Relocating and Changing Orthos During Treatment

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bad teeth
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Relocating and Changing Orthos During Treatment

#1 Post by bad teeth »

Has anyone else done this, switched from one ibraces provider to another during treatment?

I'm getting ibraces on next month, and I'll probably need to keep them on for about two years. I've delayed treatment long enough and can't put it off any more. The problem is that I will probably only stay in the city where I live for another year or so. I'm not certain which city I'll be moving to, but I'm relatively sure that it will be another large metro area with at least one ibraces provider. What I don't know is how difficult it is to change providers in the middle of treatment with ibraces specifically. I'm guessing that it could be significantly more expensive, but not impossible.

My ortho said that it was possible, but I couldn't get any more details out of him at the time. I know that some people switch to Invisilign in some cases like this, but I don't think that is a good option for me because my case is so severe and because it would be even more expensive.

I guess the new ortho will just need to pick up where the old one left off with the treatment plan...

If anyone else has done this with ibraces, or just knows how it would work please share!

Posts: 42
Joined: Mon Jul 28, 2008 11:48 am

#2 Post by saps »

Bad Teeth,
This will probably not be all that useful, but I had the same concerns. My job moves me around and I wondered what would happen. I ended up dating my ortho assistant for a while and from what I understand as long as you stick with the same "brand" it is really pretty easy. They just "transfer" the balance from the old ortho to the new.

I want to point out that I didn't do this so I can't say I'm right it's just what I was told.

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