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Switching to Invisalign from iBraces -- has anyone done it?

Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 1:35 pm
by Maclock
My ortho has indicated that if I wanted to do so, I might be able to switch from my present lingual iBraces to Invisalign. Now, I may have no choice but to do so, as I may have to relocate to a city where no-one handles lingual braces.

Has anyone reading this message done so? If you have, then please tell me how you made out in the end. If the results are disasterous, I may just continue commuting a few thousand miles on the weekend to see my present orthodontist. It may prove to be just as cheap to do so, anyway.

I still have some distance to go on closing an open anterior bite on the right-hand side of my chompers (the left-hand side seems to be closed). It looks to be a couple of millimetres or so. Invisalign is not ideal for closing open anterior bites, is it?

Posted: Fri May 25, 2007 3:46 pm
by amber
I went the other direction - started with invisalign - ended up with a completely disfunctional bite, and am now in lingual braces. I would not switch to invisalign unless there is only minor work to complete.

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 8:41 pm
by jake
I have finally finished my I-Brace experience. I was left with a few issues that had to be addressed however.. so I am now using invisilign. I liked the I-Braces better, but like the I-Braces I am sure I will get used to the invisilign in time. They feel much better than the I-Braces but the "invisilign" is not really invisible if you are up close. You can see the plastic over my teeth. Not so bad though, my teeth look pretty good.

Jake -- out of braces in eight months?

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 9:52 am
by Maclock
And in Invisalign aligners for how long?

Wow! Eight months to get the fixed appliances off your teeth! Wilckodontics is pretty impressive.

Out of interest, did anyone guess how long your treatment would take without Wilckodontics?

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 7:45 pm
by jake
I believe I was told 36 months without Wilkodonics.

Crazy fast!

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2007 9:19 pm
by Maclock
I wish that someone familiar with Wilckodontics had discussed the procedure with me in advance of starting treatment.

After the fact, when I raised it with orthos, they almost universally recoiled in horror when I explained to them what it entails. I think it might well be the "cat's meow", though!

The switch has begun

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 10:08 pm
by Maclock
Well, my ortho finally decided to switch me to Invisalign. I agreed to go along with the switch, but if I were remaining in an area with a good iBraces ortho, I think that I would have stuck with linguals. Honestly, the switch is likely to lengthen my treatment time by some months, and I don't know if I am going to have the discipline necessary to keep Invisalign trays in my gob for 20+ hours a day. While it is a joy to have lingual brackets, arch wires, buttons, etc., out of my mouth, a fixed appliances necessarily forces discipline upon patients.

My teeth have come so far, though, that I remain hopeful my time in Invisalign trays will be fairly limited. They really are looking very good.