Tuesday, June 1 Well, I was hoping that this would be the month that my braces would be removed, but as I mentioned in my last entry from mid-May, it seems that I still have a few more months. I've been wearing the
Aug & Sept 2004 – Lynn’s Dental Braces Journal
Thursday, August 12 Costa Rica was a really neat place, but it was a bit difficult going there with our kids. This was their first "third world" experience and sometimes they were NOT happy. For instance, kids being kids,
Oct & Nov 2004 – Lynn’s Dental Braces Journal
Friday, October 1 I hope many of you have fun with the Braces Song Parody contest! I had planned to give you a bit more time to compose your entries, but fate has intervened, as I will explain in the next paragraph. For a
Dec 2004 & Jan 2005 – Lynn’s Dental Braces Journal
Wednesday, December 1 I still can't believe that these braces are coming off my teeth in 19 days! Although they have been annoying at times, in almost three years they have become a strange fixture in my life. I will NOT
Feb & Mar 2005
Lynn’s Dental Braces Journal
Tuesday, February 1 Dammit, it seems that some small gaps are opening up among several top teeth. Fortunately, you can't really see them. But I notice them when I floss and when I look closely. I have an appointment with Dr.
April & May 2005
Of Braces & Home Improvement
Friday, April 1 This week was Spring Break, but we didn't go anywhere. We're still recovering from spending those two weeks in Europe/the UK at the end of February! Mainly my kids and I stayed home and hung out, went to the
June & July 2005 – Lynn’s Dental Braces Journal
Wednesday, June 1 The AAO (American Association of Orthodontists) annual trade show and convention was a blast! This four-day show (the 105th convention, believe it or not) was huge, filling up an enormous exhibit hall
Aug to Oct 2005 – Lynn’s Dental Braces Journal
Wednesday, August 8 Sorry in the delay of updating the site this month. As you may know, I had been suffering with back problems for the past two months and haven't been able to sit at the computer very much. In fact, I
Nov & Dec 2005 – Lynn’s Dental Braces Journal
Tuesday, November 2 I want to start off by telling you about a cool new web gadget called Frappr. It's an interactive worldwide map that lets you "add yourself" to show people where you are (by city and state, or country