My daughter turned 7 in Jan. 09 and she has a severe overbite as a result of "7 years of finger sucking". We have finally broken the habit of finger sucking and are now looking at the options of ortho treatment.
The ortho recommends a (1 year) Phase 1 treament consisting of a expander on top, and another removal type of appliance on the bottom (can't remember the name). The appliances would stay end for 4/6 months. After the expander is removed, a space retainer will be installed and braces on "6 of her front teeth"). Some of those teeth are baby teeth. I have never heard of braces being installed on baby teeth. The ortho says success would be if we could reduce her overbite by 50%.
I am concerned about the discomfort she will experience from the expander (turning, eating food, speech???)
Are there any other parents who can provide me advice on this? Part of me wants to wait until she is older, but my daughter says "let''s just get it over with

I have spoken to my ortho will about all of the concerns noted above. He says that I can just wait if I am uncomfortable.
Thanks in advance