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by smileawhile
Fri Mar 12, 2010 7:18 am
Forum: Our Braces Stories
Topic: Lewicks brace story
Replies: 50
Views: 21086


Hey good job. You know I noticed the most change after about a month. I now feel more comfortable. Not self conscious at all any more. Its all down hill from here. :thumbsup:
by smileawhile
Fri Feb 26, 2010 10:43 am
Forum: Our Braces Stories
Topic: I will have perfect smile when I am 31
Replies: 12
Views: 4249

19 days and counting.

Thanks Ken, Ilove pink and Laney's braces Things have definately gotten easier now. I dont feel like such a freak in the room. On monday it will be 3 weeks. wooohoo I am deeply pondering upon o ring colors. hmmm Im not sure if I m confident enough to derail from the gray. I am thinking when my teeth...
by smileawhile
Wed Feb 24, 2010 3:03 pm
Forum: Our Braces Stories
Topic: brace - day 1
Replies: 20
Views: 5674

Did you find your dog?......0h wait. (;
Dont be sad doll just 6 more months. Nothing compared to the 2 years you ve gone through.
Tell me did u used your water pik a lot? Got any pictures of your progress? How was the journey so far?
Just 6 more months hurray :lol:
by smileawhile
Wed Feb 24, 2010 2:33 pm
Forum: Our Braces Stories
Topic: Lewicks brace story
Replies: 50
Views: 21086

hey good job.
Cute pinkness. Keep us posted.
Eating gets easier. Sadly (; I was enjoying the weight reduction. Jk :pinkbraces:
by smileawhile
Wed Feb 24, 2010 2:20 pm
Forum: Our Braces Stories
Topic: Scared Little School Girl
Replies: 297
Views: 107608

Dont be scared they are not as bad as they seem in our imaginations. I am an adult 29 F and just got my metal mouth 2 weeks ago. I have the metal ones. woohoo. In reality nobody cares that much and everyone is familiar with the braces look. The first week is weird but then its all downhill from ther...
by smileawhile
Wed Feb 24, 2010 2:14 pm
Forum: Our Braces Stories
Topic: D Day approaching
Replies: 62
Views: 14336

Here s my story.
Keep us posted.
Eat lots of ice cream. Now is your excuse when u get the braces.
Lots of TV and give a big huge cheesy smile to everyone you see.
by smileawhile
Wed Feb 24, 2010 10:26 am
Forum: Our Braces Stories
Topic: D Day approaching
Replies: 62
Views: 14336

Hi Welcome. Guess what I am 29 and have full metal braces. They are not as bad and you ll get used to them quick. Most people dont know or care that there are different types. Ceramic, metal... So you wont hear comments on them. I am happy to have metal braces because from what I ve read they work b...
by smileawhile
Wed Feb 24, 2010 10:06 am
Forum: Our Braces Stories
Topic: I will have perfect smile when I am 31
Replies: 12
Views: 4249

its been about 2 week

ok I am really getting used to them. Once in a while I ll have a moment of doubt but for the most part I am surviving. Did I tell you I have metal braces. mmhhmm Well my dentist didtn give me an option and this was before I knew I had options. I dont think he does them any differently only the metal...
by smileawhile
Thu Feb 18, 2010 2:20 pm
Forum: Our Braces Stories
Topic: I will have perfect smile when I am 31
Replies: 12
Views: 4249

its been 10 days

Well I am actually getting used to the braces. I dont have any sores anymore. I ve lost a few pounds so thats always good. Today one of the doctors I work with asked me why I have braces now if most people get them at 13. It was probably the rudest comment I ve heard so far. I said that when I was 1...
by smileawhile
Fri Feb 12, 2010 7:51 am
Forum: Our Braces Stories
Topic: I will have perfect smile when I am 31
Replies: 12
Views: 4249

getting better

Thank you all for your kind words. This site so far has been wonderful in helping a person have the confidence to get through each day with braces. :-#) This is my 5th day with braces and so far I can it imagine it can only get better. Sure is a commitment 2 years. I have a hard time commiting to a ...
by smileawhile
Thu Feb 11, 2010 9:08 am
Forum: Our Braces Stories
Topic: I will have perfect smile when I am 31
Replies: 12
Views: 4249

got my braces

Well I got my braces on monday and today is thursday. Its also my first day back at work. Its true people do try to tell you their stories and about their wife or kid that had them. Nobody's pointed and laughed hysterically and a couple of people told me you cant even tell. The second day wasnt pain...
by smileawhile
Fri Feb 05, 2010 3:59 pm
Forum: Our Braces Stories
Topic: I will have perfect smile when I am 31
Replies: 12
Views: 4249

I will have perfect smile when I am 31

Hi I am a 29 year old female and am about to get my braces started. I have spacers right now and I read they are the worse. Well they bug me a lot because they sort of itch or something. I keep chewing gum and putting pressure. They only bug me where my molars are pretty crooked. So finally I am rea...