Change in ortho...change in estimated length of treatment?

Discussions relating to Lingual Braces (behind-the-teeth) only, such as iBraces and LingualCare.

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Location: Las Vegas, NV

#16 Post by mun »

thanks for the reply Maclock!

I contacted the new ortho i wanted, and the receptionist told me that i had to transfer all my files from my current ortho otherwise he wouldn't even see me for a consultation! well, that was pretty rude and was hard to believe. if i hadn't mentioned that i have braces, and just wanted schedule an appointment, she'd have no idea and would need to schedule me in for a free consultation. But no!, she was pretty rude about it.

so i thought, if i transfer all my files and go see the new one, and don't like him, what he suggests, or his price etc. i would be out with no ortho at all! Heh, i changed my mind. My biggest reason to want to change was the distance (current one is 30 min away, new one would be 5 min away -would be handy in case of emergencies) and the second one was the service. Dealing with a rude receptionist for 24-30 months don't seem much appealing :P


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