Change in ortho...change in estimated length of treatment?

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Change in ortho...change in estimated length of treatment?

#1 Post by Maclock »

Has this happened to anyone else? I was braced in mid-September 2006, and changed to a new ortho in early February 2007 (I had to move for work).

My original ortho, a clinical professor of orthodontics, told me that it would take 18 months to complete my treatment. No mention of elastics to close my open anterior bite.

My new ortho, also a clinical professor of orthodontics, told me that it would take 18 months from when I first saw her (i.e., 23 months) and that I was going to need all kinds of elastics to close my open anterior bite. (Granted, several brackets had come loose between the last time that I saw my first ortho, in early November, and my first appointment with the new ortho in early February, and this is a possible explanation for the extra treatment time.)

I don't know how or why my original ortho failed to mention the elastics to me. I am inclined to believe that he thought (and perhaps still thinks) that the mechanics of the iBraces system are such that the open anterior bite can be closed without elastics.

Both clinical profs are top guns at good schools. Am I missing something here? Has anyone had a similar experience? I was (and still am) dreading an 18 month treatment time. I cannot imagine 23 months in iBraces AND having to wear elastics. *GROAN*

I'm way too old for this. No "Lance Romance" while I wait to get this crown of thorns removed from my gob! ;-)

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#2 Post by lionfish »

Fortunately, I'll see out my treatment with my current and only ortho.

Plenty of us open biters (me included) have had our bites closed with elastics, so I'm interested that ortho number didn't think this would be necessary in your case.

I was dreading elastics, but they turned out not to be the bogey I'd thought. I wore them continuously for 6 months and have only recently gone to night wear (which I am really enjoying!). They did a wonderful job.

You're already 6 months down, so it's not as if you're starting afresh. And I'm sure you're not too old for this (I'm over 50, btw).

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Long way home

#3 Post by Maclock »

I don't know why my first ortho never mentioned elastics to me, but a number of other dental professionals have done so since I had iBraces installed.

Like many of us on here, I did this because of my ridiculously crowded teeth. In North America, many of the finest females will not look at a chap with nasty gnashers. Sad, but true. So here I find myself, in my thirties, getting my teeth sorted out. Had I known at the outset that it might take two years and involve elastics, I might have opted not to proceed.

I am, I will admit, somewhat vain about the appearance of my teeth and I also hate the fact that I cannot really approach women with the same confidence because I have all of this metal in my mouth. Fine, it's hidden behind my teeth, and for that I am eternally thankful, but let's face it -- there's no good French kissing happening while I'm like Jaws, he of James Bond movie fame! :wink:

I wish that I had known about Wilckodontics before I started this whole procedure. Anything to get this over and done with as soon as possible....

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#4 Post by lionfish »

Come on, maclock, life can't be that bad. What's wrong with french kissing with linguals? Plenty of lingually braced people have done it before, you won't be setting a trend.

Your messages are a bit mixed. On the one hand, you're saying that if you'd known how long this would take and that it involved elastics, you wouldn't have done it. On the other, you're saying that appearance is important to you. You need to sort out in your mind what your goals are and this may make it easier for you deal with your treatment.

On the subject of wilckodontics, while this may require a shorter time frame, it involves a bit more pain and, from what I understand, the braces are visible. Someone posted on this process recently on the general board.

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#5 Post by Maclock »

If you have a partner, and s/he's cool with it, then great. But to the unitiated, linguals are not expected and will deffo kill the passion. I can't see it being any other way.

I admit that I am conflicted about the whole process. At the end, I doubt I will think that it was worth the time, the effort or the expense.

A bit of pain wouldn't be a problem if my time in braces was shortened to, say, 9-to-12 months. That's the kind of speed you get with Wilckodontics. And linguals are used in conjunction with this procedure.

Ah, well, it's done now! I don't mean to be a negative nellie, Lionfish. I know that you're just doing your part as the resident cheerleader and all-around good-time guy! Thank you very much for your replies on this thread!

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#6 Post by lionfish »

No problem, maclock.

You're one up on me about linguals being able to be used with wilckondontics. I didn't know that.

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#7 Post by Maclock »

A used named "Jake" is having it done in Chicago, if I recall correctly. A quick search should turn up his threads.

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#8 Post by lionfish »

You are correct. I'd forgotten about jake.

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#9 Post by Maclock »

His story is likely of interest to very few readers! :wink:

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iBraces and Elastics

#10 Post by iBracesExpert »

It is normal to use elastics to close an open bite, regardless of the type of braces that you are wearing. In some cases an open bite will close on its own once the arches are realigned, other times an orthodontist will use elastics to assist in closing the bite.

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#11 Post by JayC »

honestly if you cant get a girl who will look down on you for having braces you dont want her at all. i mean seriously braces isnt even permanent.. 18 months or 23 months its still only TWO years of your life.. im alreayd in my first year and it flew by SO fast. ive met more girls with my braces than without and i have ceramics.. youre even luckier with the ibraces. as for elastics.. thats the last 6 months of treatment in most cases.. thats not that long man..

like with everyone YOU are YOUR own worst critic. i mean i wouldnt judge any guy or girl with braces. i woudl only look up to the fact that they are doing something to make their teeth look GREAT. its an investment i would do all over in a heart beat... cuz in 2 years.. yuoull be laffing (pearly whites n all) for the rest of your life 8) :lol:

oh yea i never had problems kissing or have any type of "affectionate" situations hindered from mybraces...

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#12 Post by BlahBlah »

I agree with JayC...
Once this is over it will definately be worth your great smile...
And you have already done 6 months, that's over a quarter of your treatment time, it will fly by...
Just imagine, in over a year... you wont have to hide no more and show off your straight teeth
I would rather be in braces for 2 years then to hide my smile for the rest of my life...

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#13 Post by BlahBlah »

I agree with JayC...
Once this is over it will definately be worth your great smile...
And you have already done 6 months, that's over a quarter of your treatment time, it will fly by...
Just imagine, in over a year... you wont have to hide no more and show off your straight teeth
I would rather be in braces for 2 years then to hide my smile for the rest of my life...

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#14 Post by mun »

Maclock, I have a question for you. When you changed your ortho, how did you handle the payments you were making to your original ortho? Of course if you were making monthly payments.

I am considering switching to another ortho. I paid lab fees upfront and paying the rest as monthly payments. and i just want to know if they let you stop making payments in the middle of the treatment?

Is there anyone else who has done that?


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#15 Post by Maclock »

Ah, well, Mun, I had paid the lab fees (including for the iBraces brackets and wires, of course) and about $1500 for the first few consultations. (I was in and out of his chair about four or five times before I left for another city.)

After that, I just contracted with my new ortho.

Hope this helps!

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