By Dustin Burleson, DDS Years ago, patients and clinicians alike thought you could straighten your teeth and they would stay straight forever. Research has now shown that the only way to guarantee straight teeth for life
Retainer Tips from a Tech
by Maggie Harris; Owner, Harris Orthodontic Lab It's finally time for your braces to come off. Your teeth are straight and beautiful at last, but you're not finished yet! Impressions will be taken for study models and
Dental Braces 101 – Part 6: Wearing Retainers
After the Braces Come Off - Retainers! It has been months or years, and now your teeth look beautiful and are free! Or are they? How Do They Take Braces Off Your Teeth? Taking off your braces is easier and faster than
Tooth Whitening After Dental Braces
What's the first thing people want to do when their braces come off? According to an ArchWired Reader poll, they want to get their teeth whitened! After all, you've put up with several years of braces, and now you want that
How To Properly Clean Your Retainers or Aligner Trays
Cleaning your retainer -- it should be simple, but so many people get it wrong. Many dentists and orthodontists don't even know how to properly clean a retainer at home (they can use a medical autoclave or ultrasonic machine