by ArchWired readers Macy in New Hampshire and Stacy in Ohio The TPA (Trans-Palatal Arch) is a thin wire that goes across the roof of the mouth from first molar to first molar. Most people get a TPA to maintain arch
About the TPA
My Experience with Invisalign
by Terri, reader I'm in my late 40's with three teenage boys (two are still in braces, one has finished). My dentist has advised that I get braces for several years. Although my teeth don't look out of
My Experience With Speed Braces
by Michael in Brantford, Ont. Canada; ArchWired Reader I'm 30 years old, and three different dentists over the last seven years have told me that I must do something about my teeth. You see, my lower front teeth are so
Husband and Wife:
Braced Together!
by Chris from the Midwest, ArchWired Reader "This will be worth it in the end" has become my mantra these last 10 months. I say it or at least think, probably a couple times in a typical day. What’s "it"? you ask. Well,
A Braces Story from Down Under
by Mark in Melbourne, Australia; ArchWired Reader I can remember way back, when I was primary school about 11 or 12 at the most, there was a dental nurse that came to visit our school twice a year. If you needed fillings
Mother of 4 in Braces:
My Experience
by Lisa in Illinois; ArchWired Reader "I'm a 35 year old women with 4 kids....2 are currently in braces. I decided to finally get them put on about a month ago. I went to the dentist seeking the instant gratification of
Why I Got Braces at Age 50
by Helen in California; ArchWired Reader I am a speech-language pathologist working in elementary school. I had been thinking of getting braces for a number of years but could never quite bring myself to the point of
Patients’ Experience with
Wilckodontics Surgery
We asked readers who have had Wilckodontics surgery to tell us about their experiences. This is what they said: Dea Ann, age 56, of Arkansas Dea Ann had her AOO/Wilckodontics procedure done in September 2004.
Braces and Snorkeling or Scuba Diving
by Kevin DuPre, ArchWired reader Recently I went on a Caribbean cruise vacation, but not before getting braces. My braces were on for about 3 weeks before we traveled, and having taken my snorkeling gear to Hawaii last