Search found 6 matches

by rda_79
Fri Dec 02, 2005 1:46 pm
Forum: Oral (Orthognathic) Surgery
Topic: SARPE Surgery
Replies: 1896
Views: 643291


hey thanks im going to try the wax today!! How big did your space get?
Did you have your braces on when you had the surgery? I do. So how long after surgery did they start to close in your gap?
by rda_79
Fri Dec 02, 2005 8:44 am
Forum: Oral (Orthognathic) Surgery
Topic: SARPE Surgery
Replies: 1896
Views: 643291

well it is almost 2 weeks since surgery!!! My gap is huge, i think living with the gap is the worst part of this whole thing. i feel like everyone stares at me. i think i have 5 more turns to go, and i think my spaces is at 4mm now. hope Tina your surgery went well i know you will do just fine!
by rda_79
Wed Nov 23, 2005 6:13 am
Forum: Oral (Orthognathic) Surgery
Topic: SARPE Surgery
Replies: 1896
Views: 643291

just had SARPE on monday

I just had my SARPE on Moday, it isnt as bad as i thought it would be at all. I was in the hosptial 1 night, and i havent had to much swelling but i havee been iceing tons, im not i to much pain either! the hasrdest part is the not blowing your nose, i feel i totally need to. how long do you sleep e...
by rda_79
Wed Aug 24, 2005 6:40 am
Forum: Oral (Orthognathic) Surgery
Topic: SARPE Surgery
Replies: 1896
Views: 643291

you guys make this all seem like it is going ot be ok, its giving me alot of encouragement!!! I just want to get the ball rolling, i have been in braces for a year now and im ready to go to the next step! so i tried to read through posts to answer some questions but they werent answered yet!!! do yo...
by rda_79
Tue Aug 23, 2005 4:02 pm
Forum: Archive: Ask the Doc
Topic: Hey DOC! SARPE question
Replies: 0
Views: 1146

Hey DOC! SARPE question

hey Doc!! Well i go for my oral surgeon consult in a week or so, im so nervous. so I thought i would find out what others have to say about the whole procedure! was the surgery done under general anesthetic or IV sedation?? were you in the office surgical suite or the hosptial? How long was the surg...
by rda_79
Tue Aug 23, 2005 3:09 pm
Forum: Oral (Orthognathic) Surgery
Topic: Questions about Sarpe Surgery
Replies: 2
Views: 2062

Questions about Sarpe Surgery

Well i go for my oral surgeon consult in a week or so, im so nervous. so I thought i would find out what others have to say about the whole procedure! was the surgery done under general anesthetic or IV sedation?? were you in the office surgical suite or the hosptial? How long was the surgery? How l...