If you think the desire for straight teeth is a trapping of modern society, think again! Extreme Makeovers may be new, but "braces" date as far back as ancient man! Early History Even ancient people wanted straight teeth!
A Brief History of
Getting Teeth Extracted for Braces
One very common question on our Metal Mouth Forum involves extraction. Often, adults may need teeth extracted to make room so their other teeth can move into their proper positions. It's so easy for someone else to tell you
12 Things You Should Know
Before Getting Dental Braces
Dental braces have changed in recent years. There are many misconceptions about types of braces and how to find a dentist to treat you. This article explains all the basic things that you should know before you commit to
Dental Braces 101 – Part 1: Before Getting Braces
Before you spend the time and money to straighten your teeth, here are some things you should know. Before Braces Many dentists do braces for patients, but often they do not have enough training in tooth movement to
Dental Braces 101 – Part 2: X-rays & Impressions
OK, you took the plunge and decided to get braces. What's next? X-Rays and Molds You usually need to get panoramic x-rays of your mouth, plus a full set of x-rays of individual teeth. Photographs of your face, teeth,
Braces vs. Clear Aligners:
Which is Right for You?
by John Graham, DDS, MD The ease, convenience and aesthetics of clear aligner systems, like Invisalign and others, make them attractive options for patients—especially adults—who are looking to improve their smile but
What Is The Best Age To Begin Orthodontic Treatment?
By Dustin Burleson, DDS Orthodontics is the specialty of dentistry devoted to building beautiful smiles by bringing teeth, lips, and jaws into proper alignment. Straight teeth function better, are easier to clean, and are
Preventing TMJ and Jaw Problems in Kids
by Janet H. Stoess-Allen, DMD Many children, starting at the age of seven, visit an orthodontist with expectations of achieving a beautiful smile. Recent orthodontic studies indicate that improper occlusal equilibrium at a
Using the Damon Bracket System
in Orthodontic Treatment
by Todd K. Rowe, DMD The popularity of ArchWired.com attests to the growing interest among adults to learn about and compare the latest orthodontic treatment options to straighten teeth, correct bites or both. One