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Elastics How Long?

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 10:06 pm
by Ouch
Hey Everybody,

8 months into my treatment and I've gotten elastics, and I have a few general questions on people's experience, that I hope some of you can share. I've only had mine on for 2 days, and the first time at the orthodontics when they asked me to try put it on myself, I felt really un-co, and it took me quite a while before I was successful. From then on it takes me on average about 2 minutes to get them in. It seems to do nothing other than, stop me from yawning, which may be a good thing. I eat with them on, and find it a bit of a struggle as I'm used to shovelling food to the back but now the elastics are in the way. Does not change my speech in any way so I'm happy, but my lips get really dry as I am unable to wet them all over with my tongue. So onto my questions;
1. I read somewhere that elastics are usually put on towards the end of the treatment, does this mean I'm at the beginning of the end?
2. How long have people generally had to wear them?
3. Do you take it off to eat or leave them in there?
4. How often do you swap them? (I change mine every meal after brushing so 3 times a day).


Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 9:57 pm
by lionfish
Some people get elastics on day one, some in the middle and others towards the end of treatment.

I got mine 6 months in and had them in various configurations for the next 16 months until I was debanded.

When I wore them full time, I was also asked to leave them in place when I ate.

I used to change my elastics after meals, as that was what I was instructed to do.

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 4:21 pm
by Ouch
Thanks lionfish, your responses are always much appreciated.

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 7:36 am
by purpleteeth
Wow! You keep them in to eat? Ok... now I feel lucky because I get to take mine out with my braces on front, however I do wear 6 at a time though :shock: There is no way I could eat with them in!!

Are the elastics as visible with linguals as they are with traditional braces? Just curious here :oops:

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 1:19 pm
by lionfish
It depends where they are placed and whether they're anchored from behind or in front. Those that are closer to or on your front teeth are likely to be visible.

Posted: Wed May 07, 2008 2:14 pm
by goldbraces09
Just out of curiosity - why are elastics used?