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1st adjustment

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 5:35 am
by lingualslady
Having (just) survived the last 5 weeks, I'm relieved to report that things are improving! Yey!

My lisp has mostly gone, mouth ulcers are much smaller and less frequent, my teeth are hardly sensitive at all and I'm even eating proper food - although still rather limited! I just couldnt imagine this a few weeks ago - what a relief! :banana:

So I feel as if I'm just about getting "comfortable" with these contraptions in my mouth but on friday I'm seeing my ortho for an adjustment - aaargh! Just as I was getting used to a varied diet! Does it mean I'm back on mash for a week? Do I get a new wire with new pokey bits? Presumably it will put more pressure on my teeth so they'll hurt all over again? :-((

On seperate note - i think i've been clenching my teeth at night - is it possible that i've "flattened" the bite blocks? My lower front teeth can just touch my top brace now - pretty sure i couldnt do that before... maybe that's why chewing's got easier..!

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2008 10:22 am
by saps
I think everyone is different but I didn't get a new wire at every adjustment (nowhere near). With me, they weren't able to tie in all the teeth at once so as motion happened they tied in more and more teeth. My teeth were usually sore after an adjustment for a day or so but I didn't go through new "pokeness" at each adjustment. My advice is to really check the wires with your tongue before you leave and if you feel anything poking (even a little bit) have them fix it before you leave.

The first weeks were BY FAR the toughest for me....

Also, I grind my teeth at night and I KNOW I wore the bite pads down some.

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 6:12 am
by lingualslady
Ah thanks Saps - that's good to know - so did you get new bite blocks?

Also when you go in do they clean your teeth at all? Much as I'm trying to do my best after every meal, I'm sure they can do a better job...

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 2:05 pm
by saps
They left my bite blocks alone but if you're concerned definitely ask them about it.

My ortho did not clean my teeth at all but I did go see my regular dentist more often than normal to get them to clean them (ahhh...what a good feeling).

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 3:57 am
by lingualslady
Ok - in case anyone's interested - all my ortho did was change the ligs.

I will only have 3 different archwires for the whole treatement, made of different materials so they do different jobs on my teeth at various stages. The ligs apply the forces on the wire but after a few weeks they wear out so they need to be replaced with new ones.

It feels slightly uncomfortable and individual teeth felt sensitive and very wobbly over the last few days but on the whole pretty painless. I also got those nasty pokey wires cut so Ive been wax-less and ulcer-less for 3days! Hooray! :D

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 7:49 am
by Dhillio

what are ligs ?? I have had my braces in since May and I am well happy with the progress so far. My teeth moved soo quickly it was shocking !