How old is everyone??? lol

Discussions relating to Lingual Braces (behind-the-teeth) only, such as iBraces and LingualCare.

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#16 Post by juniperlee »

20! ..and hopefully only 22 when they come off!

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#17 Post by -Michael- »


Clairey Fairey
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#18 Post by Clairey Fairey »

23, braces will be off when I'm 24 ready to go travelling :-)

Btw I'm not having Lingual Braces, (looked into it, to expensive) I'm having Ceramic but stumbled across this topic and decided to post anyway!!

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#19 Post by RobS »

almost embarrased to admit it but....39.

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#20 Post by Lysachick »

mun wrote:I am 28, will be 29 in a couple of months. When they are off, i will have a baby! lol, that's the plan!I didn't want to deal with braces when i am pregrant. so my kid's first pictures will show a mom with a nice straight smile ;) that's not the only reason why i am getting braces :)
Are you sure? Pregnancy generally shortens your treatment time. I was originally quoted 24-30 months when I started but I got pregnant a month after having the braces fitted. It's now been 16 months and my ortho says I'm just about done!

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#21 Post by lionfish »

Hey lysachick, nice to see you. 16 months as opposed to up to 30 is certainly worth falling pregnant for! (other than I've passed my use by date... :-(( )

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#22 Post by mun »

Lysachick! wow! i will be asking that to my ortho! if that's the case i won't wait! my only concern was the x-ray stuff they might do at the end. didn't want to me pregrant at that time understandably. but hey, if it helps the teeth move faster, i will pass on the x-ray until the pregrancy is over. no biggie. super news you gave!

(i am quoted for 24-30 months too btw.)


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#23 Post by Lysachick »

Hi Mun,

Despite my teeth moving quicker whilst pregnant it hasn't all been fun! A couple of other people wrote in with the same experience however. I started a discussion thread at the time:


It was called Teeth movement during pregnancy or somthing similar, on 17/1/05.

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