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by Sadoozie
Sat Jun 17, 2017 6:15 am
Forum: Oral (Orthognathic) Surgery
Topic: Revision Surgery?
Replies: 4
Views: 1063

Re: Revision Surgery?

Well, since nobody could answer me I guess i might as well answer myself, that way anyone in the same situation in the future can have some support. I went through with the revision surgery 3 weeks after my first double jaw surgery. The surgeon's plan was to remove all the screws and plates and repl...
by Sadoozie
Sun May 28, 2017 5:16 am
Forum: Oral (Orthognathic) Surgery
Topic: Revision Surgery?
Replies: 4
Views: 1063

Re: Revision Surgery?

This was another surgeon at the same hospital. But im also going to contact my dentist tomorrow and get his opinion one what options i have. If its something that can be treated with the braces then maybe ill pass on another surgery.
by Sadoozie
Sat May 27, 2017 1:33 am
Forum: Oral (Orthognathic) Surgery
Topic: Revision Surgery?
Replies: 4
Views: 1063

Revision Surgery?

So i had my double jaw surgery almost two weeks ago, on May 17th. It was a Lefort 1 with a three part split (4 front teeth pulled down) and BSSO where they pulled the lower jaw 10mm forward. Already the next day after the surgery i could feel that my bottom jaw was hitting the split they put on the ...
by Sadoozie
Sat Mar 19, 2016 3:29 pm
Forum: Oral (Orthognathic) Surgery
Topic: SARPE Surgery
Replies: 1896
Views: 642379

Re: SARPE Surgery

Hi PSA! The numbness went away so gradually that i think it wasn't until a few months ago that it completely went away by my front teeth. Do you still have a thick steel wire across the roof of your mouth? I was told that they will remove it once we get closer to the next surgery. Speaking of the ne...
by Sadoozie
Mon Dec 21, 2015 3:46 am
Forum: Oral (Orthognathic) Surgery
Topic: SARPE Surgery
Replies: 1896
Views: 642379

Re: SARPE Surgery

Hope everyone is doing well. I am going to get molds done next month to see how far along my palate is fusing back together, so that they can start to consider when to schedule the next double jaw surgery. @PSA Jeg bliver helt jaloux over de har givet dig hvid brackets!! lol. Men jeg har vænnet mig ...
by Sadoozie
Tue Aug 11, 2015 3:28 am
Forum: Oral (Orthognathic) Surgery
Topic: SARPE Surgery
Replies: 1896
Views: 642379

Re: SARPE Surgery

Well done gaborousseau! Hope everyone is had a great summer and enjoyed some sunshine. @Goku, the ortho just said that it takes a long time for the bones to really heal and its best to keep it in. Initially i was told that the RPE will stay in for 4-6 months and i remember reading how people got it ...
by Sadoozie
Thu Jul 02, 2015 3:19 pm
Forum: Oral (Orthognathic) Surgery
Topic: SARPE Surgery
Replies: 1896
Views: 642379

Re: SARPE Surgery

So I wont be getting out of the RPE anytime soon, turns out that its going to stay put at least another month which will bring the time ive had it on up to about 5 months. Honestly i dont even notice it anymore, only if im eating steak and some bits gets stuck up there, otherwise its fine. Amazing h...
by Sadoozie
Mon Jun 29, 2015 2:58 pm
Forum: Oral (Orthognathic) Surgery
Topic: SARPE Surgery
Replies: 1896
Views: 642379

Re: SARPE Surgery

So did the TPA go in alright PSA? Hope your arch didnt close up too much but its not like anything is attached up there so im guessing it will be easy to expand again even if the gap closed..? I'm going to my ortho tomorrow and very anxious to hear whats going to happen next - when i can finally get...
by Sadoozie
Wed Jun 17, 2015 11:15 am
Forum: Oral (Orthognathic) Surgery
Topic: SARPE Surgery
Replies: 1896
Views: 642379

Re: SARPE Surgery

Hi Psa, great to share experiences with you! Mine are metal on the bottom as well and i was speaking of the top braces being white ceramic. My orthodontist is in downtown Copenhagen at Rosenborggade 3 and i receive treatment at Køge Hospital (even though i live in Copenhagen). I have been told that ...
by Sadoozie
Mon Jun 15, 2015 2:47 am
Forum: Oral (Orthognathic) Surgery
Topic: SARPE Surgery
Replies: 1896
Views: 642379

Re: SARPE Surgery

I'm good, just waiting for my next ortho appointment on the 30th to get a date for taking the RPE out and then getting top braces put in. My gap IS closing, right now its become too narrow to get my tongue through all the way. Regarding the upper braces, the procedure here in Denmark is paid through...
by Sadoozie
Tue Jun 09, 2015 12:26 am
Forum: Oral (Orthognathic) Surgery
Topic: SARPE Surgery
Replies: 1896
Views: 642379

Re: SARPE Surgery

Glad everyone is on the road to recovery. Am i the only one who hasn't been braced on my top jaw yet? This gap of mine is taking its pretty little time closing up and i dont think it will close much more until the braces come on.
by Sadoozie
Thu Jun 04, 2015 5:03 am
Forum: Our Braces Stories
Topic: SARPE and braces and jaw surgery oh my!
Replies: 48
Views: 20321

Re: SARPE and braces and jaw surgery oh my!

You must be super excited about the upcoming surgery!

Good luck and let us know how it went. :thumbsup:
by Sadoozie
Wed May 27, 2015 3:14 pm
Forum: Oral (Orthognathic) Surgery
Topic: SARPE Surgery
Replies: 1896
Views: 642379

Re: SARPE Surgery

^^Your swelling wont go away for at least a month, so dont worry just yet. @lalcharlie, sorry to hear that about your expander! I still have mine in and my two front teeth aren't closed up yet. Theres about 3-4mm gap between them still. The feeling has come back in my teeth, but its still a little u...
by Sadoozie
Sun Apr 12, 2015 2:55 pm
Forum: Oral (Orthognathic) Surgery
Topic: SARPE Surgery
Replies: 1896
Views: 642379

Re: SARPE Surgery

Now that everyone is done expanding, let the healing begin! Sorry about your ordeal with the RPE lalcharlie. Hopefully, by now your speech should be improved and easier. Its funny how the body adapts to all this extra material in the mouth, thinking back on the first day i had the expander on to tod...