Upper ibraces-wire put in-will my speech be worse again?

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Upper ibraces-wire put in-will my speech be worse again?

#1 Post by SandraDee »

Hey there-I am getting some extractions and then getting my upper wire put in my ibraces. (I currently just have the brackets-since Dec. 30th) I had speech problems for the first week and then it was fine--my question is, is my speech going to get worse again with the extractions and the wire being put in?? Just curious... :roll:

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Re: Upper ibraces-wire put in-will my speech be worse again?

#2 Post by LB »

Hi SandraDee - I'm in a similar situation to you. I have the bottom brackets and wire already, and just the top brackets. I have extractions and an impacted canine removal in two days. Wire should be going in a week or two after, depending on how well my mouth is healing. I'm also a little unsure how it's going to affect my speech - so far my speech has adapted well to the brackets and wire I currently have. I'll let you know how I get on.

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Thanks LB

#3 Post by SandraDee »

Hey LB--it's nice to know someone is going through the same thing as me--when are you getting the extractions? I am going tomorrow at 10am, so I will also post you and let you know how I do. I am getting the wire put in on Thursday morning, the 26th--I'm nervous about the extractions, but just can't wait for it to be over! :roll: I wish you luck and will post you in the next few days!

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#4 Post by LB »

Hi SandraDee - I had my extractions 3 days ago on Thursday. Had to have a general anaesthetic as I had an impacted canine removed from the roof of my mouth as well as two teeth from my upper jaw, so I'm recovering from that still. Good thing about having a general is that I obviously can't remember a thing about it!! My mouth is doing ok (I think) and seems to be healing. Good luck with your extractions tomorrow - one step closer to getting perfect teeth, right!? Depending on how well my mouth has healed, I might be getting the wire in on 25th - we'll see. Let me know how you get on.

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Did you get the wire in LB?

#5 Post by SandraDee »

Hi LB-well, I am getting my extractions today at 3pm.. :( The dr. canceled on me last Monday due to him being sick! I was so upset, all ready to just get it done and then I couldn't. I am having a general anethesia today as well...so I just can't wait for it to be over..And I am getting the wire in on Thursday. I was wondering how you were doing? Did you get the wire in? Did you have a problem with your speech, etc??
Give me an update!

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#6 Post by LB »

Hi SandraDee - well I just got the wire put in today! Was supposed to have it put in last week when the orthodontist put in the false teeth to cover my gaps whilst they close, however the roof of my mouth was still quite tender so he would have been peeling me off the ceiling if he'd tried to put it in then. So today was the day and having had it in for exactly 4 hours now, I can tell you that it's all good!

When it first went in, I could certainly feel a bit more restriction for my tongue, but ironically that's quite a good thing as it stops it from hitting the roof of my mouth which can sometimes get a bit sore at the moment. The other good thing is that it's much more comfortable for my tongue - when I just had the brackets they felt a bit sharp and sometimes I would nick my tongue on them. Feels much better now.

Speech - again, when it first went in I was lisping ever so slightly. Having had the experience of the bottom bracket and wire going in a few weeks back though, I knew that was just because it was very new for my tongue and I needed to figure out where to put it when I said certain words. I'm pretty much ok now though and it hasn't really had a major impact on my speech except on the odd word, which was happening anyway with the lowers. I expect that to get better in the next week or so as I get more comfortable with it.

Good luck with your extractions today and the wire fitting in a couple of days - let me know how it all goes for you. The wire helps that too by the way - having gaps made me lisp a bit as my tongue had nothing to restrict it, but the wire now gives it something to work against. I'm just so happy that I now have the op behind me and both upper and lower brackets and wires are now in and doing their stuff!

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Hi LB-update

#7 Post by SandraDee »

Hi LB--Well..I just got back about 3 hours ago from getting the top wire and the fake teeth put in where my extractions were and I am doing OK right now. My teeth on top feel a little sore..and I'm feeling a bit of pressure, but that is to be expected! I am having a little lisping problem, bu tthat is just my tongue getting used to the wire, like you said. So all, in all, I am just SO glad that the extractions and the wire is on both and now I just have to wait for the wire do to it's stuff!! My bottom teeth moved very fast, and I am hoping the same is true of the top ones!
How are you making out? I can relate to having the roof of the mouth very sore. Before I began all this, I had to have two gum graphs, which is when they take skin from the roof and graph it onto the gums... :shock: But you had a tooth in the roof of your mouth? That must have been painful.
So-how long are you to have your braces on? How are you doing with the speech? Does it get better every day?? Give me an update on you!
Sandra Dee 8)

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#8 Post by LB »

Hi there, glad to hear you are on the other side of the extractions and that the wire is now in. It's been nearly a week now since my upper wire went in and the speech thing is getting better. It got a little worse after a couple of days - I think my tongue was getting a bit tired, but it's now better and I'm not lisping much at all. I have a few problems with 'st' in words, but that's the main issue. If I do have difficulties with a word I just repeat it about 20 times and I soon get it sorted. I'm expecting it to be better still in another week. I hope you're finding your speech ok too now, have you lost the lisp yet?

I've been told my treatment will take 2 years. How about you? The main problem I have is eating - none of my molars meet so chewing is currently out of the question. It was even harder when my mouth was full of stitches, but they are now disappearing so things are getting a bit easier. I've lost about 8 pounds so far though. Hope the eating thing gets better soon.....I'm sick to death of eating soup and mashed potato!!

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#9 Post by SandraDee »

Hey LB-I am doing much better today and it has only been 4 days since the wire went in. My extractions are healing fine and the fake teeth that he put in the space is fine-I just don't chew on them. My teeth are very sore still, but I take motrin for that. And having some wine the other night helped too!!
Wow-it sounds like you really had a lot to get through. When do you think you will be able to chew? I can chew, it just takes a long time and I have to use my very back tooth on the left side. I have been eating mostly pasta, etc, but I have started to try other foods-nothing really hard, etc.
My speech has gotten so much better. I have been reading magazines out loud, reciting the rainbow passage over and over..and it really helps! :lol: Like you said, there are certain words that are harder, so I just say them over and over too. I drink a lot of water and try to stay hydrated! I will be in the braces for 12-18 months...how about you? How many stitches did you have in your mouth? Please keep me posted on your progress! :)

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#10 Post by LB »

Hi there. So it's been a few weeks since my top wire went in and my speech is ok, although it's taken a while to get used to it and can still be difficult if I'm really tired.

Last time I went in for my adjustment I had the wire in the bottom braces changed - it was a much thicker wire than the original one and felt more obvious in my mouth.....everytime something like this happens it takes a couple of weeks for my speech to adjust, which is a real pain when I have presentations or important meetings coming up. I'm just wondering if you or anyone else has had a problem adjusting to the thicker wire being put into the top braces. I feel like I have just enough room on top at the moment for my speech to be ok, so I'm a bit concerned about yet another change!

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Wire changing

#11 Post by gimmemore »


How long after the braces were intially put in, did you have the wire change to the thicker one? I have my second appointment in July which would be like two months after the braces were 1st put in (about 2 weeks ago). Is that when they would change the wire?


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#12 Post by LB »


I'd had the initial bottom wire in for just under 2 months when he put in the thicker wire. I guess it depends on how much your teeth have moved - my bottom teeth moved really quickly. My upper teeth on the other hand are a lot slower - I've had the initial wire in now for 2 and a half months and would be very surprised if he changed it in the near future.


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