We asked ArchWired.com readers who have had Wilckodontics surgery to tell us about their experiences. This is what they said: Dea Ann, age 56, of Arkansas Dea Ann had her AOO/Wilckodontics procedure done in September 2004.
Patients’ Experience with
What It’s Like To Wear
Headgear As An Adult
The following is an excerpt from the site formerly known as M's MouthWear Forum, Sun, Aug 2, 1998. It may be a bit old, but the advice still holds up for today! Headgear in Public For the record, I am a 31-year-old male,
Osteoporosis Drugs
and Orthodontics
If you have osteoporosis or have received cancer treatment, your bone-strengthening medication may put you at risk for a serious dental complications. This is especially true if you need tooth extractions, implants, or other