Search found 2 matches
- Thu Jul 14, 2005 11:47 am
- Forum: Oral (Orthognathic) Surgery
- Topic: SARPE Surgery
- Replies: 1896
- Views: 643226
Hello, I had this surgery on June 3rd, I turned for 17 days and ended up with about an 11mm space between my front teeth. After the initial discomfort right after the surgery I thought that the surgery was much easier than I could have ever expected from hearing about it before hand. I think the mos...
- Thu Jul 14, 2005 11:37 am
- Forum: Our Braces Stories
- Topic: Decisionmade's (D.M's) story:summer '07 update
- Replies: 241
- Views: 102110
I wish I had seen this sooner, I just had SARPE June 3rd, if I had known how easy the whole process had been I would have looked into it years ago when my dentist brought it up. You will be in the hospital for one night with a little bit of pain, but as psyched out as I had myself for this it's real...