of course... i hoped somebody would say, yes, it probably takes less time, lolz...
but counted with another response... i just hope its a bit faster, last time with braces the ortho was really happy how fast my teeth moved on the top, i hope the bottoms chose to do that too, hehe...
ok thanx... ive seen an other ortho yesterday, which worked on lots of surgery cases, and communicates a lot with the surgeon too, which, as far as ive expirienced, isnt always like that. hes going to consult with him if its possible to resolve it wihtout a second surgery. if it is, i would be in br...
ok, thanx for the info.. i went to the surgeon and the ortho who works with him together, and both said, that if somehow possible, they would close my bite without another surgery, only with braces.. so now im really hoping for that possibility, id have to wear another 18 month braces, but still tho...
Hey people, i just got to know today, that i'll need a second jaw surgery. i had a bimax in february but my jaw is still not completly aligned.. so for now ill start by letting my teeth aligned in the lower jaw with clear brackets, since the upper teeth dont need to be moved anymore.. the price woul...
Hi everybody! i just came back from hospital yesterday, tuesday one week ago, they performed a lefort I and BSSO to correct asymmetry.. i just can tell, the first three days were unbelievably hard, i really didnt count with it being so hard to bear, they pain, the not beeing able to breath and move....
aaaaaw, im so jealous right now!!! :D i got my braces two weeks ago, and then a wisdom teeth pulled, so i already couldnt eat anything solid since two weeks! but no problem, so i could get used to it a bit, and hot chocolate and tiramisu are my best friends now!! :mrgreen: but its possible to get us...
i went to the surgeon today, and it turned out, i dont have a dry socket, nor have i got an infection. good in one way, but in the other, im still scared now, cause i cant blame the dry socket for the incredible pain i have, but its me... i wonder when i got so sensible?? :( not long ago they still ...
thanx for the help, Arvensis! the surgeon wasnt there yesterday and today, so im gonna see him tomorrow, and actually im not that concerned because of the pain now, im just eating pain medication like cookies, so ill survive it for now... but im sooo scared, that the pain is going to be even worse a...
Hey Meryaten, i have read several times about the dry socket, but i dont really understand what it is, as english is not my first language.. ive read that it happens due to the loss of the blood clot. could you explain to me please, what a blood clot is? can that happen too, when the wound was close...
i was so wrong... the removal of the wisdom tooth wasnt bad at all, but now, some days after the removal im in incredible pain, i wake up all the time at night from the pain, although i take like 8 or 10 times the upper limit of the daily dosis of a strong pain medication, but it doesnt help.. i don...
thank you, Highandlo!:) today was the removal of one wisdom tooth, heres the short story: i wasnt really petrified when i went to the surgeon today, but of course there was a kind of strange feeling inside of me, not knowing what exactly is going to happen, as some people say its horrible, and some,...
Hey everybody! exactly today on my birthday, i got to know, that two of my wisdom teeth have to be removed tomorrow! :shock: then on friday they put the brace-arch(is that correct? :D )for the first time on my lower teeth, and a palatinal arch on the upper, then the other two wisdom teeth will be re...
Hi Helen, unfortunately i dont know the exact link, because i was surfing around hours looking for facial asymmetry infos that day, but here is another one ive found right now, its quite similar: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Symmetry_(physical_attractiveness) but actually i dont take that too seriou...