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Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 3:56 pm
by jl2155
It wraps around the entire tooth.

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 4:47 pm
by lionfish
jl2155 wrote:It wraps around the entire tooth.
Ah, that's something different yet again!

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 11:56 am
by jl2155
Ah, that's something different yet again![/quote]

Yep. I have the iBraces. I might have something different in the back b/c the doc said "this is the first time we've used these but b/c you have spaces.." I am missing the tooth in front of my back molar. Its nothing like the things they use w/ regular braces, its like a custom fit ring that sorta outlines the tooth.

I'm having a love-hate relationship with these things right now, but no regrets 8) Its actually kinda fun telling people I have braces (although its ironic b/c that defeats the purpose)...if you don't mind them staring at your mouth trying to find them :wink: .

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 3:23 pm
by lionfish
jl2155 wrote:
I'm having a love-hate relationship with these things right now, but no regrets 8) Its actually kinda fun telling people I have braces (although its ironic b/c that defeats the purpose)...if you don't mind them staring at your mouth trying to find them :wink: .
Part of me is like that, the other part wants people to see if they can spot anything different.

I was rather amazed last Friday when a good friend commented that there was something different about my jaw - after 3 days!!!! She's more observant than me.

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 8:42 am
by sf
finally, I got my x-ray and mold done.

However, I am unsure if I want to go for the whole thing now...

My teeth isn't that bad, and I think I can live with it. I have a overbite and crowding, making my top lip jet out a bit, but I can still close my lips. I don't have functional impairment. I guess I am also a bit scared about the inconvenience and speech impairment (not to mention pain)

Is there someone out there who regretted getting it done?

By the way, any one know how long you can keep the mold and still use it later? and for a tooth that is squeezed out (so minimal contact surface when the inital mold is made) how does the dentist move it once other teeth move out of the way?

Thanks everyone.

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 2:43 pm
by lionfish
I think most people (all?) are filled with self doubt about before taking the plunge.

Thus far, I don't have any regrets. I've also had no pain and no problems with speaking.

The questions about moulds and tooth movement are ones you should ask your ortho.


Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 12:27 pm
by soclueless
I want to get ibraces.
how much do they cost? :lol:


Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 10:58 am
by mc27
I just got my iBraces bonded, both top and bottom. I have been a week with the top on, and just a day with the bottom. I will have a tooth extracted next month, and the whole case is said to take about 2 years.

Initial pain: My teeth have been quite sore. This is to be expected for a few days after each wire change. I have been alternating ibuprofen (advil) and acetomenaphin (tylenol) for the pain (this gives you a good analgesic effect, but spares your liver and stomach). The top has already gotten much better, hopefully by the end of the week I will not have pain.

Tongue irritation: The iBraces on top did not irritate my tongue at all. In fact, I find them quite smooth and unobtrusive to my tongue (exception: see "speech" below). But since I had the bottom braces bonded yesterday, I have had to use wax on the back molars as the wire/brackets have started to painfully irritate my tongue. I will remove it tonight. As others on this board have experienced, I want to just get through the brief tough period so my tongue adjust and then be over it. I worry that if I pamper my tongue with generous wax on the braces, it'll never toughen up.

Eating: Eating is not so bad with the braces, the only think is the soreness/tenderness that I have from the first wire. This will subside. I love how since they are behind my teeth, I don't have to worry about people seeing food stuck in them! I can just discreetly deal with it in the bathroom after my meal.

Speech: Talking is a little awkward. I expect it to be this way for a while. I need to practice speaking (it is basically a lisp-like sound with s's, etc.) This should improve with time.

I am just a week in to my treatment and so glad that I did this. I doubt if I will have regret this (ultimately having beautifully straight teeth and a properly aligned bite). I really had to advocate for iBraces and switched orthodontists because the 1st was not familiar with these lingual braces and was telling me nonsense about their feasibility for my case. With a trained orthodontist, there is very little that iBraces can't do that traditional braces can. But they are expensive!


Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 4:10 pm
by lmccl0
Congratulations mc57! Welcome to the club!

I got my lowers put on first about five weeks ago. I got the uppers put on three weeks ago and I had a tooth extracted today.

I had the same tongue irritation with the lowers so I had to have her fix the wire in the back a little bit. I had been using the wax but, like you, I was concerned my tongue would not toughen up. If you continue to have pain for more than a few days, I would have them see if they can fix the wire or put a sealant like material over it.

Other than that, my teeth were more sore with the uppers than with the lowers but it died down after a few days. My biggest problems were speech (which I think was just because I am really self conscious about it) and eating. I'm still not eating all of the things that I use to eat but everyone says I'll get there. Can't wait to have a big ole burger!

Good luck with the extraction! That was completely painless for me. Nice to have something go smoothly especially when we are shelling out all of this dough.

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 9:30 am
by mc27
Thanks lmccl0. Glad to hear your extraction went swimmingly. I had the extraction of my #5 yesterday. It couldn't have gone more smoothly. The oral surgeon was great. She told me to prophylax with 600 mg of ibuprofen to cut down on any inflammation and for potential pain when the novocaine wore off. I took one more dose in the evening. I haven't taken anything today. I never experienced any pain.

After the extraction, I went back to my ortho and she used composite to build up a kind of fake tooth from the next tooth over. It now looks great. I can smile (because it's not one of my "social six") and unless someone knew or was looking really closely, they would not notice that I am missing a tooth!

I have an appt. in 5 weeks to change wires and to start pulling my teeth into the extraction site. Apparently I have a total of 3 wires for the bottom and 4 wires for the top. They told me "about 2 years" total time, but I am getting the sense that they were being really safe with the estimate. With only 1 extraction and 4 wires for the top (supposedly spaced apart about every 6 weeks?), this should probably go much more quickly.

Update on pain:

Tooth Pain: None. No longer taking ibuprofen/acetaminophen.

Tongue irritation: None. One week after bottom iBraces bonded, my tongue has already adapted and I no longer experience pain or "blistering."

Eating: Still a little awkward feeling, but I have been eaten out several times very easily. Soon I'm sure I'll forget I even have them in.

Speaking: Slowly getting better.

iBraces--> do they correct overbites?

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 3:15 pm
by maddie
I have an overbite and my orthodontist specializes in iBraces, but never mentioned them to me when she consulted me for braces (to fix the overbite).

Besides the standard braces, are there any other solutions to my overbite? (Hopefully iBraces is a solution, but does anyone know of any others?)


Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 1:30 pm
by here123
I'm thinking about getting ibraces on, but I have one concern. With the braces on the inside does it make kissing uncomfortable and just strange? Let me know what you think

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 4:09 pm
by lionfish
Lingual braces will not inhibit kissing, etc.

did any one have really crowded bottom teeth?

Posted: Sun May 17, 2009 11:07 pm
by jaycarr27
I have really crowded teeth on bottom i was wondering if any body else did and if you get used to them my ortho said if i get them i will be uncomfortable but if i can get used to them i think it will be worth it

Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2010 7:37 am
by broadwaybelle
Got my ibraces on yesterday... Wow. My tongue is swollen, I can't talk correctly, it hurts and is awkward to eat anything... I have to wear them for 9 months :\

Tried to eat a banana for breakfast and it took me half an hour to eat a little less than half

This stinks.