Search found 2 matches
- Mon Oct 12, 2009 8:44 am
- Forum: Metal Mouth Forum
- Topic: Inman aligners
- Replies: 2672
- Views: 764994
Well I've had my IA for two weeks today. My dentist told me not to expect anything in the first fortnight but I was SURE my teeth had moved.... and they have! Apart from feeling it with my tongue and seeing it in the mirror, the photos he took today show a significant difference already. So I'm well...
- Mon Sep 28, 2009 1:01 pm
- Forum: Metal Mouth Forum
- Topic: Inman aligners
- Replies: 2672
- Views: 764994
Hi everyone, Great to find this forum, even if I've only discovered it today after getting my IA! My teeth were all over the place as a kid and I wore a removable brace for 4 years. After all that time I never got a retainer (!) and over the last 15 years my front teeth have started regressing back ...