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Dental Braces 101 – Introduction


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So, you’re an adult who is getting, or has recently gotten, braces. Welcome to the club! Lots of adults are taking the plunge these days for straighter teeth and improved bites. Braces 101 is a series of pages containing tips to help you survive the experience. Some of the information on these pages is from my own personal experience, and some is gathered from various dental sources on the Web. Remember, when in doubt, ask you own dentist or orthodontist.

If you have tips or questions you’d like to share with other adults (no fetish posts, please), you can add them to the Metal Mouth Message Board.

Part 1: Thinking About Braces – Questions To Ask

Part 2: Preliminary Steps

Part 3: When The Braces Go On

Part 4: Living With Dental Braces

Part 5: Braces’ Impact On Your Self Esteem

Part 6: After The Braces Come Off: Retainers!

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