MAJOR eating and speaking problems. Newbie needs help!

Discussions relating to Lingual Braces (behind-the-teeth) only, such as iBraces and LingualCare.

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MAJOR eating and speaking problems. Newbie needs help!

#1 Post by Atia »

Hi all,

New to this forum, and thank god its here. Hopefully all you veterans will be able to help me.

1. I can't eat anything solid. Yes, I know its only day 6, but when they put my linguals on (upper linguals, lower normal - both SPEED) they put glue on my back teeth on the biting face on either side so that my teeth no longer meet (to prevent the lower teeth from touching the upper brackets). While I can see the weight-loss advantage to not eating, I would actually like to be able to eat something solid at some point over the next year of treatment.

How can I eat solids if I am physically unable to chew? Has anybody else has this experience?

2. I can't speak properly, and I especially can't say "s" at all. I sound like I have a lisp. This is highly embarassing as I am professional person who has to speak to people as a part of my work.

Please, help.

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#2 Post by lionfish »

Hi atia and welcome.

There was a time when I had only two molars making contact and chewing was rather difficult. I somehow worked around it. As far as solids are concerned, start with fish; it doesn't require that much chewing. Chicken breast is also good. Try steamed veggies e.g. broccoli, zucchini (courgettes), pumpkin, potatoes, etc.

As far a the 's' sound is concerned, practice will make perfect. My only advice is for you to keep talking, read aloud at home, sing in the shower, etc. It will get better.

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#3 Post by bbsadmin »

Here's a series of pages that you might find helpful:
I'm the owner/admin of this site. Had ceramic uppers, metal lowers ~3 years in my early 40's. Now in Hawley retainers at night!

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#4 Post by Atia »


Thanks for the suggesstions. I have been improving the speech a bit, but it still sounds terrible.

Eating anything but liquids is still almost impossible. Currently, I am trying to get down some mushroom soup, but the mushrooms are making it difficult, even though they are very tiny peices. I simply cannot chew. :( I will try some other dishes with the links you gave.

Has anyone else had this glue on your teeth preventing chewing surface contact?

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#5 Post by RobS »

I had the exact same problem. After 5 days, I went back in and they removed a lot of it to allow my teeth to come a lot closer together. Now I can eat relatively normally. I still talk funny but I really think that will get better with time.

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Me too!

#6 Post by CC »

I just got mine on today (top and bottom) and am having the same problem! Because I have a bad overbite, they put these little spacers in there to keep me from biting down all the way so that I wouldn't bite off the brackets. They told me about this and I understood that it was necessary but then when I got home and tried to eat it was absolutley impossible. The braces themselves don't hurt at all but I can't bite down at all. Seriously, not one tooth is even close to touching any other tooth. I called them and they said that's the way it is and that I will adjust to eating like this - how do you adjust to eating when you can't bite? When people said that I would have trouble eating I thought they meant because it would hurt to bite down - not because I wouldn't be able to bite down. I am confused and getting angry. I don't think I can live like this for the next 2 years. I am curently considering bending the spacers myself so that my teeth will at least get closer together so I can sort of mash food up. I'm in a sad state.

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Please read!!

#7 Post by acehigh »

Sounds like you're having trouble getting some calories into you. It's like this at first for all of us, but I have an idea for you that I hope you find satisfying. I bought myself some Whey can find it at the health food stores, fitness stores, Costco, Superstore (this is where I buy mine from). Many different types of Whey powder on the market. Basically it's high in protein, low in carbs, and just excellent for you. :lol: Loaded with vitamins and minerals. I blend up about a cup of milk, a whole scoop of whey powder, frozen berries, yogurt, banana if you desire. You can add juice, fresh fruit, anything along those lines. Also, it is not high in fat, just very nutritious and filling!! The whey powder I buy is called DynaWhey. It comes in different flavours and is just delicious. There is a measured scoop inside so you don't have to guess how much to put in. For every scoop there is 30 grams of protein. I highly recommend this. In fact, I've been doing this for much longer than I've had my braces. I hope you try this!! :wink:

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#8 Post by CC »

Thanks for the tip. I will try the whey powder. I need protein! It's day 5 and it's getting a little better now. I'm still definitely on a smoothie diet but at least I am getting more creative with my food. Today: black bean soup with sour cream and mushy saltine crackers.

Today is the first day that I don't think I made a mistake - I guess things are on the upswing. It's still really hard but I can see that I will eventually get used to it. This site helps - thanks to everyone for sharing.

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#9 Post by Windpetal »

Hi! I am new also and thank goodness for this forum!! I got my braces on three days ago and have been in so much pain that I haven't even attempted to eat much at all. They put that same stuff on my teeth because my upper molars were biting down on my lower brackets. It is driving me crazy too. I am tempted to have them take that stuff out and just deal with not being able to bit down in the back...but I am sure that I will get used to it, as long as the pain goes away.

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It gets better

#10 Post by CC »

3 days is when it was really bad for me. The first day wasn't so bad but it seemed like it got worse before it got better. Hang in there! It's been 11 days now and I feel much better. My speech is almost normal and I can eat more stuff. The dental assistant who worked with me actually has Linguals and she said things will be back to normal in 3 weeks. Halfway there and I think it is true.

Yep, the gap sucks pretty bad. Now that my teeth don't hurt anymore, I am experimenting. I can chew big chunks of food much easier than small pieces. Rice is impossible. Basically, I have had to get used to swallowing larger pieces than I used to. Here is what works for me: I can take a bite pretty normally, then chew it the best I can on the sides (not very well) then finish up by mashing it on the back of my front teeth. This sounds gross and it is but it works mostly. I wouldn't have even tried this until a few days ago when my teeth felt normal again.

Here is more stuff I have learned: use a lot of wax at night so that your tongue can rest, rinse with salt water before bed (when you wake up your tongue will be much better), drink meal-shakes if you can't get anything else down (your body needs nutrients to heal itself), and take it one day at a time. I found myself only able to commit to one more day - 2 years seemed waaaay too long.

Also, I don't know about everyone else but when I tried the Rainbow Passage the day I got by braces on I felt like crying. It was hard to read and I sounded like an idiot. I sounded much better when I was just talking normally to friends or singing with the radio. If you are experiencing this, just give it some time. I found that after I had a chance to adjust a little to talking with the braces, the Rainbow Passage is now very helpful for fine tuning the sounds.

All my own experience but maybe it will help. As I learn more, I will share. Probably the most difficult part right now is attitude. It's hard not to get depressed. Remember you are not alone and just keep looking to the future - it does get better! Just make it to the 3 week mark. You can do it!

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#11 Post by lionfish »

I didn't have to deal with the bite block devices so I really feel for you guys.

It took me around 2 weeks to feel comfortable with the linguals (uppers only, I have ceramics/metal on my lowers), and for my tongue to settle down. I'd agree with CC that applying wax at night gave my tongue a rest, and salt water rinses helped too. I barely use wax at all now, my speech is fine and I eat absolutely everything.

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#12 Post by amber »

Hang in there - things do get better! I had invisalign (top) and ceramics (lower) before I got my linguals, so I was used to having a mouth full fo appliances, but I would choose linguals over the other two any day. I have had mine on for 10 months and have got to the point where I forget that I have them. After 4 years (!), I never got to that point with invisalign or the ceramics. I am experiencing the joys of elastics with lingual braces at the moment - they are tricky to get on, but really unobtrusive and not at all uncomfortable.

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#13 Post by mun »

yeah, it's been 2 months for me, and i still cannot chew food 100% because my molars don't meet. Definitely getting better, but i cannot wait until i can start eating AND enjoying steak again. As CC said, rice is impossible, and yes i got used to swallowing big pieces. and yes, front teeth are doing most of the work, haha. i still eat everything though- just swallowing them when i get tired of chewing on the same bite. sometimes fun, sometimes very frustrating -when everyone at the table goes "ahh this steak is soooo good" and all i get is big chunks of beef :P now i get everything as "ground beef" instead of steak. still worth it. i love linguals.


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#14 Post by lingualslady »

2 months?! Aargh! I'm 2weeks in, with top and bottom linguals and the block things so the teeth dont touch.

Thankfully my speech is nearly back to normal but still struggling with food. Every meal time is a chore rather than a pleasure - I've lost some weight and can't eat junk which is no bad thing but i'm so miserable - i can't even eat a slice of toast!

For breakfast I normally have a big smoothie or a hot chocolate and if im at home i'll make scrambled egg. Cereal or toast is a no-no. Lunch - at work I normally microwave some ready-made mash and heat up some gravy or one of those jars of ready-made curry or pasta sauce. I've recently discovered microwavable rice as well - as long as there's enough sauce it doenst seem to bother me. Evenign meals are much the same - Ive tried pasta but unless it's a "big" shape and it's overcooked till it's very soft then it's more discomfort than it's worth :(

I keep hoping this will improve as I'm missing chocolate, pizza and nachos so much!!!

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#15 Post by saps »

lingualslady wrote:2 months?! Aargh! I'm 2weeks in, with top and bottom linguals and the block things so the teeth dont touch.

Thankfully my speech is nearly back to normal but still struggling with food. Every meal time is a chore rather than a pleasure - I've lost some weight and can't eat junk which is no bad thing but i'm so miserable - i can't even eat a slice of toast!

For breakfast I normally have a big smoothie or a hot chocolate and if im at home i'll make scrambled egg. Cereal or toast is a no-no. Lunch - at work I normally microwave some ready-made mash and heat up some gravy or one of those jars of ready-made curry or pasta sauce. I've recently discovered microwavable rice as well - as long as there's enough sauce it doenst seem to bother me. Evenign meals are much the same - Ive tried pasta but unless it's a "big" shape and it's overcooked till it's very soft then it's more discomfort than it's worth :(

I keep hoping this will improve as I'm missing chocolate, pizza and nachos so much!!!
As you can see this is an old post but if you're at two weeks and still can't eat I'm going to, respectfully, make a suggestion. If it's your bite pads causing you not to be able to eat, ask your ortho if they can be lowered. I had that problem, went back in and he said "sure we can lower them". He cut them down about half the height and I was back to eating 20 ounce steaks three times a day (just kidding but you know what I mean).

Good luck to you!

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