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by katemm06
Tue Jun 26, 2007 4:22 pm
Forum: Our Braces Stories
Topic: After 2 Surgeries Braces Are Now Off!!!
Replies: 53
Views: 23321

Thank you Miss Smiley. Best wishes with your braces too!

I posted the updated pics on my link below. Hope you like! :D
by katemm06
Tue Jun 26, 2007 12:58 pm
Forum: Our Braces Stories
Topic: After 2 Surgeries Braces Are Now Off!!!
Replies: 53
Views: 23321

I am soooo excited and happy :D :jump: My braces came off today!!!!!!! My orthodontist felt that I was as ready as I ever will be. The midline is slightly off but he said that it is something that only me and him will notice and he didn't feel that anything more could be done about it. I absolutely ...
by katemm06
Thu May 17, 2007 7:54 am
Forum: Our Braces Stories
Topic: After 2 Surgeries Braces Are Now Off!!!
Replies: 53
Views: 23321

Hey Kiwi, Actually the sore/blister is on the outside, right at the corner of my lip. Taking the elastic in and out is the problem b/c the plastic tool I use keeps rubbing against it. I wish I could just speed up the healing! The other side is fine. I guess Abreva is the only thing I can use at this...
by katemm06
Thu May 17, 2007 5:11 am
Forum: Our Braces Stories
Topic: After 2 Surgeries Braces Are Now Off!!!
Replies: 53
Views: 23321

So on Monday I had a ton of difficulty getting the elastic in on the one side of my mouth. I had to keep stretching really wide the corner of my mouth. Later that day it became irritated. Now it looks like I have a cold sore!!! It's all dry and cracked and it hurts. Can you get this just from stretc...
by katemm06
Wed May 16, 2007 12:58 pm
Forum: Our Braces Stories
Topic: After 2 Surgeries Braces Are Now Off!!!
Replies: 53
Views: 23321

I do understand your concern. The thing about my ortho is that he is a very capable doctor, a man of few words but extremely talented. He has worked with my os on numerous occasions and they both think highly of each other. My OS always makes these kinds of statements when I see him and then when my...
by katemm06
Tue May 15, 2007 5:28 pm
Forum: Our Braces Stories
Topic: After 2 Surgeries Braces Are Now Off!!!
Replies: 53
Views: 23321

Hey There, So sorry to respond back so late but thanks for all the positive comments and support :D . Things have been crazy busy for me! The latest update is that I went to the Ortho yesterday and I asked him for a time frame for when the braces could come off. I told him that it has become a tirin...
by katemm06
Mon Apr 09, 2007 5:22 pm
Forum: Our Braces Stories
Topic: After 2 Surgeries Braces Are Now Off!!!
Replies: 53
Views: 23321

Hi There, I know I haven't posted in a really long time so I thought I would give an update: Today is my three month anniversary since having the surgery. Things in my opinion have not gotten worse or better. I am still numb on my lower lip, chin, and lower teeth. I think I may be having a little mo...
by katemm06
Mon Feb 26, 2007 6:25 pm
Forum: Our Braces Stories
Topic: After 2 Surgeries Braces Are Now Off!!!
Replies: 53
Views: 23321

Hi Everyone, Nothing too major to report. My ortho last week told me that he wanted me to keep the elastics in my mouth for another four weeks. It will probaly be more like 5 weeks since I couldn't get an earlier appt. The position of the elastics did not need to be changed he said. He told me that ...
by katemm06
Mon Feb 26, 2007 6:05 pm
Forum: Oral (Orthognathic) Surgery
Topic: 5 days post op...and surviving
Replies: 5
Views: 1293

Hi Jadeli, Congratulations on making it to the other side and Happy 18th Birthday :thumbsup: :-)o I wish you all the best in your recovery. Before you know it you will be out there partying it up!! I drank a lot of milkshakes and smoothies in the days after my surgery. Sometimes I would blend pasta ...
by katemm06
Sun Feb 25, 2007 3:12 pm
Forum: Oral (Orthognathic) Surgery
Topic: A concern about permanent numbness after lower jaw surgery.
Replies: 18
Views: 37959

I agree with Brandy's comment that if someone has numbness for a longer period of time they most likely will get adjusted to it and not pay much attention to it. Seems like most people experience some kind of numbess after surgery but it doesn't seem to significantly impact the quality of peoples li...
by katemm06
Mon Feb 19, 2007 7:22 am
Forum: Oral (Orthognathic) Surgery
Topic: Sickness after surgery?
Replies: 10
Views: 2232

It depends on your own body's reaction to the anaesthesia. I had no nausea or vomiting for either procedure, guess I must have a strong stomach. The hospital staff can give you anti-nausea medicine if you become sick after the surgery. Unfortunately, all you can do is just wait and see how you feel ...
by katemm06
Sun Feb 18, 2007 6:32 pm
Forum: Oral (Orthognathic) Surgery
Topic: Jaw Surgery
Replies: 27
Views: 5198

Meryaten, I agree completely with you that not everyone has complications from surgery (thank God!) You are the prime example of someone who had no surgery complications. I am sorry though that you experienced worse pain with the root canal :( JenNicole: I checked out your blog and I'm glad you are ...
by katemm06
Sun Feb 18, 2007 4:21 pm
Forum: Our Braces Stories
Topic: After 2 Surgeries Braces Are Now Off!!!
Replies: 53
Views: 23321

Thanks so much DM! That's funny that you saw a resemblance, who knows maybe we are even distant relatives :lol: I remember having extended family in New England although I haven't seen them since I was a kid. Guess you are probaly counting down your debracing now, huh??!! It's almost over for you!! ...
by katemm06
Sat Feb 17, 2007 2:34 pm
Forum: Oral (Orthognathic) Surgery
Topic: Jaw Surgery
Replies: 27
Views: 5198

Meryaten, The thrush definently led to intense pain for me especially with my throat. On top of that I had to deal with shooting pains all the way up the right side of my face into my ear which was from jaw muscles being stretched (a normal reaction to the surgery according to my OS). I didn't sleep...
by katemm06
Sat Feb 17, 2007 10:40 am
Forum: Oral (Orthognathic) Surgery
Topic: Coming close to the end!
Replies: 21
Views: 3736


I'm happy to hear that the root canal resolved your discomfort and your bite is back to normal. Pain is never a good thing!!