Search found 26 matches

by Duffle
Fri May 19, 2006 3:59 am
Forum: The Naked Tooth (Retainers and Life After Braces)
Topic: And they're off!!
Replies: 1
Views: 1642

And they're off!!

And I'm much more happy with them than I thought I'd be, not that I'd thought I'd be unhappy. So I'm glad I had the foresight to make an appointment at the hairdressers after my de-banding as it gave me a legitimate opportunity to look at myself in the mirror for 2 hours or more! :D The de-banding i...
by Duffle
Mon May 15, 2006 5:07 am
Forum: Metal Mouth Forum
Topic: Overjet, Profile, Braces Advice Please! (Pics)
Replies: 13
Views: 3240

Melfry, I had 4 extractions, 2 top and 2 bottom to correct a 9mm overjet. My lower jaw is also underformed but much worse than yours judging by your pics. My profile has changed but only ever so slightly and definately for the better. My upper jaw hasn't moved back and I don't think they can do that...
by Duffle
Thu May 11, 2006 6:30 am
Forum: Metal Mouth Forum
Topic: Were you a breastfed baby? Survey
Replies: 34
Views: 4839

I've just stopped breastfeeding my son, who's 8 months, and he 5 teeth are very crooked!!! Based on this I'm not a beliver that breastfeeding will lead to straight teeth!!! Though I'm sure his will straighten out once all his teeth come through. I was bottle-fed and sucked my index finger, (not thum...
by Duffle
Mon May 08, 2006 3:40 am
Forum: Metal Mouth Forum
Topic: Interviewing with braces?!
Replies: 17
Views: 10736

It won't matter a jot. When I interview people I'm interested in whether they can do the job not whether they have braces, pink hair, bad teeth, big nose, etc. Though I may draw the line at BO:) I've never experienced professional prejudice because of my braces whether that be in interviews or givin...
by Duffle
Wed May 03, 2006 5:01 am
Forum: Metal Mouth Forum
Topic: Woohoo - braces coming off in 3 weeks!!!!
Replies: 8
Views: 1571

Thanks very much for the comments. It's strange, everyone I know has commented on how great my teeth look but now I have a date for de-bonding I'm noticing lots of little things that aren't quite perfect. It's ironic that 2 years, 2 months and 5 days ago when I got the braces put I wouldn't have car...
by Duffle
Fri Apr 28, 2006 1:15 am
Forum: Metal Mouth Forum
Topic: Woohoo - braces coming off in 3 weeks!!!!
Replies: 8
Views: 1571

Woohoo - braces coming off in 3 weeks!!!!

I went for my lastest adjustment yesterday and although hoped I would get a de-bonding date didn't really think that I would, but I did!!! I just couldn't believe it. I'm so thrilled. I can't believe I'll be brace free in less than 3 weeks. He he he.
by Duffle
Mon Apr 24, 2006 5:22 am
Forum: Metal Mouth Forum
Topic: NHS Adult Orthodontic treatment UK - Criteria
Replies: 13
Views: 4419


How frustrating!! According to Guy's terms and conditions I would have qualified for treatment on the NHS and Guy's is far closer to my home than my ortho is, in fact I have change at london Bridge station to get to my orthos!!! Nevermind.

by Duffle
Wed Apr 19, 2006 3:17 am
Forum: Metal Mouth Forum
Topic: For those with no dating hopes..
Replies: 13
Views: 2435

I know how you feel ebones1. When I had my braces put on over two years ago I was single and going through a divorce. I was convinced I'd be single at least until the braces were off. But no! I had loads of male attention which was lovely and which built on my self-esteem which is helpful after a di...
by Duffle
Thu Mar 30, 2006 7:16 am
Forum: Metal Mouth Forum
Topic: UK people - do braces exist past 26?
Replies: 29
Views: 5421

I'm 34, live in London and have had braces for over a year. At least 3 people I used to work with have had braces. And I've seen loads of people out and about wearing braces. Though mainly women, far fewer men:)
by Duffle
Thu Mar 30, 2006 7:09 am
Forum: Metal Mouth Forum
Topic: Any good orthodontists in central london?
Replies: 1
Views: 647

My ortho isn't in central london but is only 50mins away in Tunbridge Wells. The practice is called Total Orthodontics. They are private and are very good. I actually live in SE London and weren't happy with the local orthos in the area and couldn't afford the ridiculous central London prices. Train...
by Duffle
Thu Mar 30, 2006 6:53 am
Forum: Metal Mouth Forum
Topic: Friends/Colleagues reaction to my Adult Braces? (UK)
Replies: 20
Views: 5501

Hi, I'm another UK braced person. I'm 34 and I've been wearing braces for 2 years, 1 month and 4 days now and didn't get any specific reactions when I first had them fitted. I told my immediate colleagues and close friends and everyone was very positive. I regularly have meetings with government Min...