Sunday, December 1 What a busy month November was! I can't believe that it is actually the last month of the year. And, one year since I first seriously considered getting braces! At the end of this month, I will post a new
Feb & Mar 2003 – Lynn’s Dental Braces Journal
February 1 Last week I encountered my first real inconvenience from the elastics. I was at Costco, which is a huge warehouse wholesale store. Every day, they provide food samples for you to taste. Sometimes, there are a
April & May 2003 – Lynn’s Dental Braces Journal
Tuesday, April 1 I had thought about writing a humorous fake "braces horror" story for today (April 1st, April Fool's Day), but Hubby didn't think that you guys would find it amusing. Well, maybe he's right. In any event,
June & July 2003 – Lynn’s Dental Braces Journal
Sunday June 1 I had an adjustment last week and boy have I been feeling it! A few of my teeth are slightly rotated, and Dr. Vogt wanted to correct them. After the usual routine of removing the old power chains and then the
Aug & Sept. 2003 – Lynn’s Dental Braces Journal
Friday, August 1 Things have been pretty quiet regarding my braces. No poking wires, no brackets popping off. I had an adjustment recently and Dr. Vogt put the power chains back onto the molars. He agreed that my lower gaps
Oct & Nov 2003 – Lynn’s Dental Braces Journal
Wednesday, October 1 As you can see from my most recent photo in the Photos of my Braces page, those stubborn lower gaps are FINALLY closing. Dr. Vogt had taken the power chains off of them for a while, and I guess that
Dec. 2003 & Jan 2004 – Lynn’s Dental Braces Journal
Monday, December 1 I have delayed my next adjustment by one week because of an overnight school field trip I'm doing with my older daughter. We must dress up like pioneers and live in an historic fort for two days, doing all
Feb & March 2004 – Lynn’s Dental Braces Journal
Saturday, February 1 The bottom extraction gaps are closing! Really truly closing! I know I said they were closing a few months ago, but it turns out that the teeth were tilting inward, creating the illusion of a closed gap.
April & May 2004 – Lynn’s Dental Braces Journal
Thursday, April 1 I am happy to report that the gaps are GONE. Closed! Finished! Kaput! History! Three cheers for arch wire loops and power chains! I had an appointment with Dr. Vogt recently. He's looking in my mouth. OK