Linguals and Oral sex

Discussions relating to Lingual Braces (behind-the-teeth) only, such as iBraces and LingualCare.

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Linguals and Oral sex

#1 Post by Cat »

ladies, have you had problems preforming?

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#2 Post by bbsadmin »

Does no one have anything to say on this subject, or are you all being shy? :oops: As long as you're not profane, you can post your replies! Surely at least one person out there has had to deal with this rather tender subject....
I'm the owner/admin of this site. Had ceramic uppers, metal lowers ~3 years in my early 40's. Now in Hawley retainers at night!


#3 Post by Guest »

I think the problem here... and I may be wrong... but it seems that the majority of lingual wearers here are men. Y'know... the vainer sex.

Just my guess.

P.S. No offense intended to any men who may be able to answer this question.

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#4 Post by Cat »

alrighty, then how is everyone finding kissing with linguals?

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#5 Post by geekgirl »

Actually, before i get my braces (not sure what kind they're gonna be yet) that's one of the things i'm really kinda worried about. That special guy in my life's been really supportive about me even taking the plunge to see an orthodontist and all that, but somehow i'm guessing i'm going to be testing the limits of his patience if i have to tell him its not gonna happen for god knows how long... yikes.

So come on ladies.. fess up here! Is it even possible with out, um, hurting him? :oops:

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#6 Post by Wingnut »

I can't speak for linguals - I have full metals with lingual cleats - but there have been no tragic mishaps! And if I may be so bold... the braces have created more "arch room" which has been a plus :oops:

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#7 Post by smiler »

Frankly, it's not easy. You have to be very, very careful not to hurt the poor boy. The solution is to cover the sharp bits with with soft wax.

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#8 Post by **shinyhappybraceface** »

I can't believe I'm responding to this post...but, ok, here goes...

I have regular metal braces, but would imagine that the danger is the same as with linguals. I'm most afraid of the <ahem> hair getting stuck. :shock:

With regular braces, it's pretty much the same as without braces, just keep your lips over your teeth. (It's been my experience that boys don't much like teeth - braced or unbraced - unless you can be very gentle.)

I would imagine that, with linguals, it would be pretty much the same - just be very careful.

I posted with regard to the comfort covers a while ago...I'm not sure if you could use them with linguals, but I would guess that you probably could.
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#9 Post by braceface69 »

From my experience it hasn't been a problem at all! He hasn't even noticed. And I have a palette expander as well on the top. No complaints yet!! :wink:

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#10 Post by Tunkabean »

Hmmmm..... Thanks for the info. I was wondering...
I'll keep it in mind if/whenever I get some action lol

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#11 Post by Lysachick »

I know it sounds crass but for the large part it is a space issue. The bigger he is the less space there is in your mouth for manouvering unless you also have a large mouth. It's also an angle thing- obviously since the linguals are directly behind your teeth you don't go in at a 45 degree angle. Rather, stay at eye level (ha ha! sorry, couldn't resist).

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#12 Post by Pinkie »

I know this hasn't been a topic since last year but i'm getting my aligners on tomorrow and i've just met a totally hot guy and i'm so freaked out about what it will be like kissing and doing other stuff with Invisalign.. Can anyone tell me that it's cool and there are no problems????

I'm anticipating all the discomfort etc for the first while and all the other annoying things like taking them out for eating and brushing flossing etc but this is the one thing i'm scared about!! :oops:

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#13 Post by Lysachick »

Something for you girls with linguals to consider...

Despite trying hard to be gentle, my partner now freaks out if I put my mouth anywhere near there. Three months later he's only just now shyly told me why. Apparently he found a little scab on the head of his you know what and had been scared sh*tless thinking it was herpes. He went to his doctor asking how it was possible since he had been faithful to me the whole time we'd been together and scared that I'd flip out at him and assume that he had cheated and worse, that he had given it to me. The doc said it didn't look like herpes, but when his tests came out clear he's now convinced it's because I nicked him and made him bleed.

Poor boy!

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#14 Post by lesley »

Hi Pinkie,
I am now on aligner 20 out of 24 (almost there!) and have a boyfriend who does not know about my aligners! I see him everyday and he has not noticed - I have kissed with them in - no problems at all and he can't tell a thing!

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#15 Post by Pinkie »

Thanks so much Lesley!!! I can't believe your boyfriend hasn't even noticed! Men eh?

Lysachick - your poor boyfriend!!! You see! This kind of thing is what i'm scared of!! But linguals are sharper i guess - ouch!!

I might make a new topic for this and title it Invisalign Oral Sex instead of linguals!! Might get a few more replies, i'd be interested to hear some more stories :D

Getting my aligners in 2 hours, will probably be back online tomorrow freaking out with more questions :lol:

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