Just got lingual braces...how to help speech?

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Just got lingual braces...how to help speech?

#1 Post by eless3 »

Hi all,

After putting it off for a long time - I'm 22 - I finally took the plunge and got braces. I figured that I had better start sooner than later since every day I spend thinking about it would be one day lost that I could actually be doing something about it. Since I am graduating college and starting my career in August, I decided to go with lingual braces on top and ceramic on the bottom. They are invisible enough for me and my dentist estimates that I will complete treatment in 9-12 months. I'll try to post some pictures soon if I can.

Anyway, I got them on yesterday. I've already seen that a few lower teeth (where I have a bit of crowding) are now almost perfectly aligned! Is it normal to see results this quickly, and if I notice this quick movement early on, is it an indicator that the treatment may go quicker than expected? I'm really excited about this and I think the final result will make my woes worthwhile, but I have a few questions for some fellow lingual patients:

Unfortunately (and expectedly), the lingual braces are having a terrible effect on my speech. I really need to figure out how to speak clearly quickly. It seems like the more I try to get used to the lingual braces, the worse it gets! I noticed that the speech seems to be the best when I get up in the morning and degrades as I talk more. Is this my tongue getting tired or something? Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can rapidly improve my pronunciation?

Secondly, and also expectedly, I can't eat ANYTHING. It hurts a LOT to put any pressure on my teeth, and I cannot even close my mouth because one of the upper lingual brackets hits a lower tooth and prevents my molars from contacting each other. Hence, I can't really chew food with my molars even if I wanted to. Is this normal? If so, how long can I expect it to last? I'm so hungry and yogurt doesn't really hit the spot Sad

Also, how does one use "Super Floss" on the lingual braces? I brushed my teeth a few times and I can't seem to floss the lingual braces. They seem to get pretty clean with just brushing, but I don't want plaque to build up. I can clean the bottom braces fine (since they're on the outside) but can't floss my bottom teeth because they hurt too much.

Please help! Thanks!

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#2 Post by lionfish »

Hi eless3,

I've got upper linguals like you (my lower ceramics are coming in 2 weeks time).

The speech problem will go away. You will have to make more of an effort with certain sounds, but as others have said: sing in the shower, read aloud, just keep talking and it will come good.

I found that fairly regular application of wax to offending brackets and wires helped heaps in the first couple of weeks. I abandoned the wax after that and haven't used it since. Basically, your tongue will take a couple of weeks to settle down, but then you'll be fine.

I'm sorry to hear about your eating problems. Maybe you should ask your ortho about the molar issue. Otherwise, I can recommend things like hummus (chick pea puree) to get some protein into you. Also, fish is nice and soft.

Re the threader floss: simply insert the stiff, pointy end behind the wire, pull it up until you've got the normal floss end between your teeth, and then slide this up towards the gum margin as you would normally floss without braces. You know you've got the floss behind the wire when it just hangs there when you let go of one end!

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#3 Post by chelsea28 »

Hi Everyone,
Im fourteen years old and seriously considering lingual braces, Im afraid of the speach problems though.
I dont want people to see my braces, or at least for them to be less visable then regular metal braces.
Do you have any suggestions for me?
Money is also an issue, are linguals alot more than traditional braces?
I also live in vancouver BC where things arent as easily accesible as the US so any tips would be great.
Thanks for your time :)

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#4 Post by lionfish »

Chelsea28, the speech problem goes away with time.

I'm in Oz, so I don't know how costs compare with Canada, but you can reckon on paying significantly more for linguals than you would for traditional braces.

BTW, you live in one of the most beautiful cities in the world.

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#5 Post by TX26 »

eless3 - I've had my top and bottom linguals on for just a little over 11 months now. It took a few weeks to get used to speaking with them. I found that singing while driving to and from work was the best practice for me. Unfortunately it is not something that is going to happen overnight. It is definately going to take some time. Just be patient. :D

I would definately talk to your ortho about your molars not touching and thus your inability to not chew your food. The day I had my braces put on they added material to my second to back molars so that they would touch (since they were changing my bite that dramatically with the braces AND so that I would not inadvertantly bite off the top brackets).

I was miserable when I first got my braces on since I had NO IDEA of what to expect pain-wise. Now, 11 months into it, my teeth are perfectly straight, and we are just working on correcting my bite with rubberbands. This is the best investment I have ever made, although I wish I would have done this in high school, instead of waiting until I was 26 and being told that if I didn't do something, my front bottom teeth would eventually wear away. :(

Here are some pics:
4.18.05 - lingualcares - top & bottom
estimated time - 18 months
READJUSTED treatment time - 16 months

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my molers also dont touch!!

#6 Post by P1nk_punk »

I also have linguals on the top and normal ceramic on the bottom and have had them on for almost 2 weeks.


so dont freak out!!
my teeth also hit at the front! what happens, however, is that you will actually learn how far you can bite down without your teeth hitting...... i honestly dont known how this happens but i noticed it the other day. It becomes a sort of instinct

and i have discovered that you dont have to have your teeth closed the whole way to chew your food. Im already on solids ( i was able to eat a KFC twister for the first time after just over a week) and I can chew most things fine....
I mainly have problems with chewy food that doesnt brake from pressure (such as squid)! and i still cant bite my food of with my front teeth (I use my k9s) mich stay sore for the longest.

I hope this is helpfull...
If you have anymore questions or want to talk..... P1nk_punk@hotmail.com (im on msn and myspace.com)

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#7 Post by LaurenQ »

eless3, I am in the same exact situation as you. I just got my linguals on 2 days ago (Friday). I have linguals on top and ceramic on bottom. I am having the hardest time speaking. I find also that I think I am getting better in the morning and it gets worse as the day progresses. I am a consultant and am heading into work tomorrow for the first time with braces and am so scared of speaking.

Has your speech improved? Please tell me it has.

My molars do not touch either. I am on an all liquid diet. This stinks, but I can deal with it, unlike the speaking problems.

I am using "rapid braces" 6 month teqnique, and even imaginign 6 months of this seems unbearable. :(

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#8 Post by lionfish »

Hi Lauren,

My 20c worth...

I have the same configuration as you. I'm also a consultant. The day after I got my upper braces, I had to speak to various people and participate in a workshop.....throughout the whole day. It was tough, but I got through it. Before, I had pondered telling people that I had a speech impediment, but thought better of it (not wanting to draw attention to myself).

The first two weeks with linguals were probably the worst. That was how long it took my tongue to adjust to the brackets, and the sensitivity that went with that certainly impacted on my speech.

3 days in I was out to dinner with friends. They provided pizza for dinner.....nightmares! I had to cut it up into small pieces and it was hard work.

Once you're through that 2 week period, however, you should notice some improvement.

I'm 6 months in now and eating and speaking almost normally. When I'm tired (usually evenings) I start to slur a bit, but during the day I'm fine.

Just hang in there and give it a bit of time to settle down. You're dealing with a lot right now.

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Re: Just got lingual braces...how to help speech?

#9 Post by Paiges »

I got braces a few days ago, and when they first put them on, my molars couldn't touch. I told my dentist, and he put two blue things on my molars. They keep my mouth slightly open... which is super annoying... but they make chewing food easier.
I also recommend smoothies... lots of smoothies...

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