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Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2007 4:58 pm
by lionfish
Sorry for the confusion. I meant to say that if you work at it, the 's' sound will come good.

A lot of people here have had more trouble adjusting to bottom braces of any type compared to top braces.

All the best.

Posted: Sun Jan 21, 2007 4:10 pm
by BlahBlah
I didn't use wax at all... I tried it but it made me want to vomit.. i think if u don't use wax it will help u get used to the braces feel against your tongue quicker... I just used wax to cover my gap that i had between my 2 front teeth... :thumbsup:

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 7:42 am
by eoconnor
i agree - i'm really trying to wean myself off the wax completely but it seems like i will always need it on the back lower linguals b/c the wire is always sticking out (it moves very quickly) and i dont feel like going to the ortho like every wk

how do i get that figure on the bottom of my email that tracks how long i've had my linguals! i'm dying to put it on to keep track!!!!

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 12:47 pm
by eoconnor
really, 25 postings?

ok, well then i better get kicking w/some more questions on this board. :)

does anyone have any favorite foods they like to eat that are easy? i gave up most of the granola bars that i love b/c you have to bite into them - along w/chips and pretzels

Day 2

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 2:13 pm
by katia2298
Hey guys. This website is wonderful. Makes me feel like I'm not going through this alone. I am on day 2 and still having a great deal of difficulty talking. It's frustrating. I actually took off today because my speech and pain were so bad. I returned to the ortho to find out one of the wires was piercing me in the tongue every time I moved my jaw. If your pain is unberable, I highly recommend you head back to the Dr. MY pain has reduced a bit. Tongue is still sore....can bearly eat anything. Don't eat grilled cheese. Trust me, I learnedthe hard way. lol I was just wondering when you stop salivating so much. It's awful and I feel like a freak. Thanks again everyone for making me feel less alienated. lol

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 2:20 pm
by eoconnor
good question! i'm on wk 2 and while my saliva is down its still not regular yet - that makes it even harder to talk!!!!!

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 2:29 pm
by katia2298
Thanks eoconnor, at least I know it will get better. I know what you mean though, it's extremely weird and gross. Are you still having trouble talking as well?

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 2:30 pm
by katia2298
Oh 1 more quetsion: what kind of foods do you find easiest to eat. I have pretty much been on a liquid diet and it is not fun at all! :P

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 4:09 pm
by eoconnor
yes - still having trouble talking but its definitely getting better. no one really seems to notice anymore. i still do but in some way i think there are certain sounds that will never be 100% but not off enough for someone to actually think you have a lisp - especially when i talk slower. the funny thing is the less you think about it the easier it is. when i get nervous i tend to speak worse but like when i'm out w/friends or drinking i dont even notice (Remember its only been 2 wks for me too - i think it gets better and better :)

also, if you put wax on the top two front teeth it really really helps w/the lisping thing but for the past wk i've been weening myself off of it b/c i'm trying to get used to my mouth w/o it. when i use the wax i don't lisp at all (like tonight i have a date w/a guy so i'm going to wear it just to be safe :) ) but it totally helps ESPECIALLY in the beginning!

As for the pain - i have a high pain tolerance - what i dont tolerate well is things that I am vain about - i.e. sounding weird - so i pretty much eat anything - i just cut it up

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 4:12 pm
by BlahBlah
Don't worry, you will move on from the liquid diet, it does get better, i eat anything and everything now...
i had the hard stuff after 2 weeks.. like burgers pizza chips etc. but i wasn't biting into them... but after a month i was eating food trouble free.. so you don't have to suffer for long.... just don't bite into the foods directly with ur 2 front teeth.. when i do that even now i get pain.. i just use my side teeth..or sumtimes i just break the burger with my hands and pop it in my mouth so i don't bite into it at all.. Whatever works best for u i guess...

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 4:14 pm
by BlahBlah
Don't worry, you will move on from the liquid diet, it does get better, i eat anything and everything now...
i had the hard stuff after 2 weeks.. like burgers pizza chips etc. but i wasn't biting into them... but after a month i was eating food trouble free.. so you don't have to suffer for long.... just don't bite into the foods directly with ur 2 front teeth.. when i do that even now i get pain.. i just use my side teeth..or sumtimes i just break the burger with my hands and pop it in my mouth so i don't bite into it at all.. Whatever works best for u i guess...

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 4:14 pm
by BlahBlah