 Post by lynnm »

Well, I had my cleaning today. It was a routine cleaning, but I feel like it's the kick-off for getting braces as I've got somebody doing something to my teeth for the first four Thursdays in March.

The cleaning was rough. I've been going to the dentist every 4 months and the hygenist said I had the usual amount of plaque/tarter/whatever, but my gums sure bled more. Not sure why, but it doesn't have me excited about the extractions to be done next week. The good news is that I don't need fillings or any other dental work - so there's nothing to delay the braces.

KK's words about the miracle of salt water rinses came to me as I was rinsing the blood out of my mouth. I think she said to start a month in advance. Actually, I started this morning. Oh well, some has to be better than none, right? In my morning stupor, I mixed up the saltwater and water glasses and ended up taking my vitamin with saltwater! Yuck!

Next step is extractions .. next Thursday. I'm not sure what the right word is to convey how I'm feeling about it ... dread? Call me a wimp, but I'm planning to be put under. On the plus side, this time next week, I'll be recovering and all the anticipation/anxiety will be behind me!!! Yea!

Well, I'm off to research the forum for everyone's advice on prepping and recovering from extractions. Thanks to all who have "been there and done that"!

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