Assymmetrical bottom & top arches

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Assymmetrical bottom & top arches

#1 Post by mp921 »

Someone else posted a photo of their assymmetrical bottom arch and that's exactly what my left side looks like. Except that now my top arch on the same side is doing the same thing.

Bottom arch: it appears the teeth are higher on the left side
Top arch: it appears the teeth are lower on the left side

I looked back at my pre-surgery pictures, and even my post-op pictures and my arches were symmetrical. I didn't notice this until my orthodontist took over at 5 weeks post-op. He changed my top and bottom wires, began "torquing" (sp) the back bottom left molar because he accidentally overcorrected it right before surgery and it crashed over from being stepped in too much, and started a box elastic on the left side from the upper 3-4 to bottom 3-4.

I'll add a photo when I get home from work, but can anyone (even the wonderful orthodontics on this board :wink: ) offer any insight into what might be going on here?

Thanks!! :P
Braced 2nd Time: May 2008
Lower Jaw Advancement Surgery (BSSO): August 2009
One Miniplate & Four Screws Removed: October 2009

Posts: 211
Joined: Sat Aug 29, 2009 3:04 pm

#2 Post by mp921 »

Here are the photos. The first one is from the night before my mandibular osteotomy. Wow! What a difference between the before & after. And the funny thing is, it still feels like I should have an overbite due to now having to bite in the position I hated so much prior to surgery. :wink:

My question still remains...any idea why the left side of the post-op photo is lower than the right side? Can orthodontics alone correct this problem? Could this have been caused my improper jaw alignment during surgery? If I were to draw a line on the bottom arch wire, it would slant up towards the right side of the photo. And is there anything that can be done about one front tooth being angled out more than the other? Ortho says it's a tooth shape issue??

Here's before with the lovely overbite...

And here's 2 months post-op...
Braced 2nd Time: May 2008
Lower Jaw Advancement Surgery (BSSO): August 2009
One Miniplate & Four Screws Removed: October 2009

Posts: 211
Joined: Sat Aug 29, 2009 3:04 pm

#3 Post by mp921 »

Can anyone who knows a lot about orthodontics comment on my bite? 8) Surely someone has had something similar and can share their experience/results?
Braced 2nd Time: May 2008
Lower Jaw Advancement Surgery (BSSO): August 2009
One Miniplate & Four Screws Removed: October 2009

Posts: 45
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#4 Post by camdog »

I think a side view with the teeth exposed would give a better idea, lookin good from the front so far though!

Posts: 211
Joined: Sat Aug 29, 2009 3:04 pm

#5 Post by mp921 »

Duh! :lol: I guess that would help. I'll add those pics tonight.
Braced 2nd Time: May 2008
Lower Jaw Advancement Surgery (BSSO): August 2009
One Miniplate & Four Screws Removed: October 2009

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