Speech Issues

Discussions relating to Lingual Braces (behind-the-teeth) only, such as iBraces and LingualCare.

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Speech Issues

#1 Post by dt33 »

Hey guys, I got upper and lower linguals on back in Feb. so I have had them on for 5 months. My speech has improved since I got them on, but it has leveled off and not gotten any better. I still have problems, and I seem to do better on some days more than others. I'm sure we all have the similar problems with certain sounds. Has anyone else had the same issues?

I'm sure it will get better as my arches expand more but my verbal skills need to improve before I start working, as speaking is very important. I have been talking for 5 months now, so i'm wondering if it can get any better, or if I just have to wait for my arches to expand. Does any have any suggestions regarding practice methods etc.?

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Location: emerald city, oz

#2 Post by lionfish »

Hi dt33, I've had upper linguals since early Feb (lower ceramics went on in early April).

I'm a consultant so I talk a fair bit. The day after I got my uppers, I had to talk to a bunch of people for most of the day as part of a job I was doing at the time. I toyed with the idea of telling them that I had a "speech impediment", but decided to wing it and see how I went. It was OK.

I find that I have to work on the "s" sound as this is the one that wants to disappear the most.

KK put up the Rainbow Passage recently and this is a good thing to read aloud to improve your speaking skills.

As for improving your verbal skills before you start working, don't lose sleep over this. No-one has noticed any difference in my speech or if they have, they've said nothing. And if someone doesn't understand anything you say, they will most likely ask you to repeat yourself.

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#3 Post by Lysachick »

I've also not been one of the luckier ones in terms of my speech and I've had my upper linguals since December and the lower ceramics since January. Similarly, my speech has improved but I still have problems now. It's worse nearer adjustment times since the wires poke out more into the sides of my tongue and make it swollen. Of course it's also worse just after an adjustment, so for the most part speaking is uncomfortable!

I have no advice unfortunately but a lot of sympathy if that helps at all!!

Posts: 2635
Joined: Wed May 18, 2005 4:16 pm
Location: emerald city, oz

#4 Post by lionfish »

Hey, lysachick, how are things going with you? Nice and cold in Melbourne right now, I'm told.

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