Rick-a-nator Appliance Ramp Weight Loss

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Rick-a-nator Appliance Ramp Weight Loss

#1 Post by ZZeven »

Good afternoon. I have a 14 year old daughter who recently had a rick-a-nator ramp installed behind her front teeth. She can only drink liquids now as her back teeth don't touch. I'm making her protein shakes, pudding, cheese soup, ice cream, thin mashed potatoes, etc. My concern is weight loss. She's barely 5' and weighs 107 lbs. Basically, she's a little bit of practically nothing and has no weight to lose. I have no experience with weight gaining shakes like muscle builders use (plus, she's only 14) but is this an option? As of right now (it's only been two days) she either has a protein shake or a Carnation breakfast shake. (That's all we have in the house.) Or does anyone have any other suggestions to help keep her weight up? Thanks!

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