Linguals upper and lower

Discussions relating to Lingual Braces (behind-the-teeth) only, such as iBraces and LingualCare.

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Linguals upper and lower

#1 Post by Septimus »


I'd like to hear from anyone that has linguals both upper and lower....

What are the main concerns and how bad really is it ?

How long does it take to start speaking properly again and getting used to the pain?

Any info would be great thanks !!!!!!!

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#2 Post by amber »

I have linguals on the upper and lower - only got them yesterday so too soon to give you any good advice except to say it is much better than I expected. No real discomfort at all yet. Teeth are a bit achy, but that is to be expected no matter what type of braces you have. So far I prefer the linguals to both invisalign and labial ceramics. Mainly because you cannot see them at all.
Speaking has been much easier than expected (it was my big concern, but vanity trumped those worries!).

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#3 Post by Septimus »

cool thats good to hear because i'm getting lingual upper and lower in about a month i think.

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#4 Post by amber »

You will like them - they really are invisible. I prefer having the lingual brackets to the labial ceramics I had previously. My cheeks were more sensitive to the bulky ceramics than my tongue is to the metal lingual brackets, and it is much easier to put wax on the linguals because they are hidded and you can't see it. If you have never had braces before it will take a little while to get used to the idea that you have so much "stuff" in your mouth, but it doesn't take long.

Good luck!

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Lingual Braces

#5 Post by cecilia_101 »

Hello there,

my name is Cecilia and I have had linguals for about 2 months now...the first three weeks were a bit hard, especially as I had no experience with braces before so it takes a while to get used to all the metal in your mouth!
I didn't have any major problems with sores on my tongue but my speech was affected, I spent a couple of days wondering whether I could resist with these braces for another 18 months...however despite the initial hurdles (which all in all are really not that bad), I have to say that I am really happy I did it now and so far the results have been totally worth all the little hurdles along the way, so don't worry about it, after a few weeks you will soon get used to them and you won't regret it!! :)
good luck!

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#6 Post by sharonm »

I am getting upper and lower linguals in a couple of weeks and wanted to see how you guys were finding it after this time

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#7 Post by Septimus »

hey sharon

good choice, linguals are much better

but i'll tell you straight up, speaking will be difficult for a while.

i got braced on the 31st of july and although my speech has improved dramatically, i still can't pronounce S sounds properly, and it is noticable.
Just thought you should know what you're in for.

So dont try to say words like susceptible or discussions, it just wont work hahaha.

But, i hardly notice that they're there now. its all ok you'll be fine.

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#8 Post by sharonm »

I'm glad it is going well for you.Talking is overated anyway lol.

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#9 Post by lionfish »

The "s" s(h)ound is undeniably the one that will challenge you the mos(h)t. Ha ha.

This is because forming that sound requires a certain space between your tongue and upper teeth that, when occupied by the lingual braces, makes it harder to articulate. But the good news is that, with practice, practice and more practice, you can make it sound almost normal.

Septimus, you fair crack me up, you know.

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#10 Post by sharonm »

How is it to floss with the upper and lower linguals on?

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#11 Post by lionfish »

I can only speak for uppers, sharonm. It's dead easy.

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#12 Post by sharonm »

I'm glad it's easy.Does anyone else have trouble getting to the back of their teeth?I used to be able to do it easier but now it seems I can't do it at all

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#13 Post by Septimus »

my orthodontist has not even mentioned flossing, most people here seem to be obliged to floss daily. I floss about once a week.

i dont floss the molars, just the front 12, and no i dont find it difficult.

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#14 Post by lionfish »

I'm a daily flosser from way back when. Ever since my regular dentist recommended it in the interests of general dental health.

Obviously it's much easier to floss front teeth, but back teeth can be done with a little bit of practice. I just angle the stiff end of the floss to get it under the wire, then pull it down (or up) and out again.

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#15 Post by p.maxwell »

I just got uppers and lowers yesterday morning. No pain, really (only pain I have is in 2 teeth where the ortho had to shave in between to make room for shifting). Other than that, my tongue just feels extra fat in my mouth and it's kind of irritated on the sides in the back where the wires sit out on my molars.

Eating is really entertaining. The braces get more food than I do. And I have to chew longer than usual. Luckily I don't eat meat, so I that won't be a problem. I find that my tongue is more irritated eating that it is talking.

Now the speech thing...yeah, I sound like a "hair dresser." S's and T's are one big slurry mess. But hopefully, in the next couple of weeks, my speech will improve.

Overall, (so far), everything has been cool and it only took the ortho around 2 hours to put them on and I haven't experienced any drastic pain.

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