
Discussions relating to Lingual Braces (behind-the-teeth) only, such as iBraces and LingualCare.

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#1 Post by Lingualita »

I've extracted 4 teeth, 2 in my upper jaw (the first premolars) and 2 in my lower jaw (2nd. premolars? at least the teeth "behind" the ones I extracted in my upper jaw).

My ortho mentioned that I was going to start with elastics after my next appointment, I suppose to start closing the gaps. Anyone else done this before? Is it elastics going from my tooth behind the whole to the one behind at each jaw on each side? Or can I expect elastics from the upper jaw to the lower jaw and vice versa? I'd love some answers to be a bit mentally prepared :)

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#2 Post by Volare »

In my case using iBraces, they cemented little ceramic buttons on the front of my teeth that they attach the elastics too. I have found these to be far more intrusive than the iBraces ever were. But I guess it is a good sign that the treatment is progressing!
I had my top arch wired for 3 years, 9 months, 3 weeks and 3 days with iBraces
I had my bottom arch wired for 3 years, 8 months, 1 week, and 4 days with iBraces
with Clarity conventional brackets top and bottom

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#3 Post by Lingualita »

Thank you so much for your answer, even though I would have to admit that it was not the answer I hoped for :? I saw a picture somewhere where gaps were closed using elastics on the back of the teeth and not from upper jaw to lower jaw. But from my research this seems to be the exception.

How long did you wear the elastics? What kind of time span can I be prepared for?

Thanks so much for your answers :)

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#4 Post by Volare »

I started into elastics at about the 11 month mark. My expected treatment time is 24-30 mo, and they have told me I can expect to be in elastics for the remainder of my treatment. :shock:

The buttons they installed on my teeth are ceramic, so you can't see them very easily, but their edges are very sharp in order to hold the elastic. The "post" is also very fat compared to a metal button, so the elastics can slip off easily. For this reason, 2 of my ceramic buttons in the lower back have been replaced with metal ones, and the elastics stay on much better now. They aren't visible during normal speech or anything, so I don't care that it's metal. It was far more annoying to have the bands popping off every few minutes.

I too was hoping that the elastics would be attached to the back, but I see now that would be very difficult to do. On most of my brackets there simply is not enough room between the gums and the end of the bracket. In some cases, the bracket ends touch my interior gums quite firmly, and there is no way a band could be slipped on there.

I was kinda bummed about all this hardware going on the front of my teeth- after all, wasn't that the whole point of getting linguals- so I wouldn't have to see this mess? If I had known before I started that the bands were going to be such a long part of the treatment, and that they would highly visible, etc, I might have considered going with more traditional ceramic braces.
I had my top arch wired for 3 years, 9 months, 3 weeks and 3 days with iBraces
I had my bottom arch wired for 3 years, 8 months, 1 week, and 4 days with iBraces
with Clarity conventional brackets top and bottom

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#5 Post by xTc »

Volare where are the buttons placed? Are they on your back teeth or front ones?

I've been told I will need to wear elastics for the later part of my treatment, but that they will be on my back teeth and won't be visible..

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#6 Post by Volare »

The ones closest to the front are the top #3s on both sides. The buttons aren't very visible (as they are the ceramic ones) but the elastics certainly are.
I had my top arch wired for 3 years, 9 months, 3 weeks and 3 days with iBraces
I had my bottom arch wired for 3 years, 8 months, 1 week, and 4 days with iBraces
with Clarity conventional brackets top and bottom

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Location: Fort Worth, TX

#7 Post by Volare »

There are some photos - kinda old - of my elastics and buttons when I first got them on in my braces story page.
I had my top arch wired for 3 years, 9 months, 3 weeks and 3 days with iBraces
I had my bottom arch wired for 3 years, 8 months, 1 week, and 4 days with iBraces
with Clarity conventional brackets top and bottom

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#8 Post by rolo »

I have elastics on the lingual (inside) surface of top teeth, going to canine on outside surface of ceramic brace on the bottom. No problem at all, so I guess it must depend on the specifics of your case, and yours and your orthodontists preference. All of my incognito (IBraces) brackets have hooks for elastics, so I guess they must be intended to work like this. It's was a bit tricky at first, ie it took a couple of attempts and maybe two or three minutes max.

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Thanks Volare and Rolo

#9 Post by Lingualita »

I'm starting with the elastics coming thursday, after one month of being braced. The ortho mentioned that I'd start wearing elastics then, and I'm quite excited to find out how he's going to do it. From the replies, it seems that there are several ways to attach the elastics, and I have no idea what I'll be having. Guess I'll find out in 5 days :?

Thanks for you thorough reply Volare. It seems as though even though I will have to have them on the outside, it's really no disaster :) . I have a last quiestion (at least by now, but I seem to getting more and more quiestions :D ). Is it difficult to speak with the elastics on? I work part time as a receptionist, and there's really no option for me not being able to speak normally.

I have to admit that I have the exact same thoughts as you have regarding harware on the outside of the teeth. I'm kinda self-concious about the entire braces process, so I'm definately bothed thrilled and petrified to find out what my deal is this thursday :?

Rolo: I have a quiestion for you as well :) How are you able to bite/chew when the elastics are partly on the outside and the inside of your teeth at once?

Thanks for your replies, really appreciate it! :D

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#10 Post by rolo »

Yes, that's not a problem. Also, as this is not the rate limiting part of the process and low visability is more important that speed, my ortho has agreed to me not wearing at work (part time), or special social ocassions. We discussed this at the beginning of treatment, the ortho was a bit reluctant, but did agree to give this a go. So far all is working fine this way, so far they are pleased with progress and no comments suggesting I should wear more. That said, last time I mentioned this on the forum, I got lots of responses telling me this wouldn't work, so I guess it's a case by case thing. I do wear for over 16 hours a day.

I have to agree, linguals are a big financial premium to pay to not have anything showing from the outside, so having paid this, I think it would be reasonable to at least try to keep all on the inside, unless there is a good explanation as to why this is not possible.

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#11 Post by Volare »

I don't have any trouble speaking with my elastics in. In my current configuration I wear one of them 24 hrs a day, and the other 12 hrs a day. I find it easier to wear my 12 hour one during the day than at night when it has a tendency to come off for who knows how long.
I had my top arch wired for 3 years, 9 months, 3 weeks and 3 days with iBraces
I had my bottom arch wired for 3 years, 8 months, 1 week, and 4 days with iBraces
with Clarity conventional brackets top and bottom

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Location: Norway


#12 Post by Lingualita »

Once more;

Thanks for all your replies folks. Really appreiciate it. I went to my ortho yesterday and had my linguals put on on my lower jaw. Now I feel kinda sore, but once I start chew, it really aches. But from what I've read that's perfectly normal and just a process of the movement of the teets. So far so good.

When it comes to elastics, I must've misunderstood my ortho, because I'm not starting with elastics until at a late rstage in my treatment. He couldn't say now exactly when, this depends on how fast I'm progressing. As from what I understood, his main focus at the moment is to start closing the gaps from my four extractions. I have my next treatment in eight weeks (isn't that a bit late?!?!?), and I guess I'll know more then. But from what I understood yesterday it might take some time before I get started with the elastics :)

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#13 Post by billybob »

Jumping in to an older thread, but i had elastics fitted at my last adjustment - upper row, all to one side to close a gap after an extraction and create space to shift crowded front teeth slightly to one side, so they can then move back. As you'd expect, they hook to brackets behind front teeth and stretch to back teeth - i can feel them all pulling to one side

Have had uppers on for c. 10 months and lowers for 8 months, and speech was 99% fine. Since elastics, speech has regressed badly - took a couple of weeks for it to sound even vaguely ok - even now it sounds iffy on the Ss, but a lot better now - speaking slowly, and not being pissed is best. Reminds me of when i first had linguals fitted, and speech was all over the place, but been 5 weeks now, and can still sound dodgy, whereas prior to elastics, speech was almost perfect irrespective. Bit frustrating to be honest, but hopefully, given improvement, it won't be an issue for too long, and failing that, the gap will close and i'll just go back to a wire.

I think each adjustment has affected my speech a bit, but has usually been accomodated pretty quickly - elastics (or maybe just in my case), have been a bit like back going back to when i started with linguals.

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Elastics and Hooks

#14 Post by shopbop »

I am in Month 23 of my linguals treatment after having 4 extractions during Month 8. In order to close an extraction gap on my right side (yes, there is still a gap!), the orthodontist applied ceramic hooks on two of my front teeth and I have to wear elastics for 22 hours a day. its only been 2 days and they are pretty uncomfortable. Every time I try to talk, my lips get caught on the hooks. And also, even though they are ceramic, anyone standing closer than a couple of feet from you can see them. Obv the point of linguals was to keep everything behind the teeth. Oh well, I guess I should be happy that I am almost done.

Volare, how long do you have to keep the hooks and elastics in? Im hoping I only have to do it until my next appt in early October!

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#15 Post by Volare »

I've had the elastics going since I started them however long ago it was. I imagine I will have them for the remainder of my treatment, which is probably another year. My wisdom teeth are really screwing up my bite. Right now I'm wearing elastics on my back widsom teeth in a cross bite configuration trying to get my midline to improve. It's going very slow.
I had my top arch wired for 3 years, 9 months, 3 weeks and 3 days with iBraces
I had my bottom arch wired for 3 years, 8 months, 1 week, and 4 days with iBraces
with Clarity conventional brackets top and bottom

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