I will have perfect smile when I am 31

If you want to share the detailed saga of your braces story, this is the place to do it. You can use this forum as a braces journal, editing and updating your posts as your treatment goes on. Remember to also visit the main ArchWired.com site for additional stories from other readers!

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I will have perfect smile when I am 31

#1 Post by smileawhile »

Hi I am a 29 year old female and am about to get my braces started. I have spacers right now and I read they are the worse. Well they bug me a lot because they sort of itch or something. I keep chewing gum and putting pressure. They only bug me where my molars are pretty crooked.

So finally I am ready for the braces. I always have had crooked teeth. Although I havent been completely traumatized by it I dont smile as much and am a little self conscious when talking to a guy I think is cute. I also end up doing some tight lip smile in pictures that are up close. In far away pix I can smile more because u cant tell as much. I am not too traumatized about the brace face look but I guess I will know when I have to face the world with them on. I am excited because i read that your teeth get straight pretty fast so that will be good.

Anyways today is friday and on monday I am getting 4 teeth pulled and then the braces. I started this about a year ago by getting my teeth cleaned and a couple of cavities fixed. They also did a root canal on a molar. Not fun. Then almost a year later I had all four wisdom teeth pulled. I was waiting for my insurance to pay for the wisdom teeth that's why it took so long. Three where impacted so that was no fun. I just had nitrous oxide and it wasnt as bad as I read. I healed really well eventhough I had stitches it was no problem. Anyways I wouldnt do it again just for fun but it wasnt horrible. :D I am actually kind of excited about monday.

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#2 Post by Lingualita »

Hi smileawhile!

Congrats on taking the plunge, and welcome to archwired. For me, and I believe for many others, this website has been a great support throughout the braces-process. I've been braced for almost a year, and even though I was sooooo worried before-hand, it's been a lot easier than I thought.

I had to extract 4 teeth as well. I extracted them all at once. It wasn't painful at all, but it was uncomfortable. Be aware that the first few days after your extractions will be uncomfortable. I wasn't able to eat almost anything within the first couple of days, even yoghurt hurted. I'm not trying to scare you, my point is that within a week you'll experince major changes, and not be frightened even though the first couple of days are hard. I went from feeling drinking water was painful, to actually having pizza within a week or so. Good luck! And I hope you'll get the results you're looking for. keep us posted :D

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#3 Post by catfish »

Hi smileawhile, welcome to AW! You are at the begining of an amazing journey, and I'm glad you've decided to share it with us. You're smart to chew and work the teeth with spacers, that really does help relieve the pain. Maybe not while you're chewing, but afterwards it's a lot better!

I had one of my lower incisors extracted, and I've been amazed as I've watched the gap slowly disappear. Extracting teeth and closing the gap seems to me to be one of the miracles of orthodontia!

Good luck and I hope you will keep us up to date on your progress!
Click on WWW to see my braces story.

August 16, 2007 - Braced on top
January 3, 2008 - Braced on bottom



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got my braces

#4 Post by smileawhile »

Well I got my braces on monday and today is thursday. Its also my first day back at work. Its true people do try to tell you their stories and about their wife or kid that had them.

Nobody's pointed and laughed hysterically and a couple of people told me you cant even tell.

The second day wasnt painfull. My teeth were a little sore but not too bad. I havent been able to eat very well because they pulled 2 teeth on top and 2 on bottom and they are right next to my molars so they dont allow me to chew gracefully. Plus I hate getting food all over the braces. I will never eat again!!! Ok maybe I will but for now it kinda grosses me out.

The third day is when I woke up with the sores. Ouch. I wonder if you can use mouthwash. I was told I wasnt allowed to floss yet untill my teeth are good enough. #): I got some sores in my mouth but not as bad as some tell me. I havent been using the wax because I want to just get my mouth calloused up or whatever happens so it doesnt hurt.

My dentist is kinda rough and rude. They didnt do all those sweet things were they walk you through it and explain and give you options. I wanted the ceramics on top but they just looked at me like I was retarted when I asked for options.
They said the rubberbands were better in silver to match the braces and that white would stain real quickly if i ate spaguetti or something.
Anyways I cant wait till a month or so has passed by so I can get used to them.

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#5 Post by evilnel »

Using wax actually helps you get scar tissue faster, in my experience. Once your mouth is sore and ripped up, use the wax so the flesh will be able to heal, and then you'll probably get more sores, put more wax on, get more scar tissue, etc. Not using it is just torture! I tried to avoid it so my cheeks would toughen up, but they can't toughen up if you constantly have open wounds! Definitely be liberal with the wax.

Sounds like everything is going pretty well for you. Good luck! (It gets easier from here.)

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#6 Post by Kinda Nervous »

When I first got my braces I used so much wax on everything for the first couple of weeks. Now I only use it on a small gap , that my ortho says he doesn't even see, but I know is there. My bite changes every few
days , not sure if it surpose to do that, but it does. Here's to hoping the time passes quickly.....

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getting better

#7 Post by smileawhile »

Thank you all for your kind words. This site so far has been wonderful in helping a person have the confidence to get through each day with braces. :-#)
This is my 5th day with braces and so far I can it imagine it can only get better. Sure is a commitment 2 years. I have a hard time commiting to a phone contract much less something stuck on you teeth. But I believe its a great time and money investment.
Someone told me at work that they thought I was beautiful and they cant imagine how much more beautiful I ll be with my new straight teeth. That was so sweet. So far everyone has been really good about it. A lot of people didnt know I had crowded teeth and asked why I needed braces. Funny just when you thing people can see your big flaw turns out they hadnt even noticed. But this is for me and not everyone else's benefit.
My lips are fitting over my mouth better today. I dont feel like I have buck teeth sticking out which is the only way I can describe the feeling. I almost think my overbite it getting better.
Anyways some people cant understand me when I talk. I just had a small episode at work. :roll:
Will that ever get any better or will I always sound like I have a speech impediment?

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its been 10 days

#8 Post by smileawhile »

Well I am actually getting used to the braces. I dont have any sores anymore. I ve lost a few pounds so thats always good.

Today one of the doctors I work with asked me why I have braces now if most people get them at 13. It was probably the rudest comment I ve heard so far. I said that when I was 13 we were dirt poor. He seemed to accept that.

Anyways last nite I met up with some friends for dinner and my meal came with broccoli. After I got home I realized I had a piece of it stuck right between my two from teeth the whole time. How embarrasing.

Doc sais my teeth are moving right along and on monday he's doing some sort of adjustment. Cant wait.

I have some snowboarding planned next month so I just hope I dont fall face first. Sounds painful.

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its been about 2 week

#9 Post by smileawhile »

ok I am really getting used to them. Once in a while I ll have a moment of doubt but for the most part I am surviving.
Did I tell you I have metal braces. mmhhmm
Well my dentist didtn give me an option and this was before I knew I had options. I dont think he does them any differently only the metal ones.
Do you research people if you care about aesthetics.
Well I am not as bummed because I have read that metal braces work better. Quicker or something.
I got an adjustment on monday. Today is Wednesday. I was a little bit sore and had a sort loose tooth it felt like.
Today it doesnt feel loose.
My teeth look a lot like Tomm's. With the two teeth hiding behind on top.
He is trying to pull those out and instead of tying the archwire to the brackets with nylon he switched it to metal ties. ( I guess cant reach all the way to the brackets)
I could feel the pull.
I can eat now. Although I am getting used to cutting stuff up and putting it in my mouth. I guess over all its good for your health and weight.
The dentist sais they dont know yet how long I ll have them. I am hoping for 18 months. No more than 24.
I like to travel and have a long term plan of moving south of the border somewhere again. (used to live in S. America) I would like to complete my braces before I leave. Although there are good dentist in many latin countries.
Anyways I havent heard from anyone in a while.

At least say Hiiiii :-1-

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#10 Post by ILovePink »

It's good that you are getting used to your braces. I'm getting braces in just 12 days, and I've been waiting for them for 4 years! Yup, 4 years! Haha, you might think me weird, especially since they are going to hurt, but I want straight teeth!

I also don't have the option to get whatever braces I want. I'm stuck with metal too. meh..well, is it really bad?

What do you mean, "He is trying to pull those out and instead of tying the archwire to the brackets with nylon he switched it to metal ties."? That part confused me...hm..

oh, and Hiiiii :lol:

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#11 Post by Laney'sBraces »

Smileawhile: I was braced at 29, turned 30 last September, and with an estimated treatment time of 20 months, that puts my debracing at 31, like you.
I am halfway through my estimate, so that's good...
I cut up everything I ate for so many months, I even cut up my bagels! Now I really eat whatever, the same as if I weren't braced. So the food part really does improve enormously as you go forward. And I haven't broken a bracket yet...
The downside is I've gained back any weight I initially lost :)
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#12 Post by Laney'sBraces »

oh and p.s. I got the same comment at work when my braces were but days old: "Aren't you supposed to have those when you're like, 14?" whatever buddy
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19 days and counting.

#13 Post by smileawhile »

Thanks Ken, Ilove pink and Laney's braces
Things have definately gotten easier now. I dont feel like such a freak in the room. On monday it will be 3 weeks. wooohoo
I am deeply pondering upon o ring colors. hmmm Im not sure if I m confident enough to derail from the gray.
I am thinking when my teeth start looking straight it will be cuter to have pink and purple and blue...
I am thinking Ill go out for pizza tonight. Now that I can eat more gracefully. Between the wisdom teeth, the other extractions and the new braces food hasnt been the highlight of my life.
But tonight....I am going all out.
So Ken you ve had yours over 3 years? I would like to read your story. Can you send your URL please.

PS my computer has been malfunctioning so I havent done any pictures because they wont download. ):

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