Please Please Help Me!!

Discussions relating to Lingual Braces (behind-the-teeth) only, such as iBraces and LingualCare.

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Please Please Help Me!!

#1 Post by Joanna88 »

Hi, I am 19, and I have to get braces to fix my TMJ, and I really really want iBraces, I do NOT want braces on my teeth! I was just wondering if anyone has ever had these? How bad do they hurt your tongue? Someone (who doesn't have them) told me they tear your tongue up causing scar tissue and can even displace your tongue, but I don't think this is true. How long did it take you to get use to talking with them? Do you have a lisp? Do you overall like them? Has anyone used them for TMJ? Also, does anyone know if iBraces can fix facial profiles with flat chins like Damon braces can? I've heard Damon Braces can do wonders for facial profiles with flat chins without surgery, and was wondering if iBraces could accomplish this as well. Do you think I should get them versus Damon Braces? I've noticed that most people say that the speaking eventually wasn't a problem, but a few people say that it is. Does this have to do with the brand of lingual braces? I will be getting iBraces specifically, because I think that's all that's offered around here (Illinois), so how do iBraces effect speech? Also, I've heard of new smaller and better lingual braces, do these include iBraces? Sorry for so many different questions, I'm just really confused and need alot of answers. Thanks!

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#2 Post by lionfish »

Hi Joanna,

I had linguals on my upper teeth. Yes, your tongue will need to adjust to the brackets, but 10-14 days is usually all it takes. I've never heard of lingual braces displacing one's tongue, don't know where your friend got that from.

I didn't have TMJ problems. Yes, I had a lisp for a while, but this went away after about 6 weeks.

I loved the linguals, but was equally at ease with ceramics on my lower teeth. I don't know what brand of linguals I had, but do recall that they had a very low profile which made them very easy to adjust to.

The Damon marketing people do a great job of promoting their product. The reality is that any bracket system in the hands of a competent orthodontist will do the job, so I wouldn't get too hung up on a brand name. It's more important that you find an ortho you can live with and whom you trust.

Jay Tea
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#3 Post by Jay Tea »

normal lingual braces and ibraces are two different types of lingual braces. If you want to find information on the internet look up ibraces because they are different braces but are both on the inner side of the teeth making them invisible. Ibraces are usually like a dark gold in colour and are customized to fit each tooth specifically and are made in texas america.

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#4 Post by ibraceface »

First of all... IBraces and Linguals are two completely different sets of braces!!!

Yes-- I have heard linguals can tear your tongue up and cause speech problems...

But- I can only speak for what I have which are IBRACES. I LOOOOVEEEEEE my IBraces!!!! I am only 22 and refused to wear regular braces. I have never cut my toungue, rubbed it raw, etc. In fact, I can glide my toungue all over my brackets (which I often do) without any pain whatsoever.

As for function- they work just as well (if not better) than traditonal braces. My IBraces are currently working to close 4 extraction gaps and bring down and impacted tooth. If IBraces can do that--- they can do anything!

Go for it~!!!!! IBraces have truly truly truly changed my life... I cant wait to meet my new smile!

Hope this helped! private message me if u neeed AANYTHING else!!


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#5 Post by ibraceface »

First of all... IBraces and Linguals are two completely different sets of braces!!!

Yes-- I have heard linguals can tear your tongue up and cause speech problems...

But- I can only speak for what I have which are IBRACES. I LOOOOVEEEEEE my IBraces!!!! I am only 22 and refused to wear regular braces. I have never cut my toungue, rubbed it raw, etc. In fact, I can glide my toungue all over my brackets (which I often do) without any pain whatsoever.

As for function- they work just as well (if not better) than traditonal braces. My IBraces are currently working to close 4 extraction gaps and bring down and impacted tooth. If IBraces can do that--- they can do anything!

Go for it~!!!!! IBraces have truly truly truly changed my life... I cant wait to meet my new smile!

Hope this helped! private message me if u neeed AANYTHING else!!


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#6 Post by lionfish »

First of all... IBraces and Linguals are two completely different sets of braces!!!
Actually, "lingual braces" is a generic term that applies to any bracket system which is placed behind the teeth in proximity to the tongue (hence the term, "lingual"), of which Ibraces is one of a number of brand names.

What I had was very similar to what you currently have, kate.

Jay Tea
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#7 Post by Jay Tea »

ok here goes ... when i said normal lingual braces i meant TRADITIONAL LINGUAL BRACES. these are your standard ones that are similar to normal braces that they put on the outer of your teeth. Now ibraces or incognito are the same type of lingual braces ibraces being made in texas and incognito being made in germany. So the traditional linguals and the ibraces are actually different LINGUAL BRACES. Ibraces are like a tinted gold colour that are really flat and customized to fit each tooth specifically they are the newest type of LINGUAL BRACES and have better results when it comes to speech adaption then the TRADITIONAL lingual braces. I think you guys get the point. Though seriously just go research it, it's all on the net .... :roll:

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#8 Post by lionfish »

I think any ortho would have a hard time applying what you call standard brackets to the back of at least one's front teeth, jay tea. That is because the inner surface of these teeth is contoured completely different to the outer surface.

My lingual brackets were custom made to fit the back of my teeth. I don't know what brand they were and I don't care. They did the job the same as any other lingual brackets would have done in the hands of a competent orthodontist.

If Ibraces wants to hype up its product the same way as Damon does for labial brackets, so be it. But remember that brackets are brackets and it's the expertise of the ortho that is going to get you there.

And while the net is a great resource, it's not always accurate.

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#9 Post by ibraceface »

I'm going to have to argue with you lionfish. I did a lot of researching and a LOT of questioning when I got my Ibraces.

And while IBraces are a type of lingual bracket- they are completely different. IBraces were made to diminish the problems people faced with regular lingual brackets.

They were made smaller and more custom fit--- so they lie flat to the tooth-- to prevent toungue abrasion and lisping problems that regular lingual wearers often complained about.

Also IBraces are made by "robotic equipment". Regular linguals are placed on, maintained and wires are bent by the actual ortho. IBraces come pre-bent, etc-- The reason for this is: Lingual braces required a LOT of chair time, required a lot of patience from the ortho- and basically required him to be upside down while working in your mouth.

Because Ibraces are made with robotic equipment-- the ortho spends less time working in your mouth...

There... blah.. that was a mouthful... but yes Linguals and Ibraces are similar because they are both lingual (meaning "back of teeth") but they are also VERY VERY DIFFERENT.

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#10 Post by lionfish »

I'm going to have to argue with you lionfish. I did a lot of researching and a LOT of questioning when I got my Ibraces.

And while IBraces are a type of lingual bracket- they are completely different. IBraces were made to diminish the problems people faced with regular lingual brackets.

They were made smaller and more custom fit--- so they lie flat to the tooth-- to prevent toungue abrasion and lisping problems that regular lingual wearers often complained about.

Also IBraces are made by "robotic equipment". Regular linguals are placed on, maintained and wires are bent by the actual ortho. IBraces come pre-bent, etc-- The reason for this is: Lingual braces required a LOT of chair time, required a lot of patience from the ortho- and basically required him to be upside down while working in your mouth.

Because Ibraces are made with robotic equipment-- the ortho spends less time working in your mouth...

There... blah.. that was a mouthful... but yes Linguals and Ibraces are similar because they are both lingual (meaning "back of teeth") but they are also VERY VERY DIFFERENT.
I'm not sure what the argument is about, Ibraceface, or why there even needs to be one.

However, I do take exception to your inference that Ibraces are better than any other bracket system out there. Brackets are brackets, wires are wires, and if you think that these are more important than the skill of the ortho, you may want to think again.

The topic of marketing hype surrounding bracket systems has been done to death in the metal mouth forum. Several orthodontists have put this in its proper context - go and have a read and you may be wiser afterwards.

And for what it's worth, I've read of at least one Ibraces wearer on this board who has complained of initial tongue abrasion and lisping. It happens.

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#11 Post by BlahBlah »

So have we now settled on the correct definitions of linguals/ibraces.. etc lol lol
Peace out...

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#12 Post by ibraceface »

Sorry lion! This is why I hate boards--- because you can never tell the tone of someone through written words! I wasn't trying to be rude or intending "i wanted to make an argument"... poor choice of words on my part-- but i was merely just having fun and trying to explain the differences... didnt mean to offend... my apologies!


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#13 Post by lionfish »

No offence taken, ibraceface. All the best.

Jay Tea
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#14 Post by Jay Tea »

they are just a different type of lingual braces... bottom line is we are all here for the same reason b/c we have or are getting braces behind the teeth and we are all pretty much in the same boat so lets just help one another out.

"There's an old saying in Tennessee. I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee, that says: Fool me once... shame on...shame on you...if fooled, you can't get fooled again." George W.Bush

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#15 Post by lionfish »

"There's an old saying in Tennessee. I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee, that says: Fool me once... shame on...shame on you...if fooled, you can't get fooled again." George W.Bush
And to think he got elected twice....

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