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    New Members: YOU MUST MAKE A POST WITHIN 24 HOURS OF REGISTERING OR YOUR ACCOUNT WILL BE DELETED. ACCOUNTS WITH ZERO POSTS WILL BE DELETED. In other words, don't sign up unless you plan to actively participate in the message board immediately.

    TRIED TO REGISTER AND GOT A MESSAGE SAYING YOU WERE BANNED? It's because you are in a country that is known for excessive spamming. Several countries have been banned, including the Philippines, India, Pakistan, most areas of Africa, Malaysia, Indonesia, Russia, Ukraine, Vietnam, and a few others. Please understand this usually has nothing to do with you as an individual; it has to do with excessive spamming coming from the country that you are in. If you are (or want to be) a legitimate member of this message board and find yourself locked out, please contact the admin at: webmaster (at) archwired (dot) com and we will investigate freeing up your account.

    ACCOUNTS SOMETIMES GET DE-ACTIVATED when you change your password. If your account gets de-activated, send an email to the administrator: webmaster (at) archwired (dot) com. Include your username. The admin can reset your password and/or re-activate your account.

    DO NOT POST FULL-FACE PHOTOS or personal contact information on this message board. We have had problems with people re-posting members' photos on fetish websites. Please only post photos of your teeth, not your whole face. Keep your email and your personal information private. If you add a website to your profile that contains a photo of your face or your real name, we will delete the website from your profile.

    FETISH PMs, EMAILs and IMs WILL NOT BE TOLERATED ON THIS BOARD. Members will report you and you will be banned. Lifting photos or URLs to photos from this website's members for fetish or pornographic purposes is against copyright and is reason for immediate ban.

    JOURNALISTS:Contact the site admin at: webmaster (at) archwired (dot) com before soliciting here.

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    Moderator: bbsadmin
    18 Topics
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    Last post Re: ** NEW MEMBERS DO NOT HAV…
    by bbsadmin View the latest post
  • Board Bug Reports, etc.
    This forum is only for questions or comments about the message board itself. Got a question about this Board, a comment, or something else you want to relate to the site administrator? This is the place to do it. If there's a bug in the board, let us know about it here!

    Message Board Status:

    The message board is functioning normally.

    Please remember, you must make a post after registering.

    If you have trouble logging in, please close the message board and totally clear your browser cache of EVERYTHING, including cookies.

    Accounts sometimes get de-activated when you change your password. If your account gets de-activated, send an email to the administrator: webmaster (at) archwired (dot) com. Include your username. The admin can reset your password and/or re-activate your account.[/color]
    Moderator: bbsadmin
    8 Topics
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    Last post Weird "Blocked Blacklisted IP…
    by bbsadmin View the latest post
  • How Do I...?
    This part of the message board is only for technical stuff related to posting messages and using the message board. DO NOT POST YOUR BRACES-RELATED QUESTIONS HERE OR THEY WILL BE DELETED.
    Moderator: bbsadmin
    55 Topics
    161 Posts
    Last post Re: How To Make A Post
    by bbsadmin View the latest post
  • Articles About Braces -- for Newbies and Others
    This is a "read only" reference on many popular topics relating to braces. This forum contains links to various articles on the main site. The topics include:

    * Braces 101 Primer
    * What Type of Braces Should I Get?
    * Can I Change My Own Ligatures?
    * Braces and Romance
    * Coping with Canker Sores
    * Power Chains and Spacers
    * Retainer Care

    ...and more.
    Moderator: bbsadmin
    3 Topics
    3 Posts
    Last post Life After Braces
    by bbsadmin View the latest post
  • The Bracket Club
    Introduce yourself, say a few words, show us your website, etc. Include detailed personal information at your own risk. This board takes no responsibility for contact that results from you posting your personal information. Fetish postings, and detailed information regarding readers under age 18 will be removed promptly.
    Moderator: bbsadmin
    2937 Topics
    19166 Posts
    Last post Considering Round 2? Open & E…
    by js6js6 View the latest post
  • Our Braces Stories
    If you want to share the detailed saga of your braces story, this is the place to do it. You can use this forum as a braces journal, editing and updating your posts as your treatment goes on. Remember to also visit the main site for additional stories from other readers!

    ATTENTION NEW MEMBERS: Do not post full-face photos or personal contact information on this website. We have had problems with people re-posting members' photos on fetish websites. Please only post photos of your teeth, not your whole face. Keep your email and your personal information private. Thank you.
    Moderator: bbsadmin
    2909 Topics
    68566 Posts
    Last post Re: I started my braces adven…
    by Dunnyet View the latest post
  • Links to Braces Blogs and Diaries
    Did you start your own braces diary at another website or blog? Tell everyone about it here, and make a link to its web address.
    Moderator: bbsadmin
    277 Topics
    1068 Posts
    Last post Re: Life with braces? Challen…
    by ooto View the latest post


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