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by smileohhh
Thu Dec 11, 2014 6:04 am
Forum: Our Braces Stories
Topic: Bad braces experience
Replies: 1
Views: 1074

Bad braces experience

Hello guys I am back, my teeth are getting worse, my crossbite is getting more servere, and my othodontist is claiming for having done a good job!! he is crazy, I am desperate. I have two canines hitting on each other and he is making me wear rubber bands from one canine to another, now my canine is...
by smileohhh
Sat Oct 25, 2014 9:03 am
Forum: Metal Mouth Forum
Topic: Worried about what is happening in my mouth
Replies: 1
Views: 736

Worried about what is happening in my mouth

I've already posted here like a month ago about it, I am desperate, my orthodontist chaused me a unilateral crossbite, when I complained about it and pointed it out, he said it may be due to the brackets on my canine (during almost 2 years I've had brackets on and off on my canines for 3 or 4 times,...
by smileohhh
Thu Sep 11, 2014 2:22 pm
Forum: Metal Mouth Forum
Topic: Orthodentist wants to take off but still not perfect teeth !
Replies: 21
Views: 3560

Re: Orthodentist wants to take off but still not perfect tee

Yes it is frustrating, he acts as if everything is perfect, he wanted to remove my braces last time, and that was before even seeing my teeth, he came in the room and told me : i scheduled you for debracing today, i was like what?? Really I am very disappointed, he is not honest, the contract says 1...
by smileohhh
Thu Sep 11, 2014 2:07 pm
Forum: Metal Mouth Forum
Topic: Is it normal to use power chain on few teeth only ?
Replies: 10
Views: 13256

Re: Is it normal to use power chain on few teeth only ?

I know ! I am not rushing, the ortho is rushing me to take them off and i don t understand why he would close a gape knowing that another one is going to be created, especially since it regards by front teeth
by smileohhh
Tue Sep 09, 2014 1:28 pm
Forum: Metal Mouth Forum
Topic: Is it normal to use power chain on few teeth only ?
Replies: 10
Views: 13256

Is it normal to use power chain on few teeth only ?

I have just noticed another issue with my braces and I VERY ANNOYED about it, I can't believe how my ortho is handling my case ! Braces has caused a little gape between my upper incisor and lateral incisor, when I mentioned it he have me a power chain of ....ONLY 4 CHAINS ! only from lateral left in...
by smileohhh
Tue Sep 09, 2014 8:23 am
Forum: Metal Mouth Forum
Topic: Orthodentist wants to take off but still not perfect teeth !
Replies: 21
Views: 3560

Re: Orthodentist wants to take off but still not perfect tee

[quote="smileohhh"][quote="sirwired"]That's a wicked crossbite, and your chin does look recessed, but without knowing the specifics on your skeletal structure, this might be be best that can be done with braces alone... was surgery offered as an option?[/quote] here you can see m...
by smileohhh
Tue Sep 09, 2014 8:20 am
Forum: Metal Mouth Forum
Topic: Orthodentist wants to take off but still not perfect teeth !
Replies: 21
Views: 3560

Re: Orthodentist wants to take off but still not perfect tee

[quote="sirwired"]That's a wicked crossbite, and your chin does look recessed, but without knowing the specifics on your skeletal structure, this might be be best that can be done with braces alone... was surgery offered as an option?[/quote] here you can see my teeth before braces [IMG]ht...
by smileohhh
Sun Sep 07, 2014 2:25 pm
Forum: Metal Mouth Forum
Topic: Orthodentist wants to take off but still not perfect teeth !
Replies: 21
Views: 3560

Re: Orthodentist wants to take off but still not perfect tee

He is an orthodontist Yes during the last appointment ( for me was a usual braces appointment, but he said he was thinking to remove them and he asked me if I was satisfied, hell no, I refused, I was soo angry!!) He never said that I had to have extraction or jaw surgery, before getting my braces on...
by smileohhh
Sun Sep 07, 2014 1:48 pm
Forum: Metal Mouth Forum
Topic: Orthodentist wants to take off but still not perfect teeth !
Replies: 21
Views: 3560

Re: Orthodentist wants to take off but still not perfect tee
Please tell me what you think,
I still feel that they are protruding and the lower canine is off, and the upper teeth should cover more of the lower ones !
by smileohhh
Sun Sep 07, 2014 1:40 pm
Forum: Metal Mouth Forum
Topic: Orthodentist wants to take off but still not perfect teeth !
Replies: 21
Views: 3560

Orthodentist wants to take off but still not perfect teeth !

Hello everyone, I am new to this board, I've been reading you before registering for years lol, Now I decided to take part too Well I am an adult female, I've been wearing braces for 20 months ( I was scheduled for 18/20months) for bi protrusion and shifted middle line, now my dentist keep rushing m...