Anyone else feeling obsessed?

Discussions relating to Lingual Braces (behind-the-teeth) only, such as iBraces and LingualCare.

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Anyone else feeling obsessed?

#1 Post by Lingualita »

I've finally decided to get braced. And even though I'm really glad I did it, I feel a bit obsessed by the entire process. I keep thinking of the braces, at least every ten minutes (or at least it feels so), keep looking in the mirror, keep thinking of when I will start seeing changes, will I be satisfied with the result, etc etc.

The bottom line is that I think about it all the time. Is this normal? And, if it is, will this pass? Of course it's a major decision, and hence i feel concious, but sometimes it just feels a bit much.

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Hi Lingualita

#2 Post by SandraDee »

Well...How long have you had the ibraces on? Do you have it on the top and the bottom? I have had mine on the bottom since June and the top since December. Had two extractions last week, which was really hard, but am glad that is over and now just waiting for the changes to happen. I saw resluts on my bottom teeth within a month-big changes. The top I have only had the wire on since Thursday big changes yet... :shock:
Good luck and I hope you are happy with your decision.

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Re: Anyone else feeling obsessed?

#3 Post by streetmaster »

WOW every 10 minute's ha, try every 10 seconds for me, and im 46 yrs old :idea: :idea: :idea: :idea: :idea: :idea:

I've been puttin it off way to long, and now i have an appointment at the Ortho for next month, hoping that i can afford the Linquals.

If i dont go with Linquals, then i'll probly look into the Damon braces. :idea:

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#4 Post by Lingualita »

Well...How long have you had the ibraces on? Do you have it on the top and the bottom? I have had mine on the bottom since June and the top since December. Had two extractions last week, which was really hard, but am glad that is over and now just waiting for the changes to happen. I saw resluts on my bottom teeth within a month-big changes. The top I have only had the wire on since Thursday big changes yet...
Good luck and I hope you are happy with your decision.


Thanks for your reply. I've had my upper ibraces on for about 6 weeks, and the uppers for about 24 hours. LOL. Had four extractions about three weeks ago, which really sucked, but there was really no option, since there are simply to much teeth in my jaw. :lol:

I'm checking my teeth in the mirror constantly to look for changes, cant say I've seen any so far. But the top braces haven't been tightened yet. When I was initally deciding to get braced, he put the top braces on first, so that I could see how it felt. And in case i really hated having the braces on, I could still take them off. After that I had 6 weeks to decide until my next appointment (which was yesterday), and if I wanted to go through with it I had to get four extractions done by then. As the braces were really not that bad, and since I've thought of having this done every day since I was 16, I got four teeth extracted three weeks ago. Yesterday, I got ibraces on my lowers as well. And I feel like they've been tightened, at least it hurts more now than it did the last time. He also had some elastics put on, only in the back of my teeth, to help starting the process, and start closing the gaps.

I have a new appointment in 8 weeks (isn't that too long of an interval btw?), and I suppose I'm going to change wires then, not really sure though:)

I am so happy with my decision, and every time I think of my braces now (about every ten minutes or so :lol: ), I am thinking that it's so much hassle, but I'm so proud I made the decision, as opposed to the misery I felt before, hated my teeth so much, but really hesitated to take the plunge.

I can't wait to see the changes getting started, that'll be so fullfilling :D .
How's your progress going? Do you have a braces story here at AW?


I'm relieved to hear that i'm not the only self-concious braced adult here :)

I can totally relate to the putting of, I've done that for 7 (!!) years. But I promise you that you'll not regret it!

Regarding the costs, they are incredible. I live in norway, and although our health care is covered, the dental care is not. I (that is my parents lol!! I am still enrolled in uni, so there is no way I can afford it!) have to pay about 8500 USD for the treatment. One peculiar thing is that if you need jaw surgery (combined with braces), then it's covered by the government. I am considering having jaw surgery done, will have an appointment with an OS in about five months, the queues are horrendous. If i opt for the surgery I will probably have an overall better result, and at the same time have about 5000USD of my costs covered. LOL

Looking forward to hear how you're doing, and what you're deciding on. Good luck!

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#5 Post by streetmaster »

No im not braced yet, but gonna be this year though, and yes believe it or not, i think about it just about every second of the day while im awake.

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#6 Post by Lingualita »

I truly know what you mean, thinking about it all the time :) .

What is it that you would like having corrected? Just crowded teeth, or "overbite" "underbite" or something else as well?

Is getting the money what's been keeping you from doing this so far? Or just that it's a great leap to take. The last thing was definately the issue for me.

It's a truly hard decision, but from my experience, it's the best choice I've ever made (perhaps a bit early to state this regarding I've been braced for six weeks, haha :) , but that's how it feels so far at least)

Good luck. Keep me posted!!

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#7 Post by Lingualita »

I truly know what you mean, thinking about it all the time :) .

What is it that you would like having corrected? Just crowded teeth, or "overbite" "underbite" or something else as well?

Is getting the money what's been keeping you from doing this so far? Or just that it's a great leap to take. The last thing was definately the issue for me.

It's a truly hard decision, but from my experience, it's the best choice I've ever made (perhaps a bit early to state this regarding I've been braced for six weeks, haha :) , but that's how it feels so far at least)

Good luck. Keep me posted!!

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#8 Post by streetmaster »

Well my issue is that, yes they are very crowded, bridge to narrow, i bite my tongue to much, affected speech, sleep apnea from my lower jaw being recessed inward to much, which makes me snore.

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#9 Post by JAYKAY »

hi there

I am due for braces over the next few months and have started to think lingual braces are the way to go on my uppers - I have a second ortho appointment to look into this being set up by my dentist which will be in the next 2 months - so I think about it all the time - I guess this is a normal.

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#10 Post by Lingualita »

I can recommend Linguals based on my experience. They are quite discrete, and not too uncomfortable. I got used to them pretty quick. Keep us updated, and good luck!

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#11 Post by Lingualita »

Just wanted to say that I think about my braces less and less as time goes by. I've now had them for 6 months, and I can see major positive changes, although I still have a long way to go.

I would say I think about my teeth way less than I did before I got braces, and I already feel more confident :D It's so satisfying to know that the teeth get better every day, and that I'm finally fixing the thing that bothered me for so many years.

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Re: Anyone else feeling obsessed?

#12 Post by Lynne »

streetmaster wrote:WOW every 10 minute's ha, try every 10 seconds for me, and im 46 yrs old :idea: :idea: :idea: :idea: :idea: :idea:

I've been puttin it off way to long, and now i have an appointment at the Ortho for next month, hoping that i can afford the Linquals.

If i dont go with Linquals, then i'll probly look into the Damon braces. :idea:
Hi, did you get the linguals in the end? I'm 44 and just had them put on 10 days ago! Wished I had it done years ago.

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