STb Lingual Brackets

Discussions relating to Lingual Braces (behind-the-teeth) only, such as iBraces and LingualCare.

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#16 Post by Daveyboy »

Yep, thanks for the link LondonLingual.

I'm pretty certain i'm going with a place in Windsor,( which has offered me STb's on top, and ceramics on bottom. I would like all lingual but am more worried about the effect it'll have on my tongue, compared to only havin upper linguals.

I've got an appointment with an OS next week so hopefully after that I might be able to get underway.

Keep us updated on your treatment.... i'd be useful to know how much your quote for Linguals is?? I think mines going to be about £5k all in, but wont know for certain until next appointment.

See ya!

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#17 Post by LondonLingual »

Hey Lionfish! That's great news about how quickly you adjusted to your stb linguals. The only thing that's really worrying me is eating! I'm already slim so really don't want to have to eat less! How are you finding eating?

Daveyboy... Your £5000 quote for linguals on the uppers and ceramics on the lowers is about the same as mine. PM me for exact figure, I think it's a bit cheeky to print it here as I am sure every case is different and will require more or less work so wouldn't want to give someone the wrong idea. Having said that, some Orthos's are clearly charging more than others. A good guide for Lingual treatment seems to be £3000 per arch.

I had already looked at the website of your Ortho and they look cool. I thought about going to see the Brazilian lady Ortho there as I know Brazil is a country where good teeth are really important. In fact, when I was there I had to make an emergency visit to the dentist in a small town and he was fantastic and was the first dentist to wake me up to the idea of getting my teeth straightened. Anyways, I'm rambling lol, best of luck whoever you decide to go with.

BTW jennielee81 thats some serious Lingual knowledge!! Scrubs is wicked gonna borrow the dvd off my m8 and check that out. Cheers.

London lad... Linguals ( on top and ceramics ( on bottom! UPDATE: now have ceramics on top too after gave up on linguals 18 months in!!!

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#18 Post by lionfish »

Hi LondonLingual,

I ate soft foods for the first few days after getting my uppers. This was probably due to two things: my teeth were a bit tender and I wasn't used to eating with all this foreign stuff in my mouth.

I've since returned to all my old habits....cashews, steak, pork crackling, crusty bread, hard rinded cheeses, dried fruit, curry, red wine, chocolate, you name it. I chew some of this very carefully now, because they can and do break brackets and wires.

The only exceptions are corn on the cob (which I barely ate before) and spare ribs, because I can't get the meat off the bone with my teeth.

After a big adjustment, one's teeth may be sensitive for a couple of days during which I simply resort to soft stuff again until things settle down.

I probably eat as much as I did before, but I've cut out snacking entirely. This is because I don't wish to spend any more time cleaning out the hardware than I absolutely have to.

I make exceptions for anything involving chocolate!

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#19 Post by diehard »

(Brazil is a country where good teeth are really important)
have u seen the Brazil football SPAMMERS LIKE ME i think they would be a good case for invisalign or linguals :lol:

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STB update

#20 Post by suedeness123 »

I just got a call back from my ortho today. The Stb braces are finally coming in from France. It took about 2 months...a long time to wait!

I'll be getting them on my teeth at the end of July (unfortunately my ortho will be away on vacation so I can't get it sooner.)

I'll see how it goes in a couple of months...

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#21 Post by amber »

suedeness123: goodluck! I think you will be pleased. I waited 10 weeks for my ibraces to ship from Germany to the US. It is a long time to wait, but well worth it. Keep us posted on your progress.

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STb update

#22 Post by suedeness123 »

Just came back from the ortho and got my upper linguals on! Took an hour and half to get just the uppers on! It was a bit tiring and to put on the upper molar brackets, they use this plastic piece to prevent your tongue from moving around. The tongue piece was so hard to leave on and I was practically gagging while they put on the molar brackets. Finally, they removed it when they put on the brackets for the other teeth on top. I was to have the upper and lower on today, but it was too tiring so we did just the upper.

So, of course, I'm talking really really lispy. I'll have to look up the other posts for advice on speeding up on talking properly again.

I'm wondering how I'll have this on for so long, but it seems like I just have to stick it out for a couple of weeks and wait for it to get much better.

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#23 Post by lionfish »

That tongue thingy sucks. Literally.

To improve your speech, keep talking. Read aloud - look for the Rainbow Passage, it's somewhere on the board, and read it over and over again. Sing in the shower, talk to yourself, the cat, whatever it takes.

Give yourself a fortnight, use wax on offending brackets if you need to, and rinse regularly with warm water and salt - 1tspn to a tall glass of water.

And feel free to vent here.

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#24 Post by Kerry »


Im in Berkshire and i went to see dentalign i came out of there in tears because they where awful and really insensitive. I was then told by them i had a big nose in which i replied oh thanks (feeling really insulted)! she then tried to say oh no no no the reason being is because your jaw is too far back you will need upper and lower jaw surgery.

I asked her what was next she said i would need to go to Windsor and see a guy who will charge 250 and then he will tell me for sure what i need and if i need surgery he will refer me to his allocated hospital but there would be no guarantee i would get this free so it could cost thousands plus 4500 for braces.

I did make the appointment but cancelled and decided i would go to Maple house in slough, i parted with £80 to see them and i am so glad i did. They did x-rays photos and looked at my teeth a proper examination before giving me in writing what i would need and the options i have.

op 1 to have braces for 12 months and camouflage the fact i have a over jet which wouldn't change my profile.

op2 to have braces and lower jaw surgery only

I spoke to him about op2 and he said ok i will refer you to the hospital and we can go from there, a week later i had a call asking me to come in and he had set up a consultation at his practice with a NHS Surgeon (ms mills) she then booked me an appointment to have my wisdom teeth out and now im on the waiting list for braces then surgery.

Maple house was brilliant and im so glad i didn't go through dentalign.
Imagewisdom teeth removed under GA nov07 * Braced 8/2/08 * 2 premolars removed Apr08 * Adjustment 4 rebonding, 4 molar bands & new wire 4/7/08 * 31Jul wire change * 28 Aug last wire fitted and lower powerchain put on. 29th May moulds and x rays. 31st July Surgery date :-)

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#25 Post by BlahBlah »

Glad it all worked out for u Kerry...
Good luck for the opo... and then all the fun begins with the wonderful world of braces!!!! YAY.. :)
U getting linguals or regulars??

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#26 Post by BlahBlah »

Glad it all worked out for u Kerry...
Good luck for the opo... and then all the fun begins with the wonderful world of braces!!!! YAY.. :)
U getting linguals or regulars??

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