About to get linguals off - unhappy with results

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About to get linguals off - unhappy with results

#1 Post by finnball »

Hi all.

I have had linguals on my top teeth for 15 months. I chose not to do the bottom because I was unable to afford both and the top were in worse shape. At my last appointment, when my ortho told me he was ready to take them off at my next appointment, I mentioned that I wasn't happy with the results yet and that my side teeth are still sort of "collapsing inwards." He told me that since I hadn't put braces on the bottom teeth, they were limited in what they could do because they didn't want to mess up my bite.

I can't help being a bit upset at this. Maybe it's common sense to realize that you can't fully treat the top without also treating the bottom, but I'm not an orthodontist and I was so thrilled to be taking any sort of positive action that this didn't cross my mind. The orthodontist NEVER mentioned this to me before or during my treatment until this last appointment. I feel that he should have told me this before allowing me to spend $9,500 to fix the top teeth, which now aren't fixed at all, except for a few cosmetic improvements on an overlapping front tooth.

Does anyone have any advice? He's not really a friendly sort, and I am very shy and non-confrontational. However, I feel very misled, and frankly, ripped off.

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#2 Post by rolo »

How frustrating! I really feel for you! You would have thougth they would have told you in not treating the bottom would affect the result in the begining! As you are not an orthodontist, I think it's completely unreasonable for you to work this out for yourself - that's what you are paying them to do!

As far as advice, I would decide what you want to gain before approaching the orthodontist, and any compromise you are prepared to accept. For example, were you wanting an apology or were you hoping to get money off, or get the bottom fixed for less? Maybe ask what can they do to improve things? What would you be willing / could you afford to have done to get your teeth spot on?

If you can I would book a consultation appointment, rather than taking it up at an adjustment, so you get more time, maybe take someone with you for moral support. If you book a specific consultation for this, it would also enable your ortho to come up with suggestions for the best way forward. Not to excuse your ortho, but sometimes in any job, it's easier to respond if given time to look into the problem and specific time set aside for discussion.

Good Luck, post and let us know how you get on.

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#3 Post by sonicare »

That's quite unfortunate. I'm an attorney in the United States. I would consider all my options, legal or otherwise. First, every doctor (including orthodontist) is required to exercise a prescribed standard of care. To fall below that acceptable standard is negligence. In addition, in every sale of goods transaction, there is an implied warranty of merchantability and an implied warranty of fitness for a particular purpose. If your appliances, for example, either were not fit for their ordinary purpose (straighten teeth) or if they did not do what you specifically asked for them to do (straighten teeth), you may have a case based, in the alternative, on a breach of contract theory. In the case of negligence, there may be a fine distinction between "being uphappy with my results" versus "my orthodontic treatment plan and course of treatment did not correct my problem." If you're simply unhappy with your results, but the orthodontist otherwise provided you with acceptable treatment, then you may be out of luck. But, based on what you say, I believe that the orthodontist did not do his job. First, he/she should have adequately informed you of all material risks, which in my opinion would include informing you that "hey, we can do just the top, but that may very well limit the quality of results." Had you been given that information, which an ordinary prudent orthodontist would perhaps have done, it is very possible that you would not have chosen that option. Second, he may simply be coverying himself with that excuse. It is very possible that the treatment plan and the treatment itself was substandard, and that your results are in fact the result of his own incompetence rather than your election to go it top only. You might want to talk to him, really explain that you feel you wasted your money and whether there is anyway to recover some of those expenses. I would NOT permit this orthodontist to provide me with any more services (for example, if he/she said "I'll put bottoms on you for 1/2," no thanks). I would also visit another orthodontist, maybe even two or three, for a consultation; they are usually free. Explain what happened, your fustrations, your concerns, and possible additional orthodontic treatment to get the results you had expected. Maybe they will tell you that the doctor should have either told you of the limited results you would receive or simply should have refused to put top braces on alone. My next recommendation would be to visit an attorney based on what these orthodontists say if you truly want some type of financial recourse. Lastly, do not permit difficult and/or unfriendly people get over on you. He/she likely knows he/she screwed up and took your money, and now wants to make it appear as though it is your fault. You can always submit a complaint to the body which oversees orthodontists in your state. You have options here.

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#4 Post by Gilda »

I had a bad experience with my ortho. I had Ibraces on top and bottom and the result was a disaster. The ortho apologized and return my money (kind of) he than put traditional braces to fix the mess he created. My mother and husband warned me that I should do this fixing with a different ortho. To make a long story short he fell short on the correction of what the lingual did to my teeth, his assistant removed the braces without his presence. And it ended up being way too soon to have the braces removed. When I saw the result I was so mad at him that a week later he told me that my son (who also was in treatment) had to look for another ortho and that because I got mad at him in front of his clients and employee he was not going to return the $1.800 that my son still had in his account. My son's account was paid in full because when the ortho returned the money I applied to my son's account. Any way I got ripped off. Run to a different ortho, don't have him fix anything. Get a fresh start with a different orhto.
P.S If you search my name you can read about my problem.

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#5 Post by Gilda »

I just couldn't see past metal. So much metal!
I saw once my ortho telling a patient that she had to sigh an early release to have her braces removed. In my case there was nothing to sigh.
He didn't come to see me until the braces were off. Believe me I do feel stupid now. My case was a succession of mistakes.

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#6 Post by Gilda »

I am taking him to small claims court to see if I can recuperate the $1.800 that he said was still in the account.

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#7 Post by Gilda »

I had e-mailed him and talked to him a few times about my unhappines with the treatment and with the removal of the braces. I went there to get retainers and was surprised to see on the charts right on my face that I left happy. I lost my temper and he finally got that I was unhappy however I would have controled my temper have I known that it would cost me $1.800.

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#8 Post by Gilda »

It said that I left the office happy.
Yesterday I signed a consent to have my record sent to me. So I will see if he is trying to cover up something

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#9 Post by saps »

I just wanted to say that to all that are unhappy with your results I hope you are able to find some satisfaction somehow. I felt so upset for you when I read your posts. I can't even imagine the frustration you must be going through....

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