A Bite Block is an appliance (fixed or removable) that prevents the upper and lower teeth from touching — or to encourage them to touch in a different way. It literally blocks some aspect of your bite. It can be as simple as Bite Turbos or as complex as a Twin Block device. There are many reasons why your Orthodontist might prescribe this type of device. One example is that your Orthodontist wants to prevent your upper teeth from breaking off your lower braces brackets. In another example, a child with a Class II malocclusion might need to get into the habit of moving their lower jaw into a more forward position. In a case like that, a Twin Block Appliance (which has Bite Blocks on the top and bottom) accomplishes this task. As shown in the above illustration, the top blue block can only fit behind the bottom green block, encouraging the patient to move their lower jaw more forward.
By Lynn Schneider; Editor, ArchWired.com