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HELP - Pokey wires ripping my mouth to shreds
Posted: Fri May 29, 2009 4:11 pm
by pimlico78
New to linguals - had my uppers put on just three days ago. I just wanted to rip them straight out a couple of hours later. Foreign object in the mouth took a while to get used to. However, I have now come to terms with my beloved torture devise and realise that the more attention I give it the less trouble it will cause me.
I've read many posts on this forum, and thank you so much for the much needed support, but I've not heard anyone complain so much about the pokey wire situation. I've got no problem with the brackets, it the wires poking out. It didn't help that the very back wire decided to pop out of the last bracket and cut my tongue to shreds only two days ago and then another two wires cut two gashes into my tongue. I've been using Orthosil, which is a great product once you learn the technique, but comes off when you eat. This is a temporary measure before they can schedule me an appointment to fix the wire. Putting extortionate prices aside, it's a real hassle having to apply wax every time I clean my teeth, which is at least four times per day. My dental hygiene routine is about 15 to 20 minutes each time, nightmare.
Sorry to complain but just wanted to know if this is normal. I just thought that I would be able to move beyond wax at some stage in the future. But there's no way I can cope with these wires, my tongue will never toughen up. I'm sure things will get better but this is my first week. I thought it would just be the speech problems that would be a challenge, not pokey wires ripping my mouth apart.
On the up-side, it's been only three days and I have seen movement by about 1mm on my front teeth - amazing. No pain no gain I s’pose. 18 more months and I should be there !
Posted: Fri May 29, 2009 10:00 pm
by bbsadmin
You should call your orthodontist and insist to be seen ASAP. There is no reason for you to have to suffer like this continually until they can find an opening for you. Tell them that they need to work you in, and don't take No for an answer!
Posted: Fri May 29, 2009 10:52 pm
by anoushka
Well, it is going to be almost a year since I have had my upper braces. I got my lowers on a month ago due to my busy schedules and travels. I have had minimal problems with my speech, but the wire on my back teeth is a different story. I was in my orthodontist office almost once a week to clip the wire. Finally he put the some sort of stoppers and my mouth feels like heaven. I can relate with pain, my tongue was poked so bad. Salt water rinse helped, also ton of wax. I didn't use that much wax on other brackets, except of the poking wire. So you don't need to worry about being depended on wax in a future. Since the wire got fixed I haven't used wax since.
Pokey wires
Posted: Sat May 30, 2009 3:04 am
by pimlico78
Unfortunately my ortho only practices in London a couple of days a week and then returns to Paris. Normally his colleauge helps out but he's on holiday !
I think the main problem is that my ortho used multiple wires, maybe a technique to sort out my overcrowding. Therefore there's not just a couple of ends (at the back as expected) but four pokey wires !! Only three are exposed right now and should be able to poke the very back wire into the bracket but there's no where for the other two to be tucked into. I was eating last night and my tongue actually got caught on one of the wires poking out of my first right molar, the only way to detach my tongue was to pull it out like a fish hook, resulting in a sliced tongue.
Thanks for advice - will get straight onto salt water rinse and push for that emergency appointment. Just want these wires fixed now.
Posted: Sat May 30, 2009 5:18 am
by xTc
Ah that sounds horrible. I'm due to get iBraces/incognito on Monday, I'm really worried!
What type of Linguals do you have? How did you find speech?
Posted: Sat May 30, 2009 8:27 am
by anoushka
good luck on getting the appoitment. I seriously feel your pain. I have had my first adjustment on my lowers 5 days ago and was so worried how to back wire is going to move around, but so far so good. I had couple of mishaps with the brackets popping out, but as I mentioned I was in my ortho's office once a week and he was so patient to cope with all my dramas and ortho technical difficulties.
No worries, xtc, I have been reading your posts, about your speech so much, it is a lot easier than you think. With my uppers I was adjusted in a week or so, and by the way, no one noticed anything. With my lowers, the speech was no big deal at all. I started my journey almost exactly a year ago, so you are in same time frame, only a year later. Just think, a few weeks from now, with braces on, you are going to be closer to an awesome smile.
Posted: Sat May 30, 2009 4:28 pm
by xTc
Wow thanks Anoushka that really made me feel better!
I cannot wait now haha. how long was it before your teeth started to move?
Posted: Sat May 30, 2009 5:47 pm
by bbsadmin
Is Rincinol PRN available in stores by you? If so, you should get some. It's an oral rinse that acts as an "invisible shield" for mouth sores. It's very good.
Posted: Sun May 31, 2009 12:09 am
by anoushka
Hola xtc, will think of you next week. No worries, you will be fine. I think the worst of all is making the big decision to go to ortho, and going for it. I was stressing about going to orthodontist for years, not smiling like everyone else. Well, let's put that all behind. Now I see my ortho a lot, they laugh at me at the office how much I get to go for a quick visit, repair and so on.
I travel a lot, and so many people always ask me where I get the courage to do such hard travels. The worst of it is planning, lot of it financial, and it reminds me of getting these things, meaning lingual braces. So many times I wanted to rip them out, just because I thought I could never imagine eating normally. By the way, when I got my uppers, I lost a few pounds, was so afraid to eat. Not the case with lowers, that night after applying I surely enjoyed some chicken, salad and who knows what else. Cleaning is tricky at first, but manageble. With my uppers, things got def worse before better when it comes to movement. I felt like Nanny McPhee for a while. Oh, and lovely gaps. Seriously, the first few weeks after applying them minor changes, my first adjustment was 4 weeks later, that's when I felt it. I almost was watching my teeth move in a mirror. Once again coping now with lowers, 5 days after adjustment and still a bit sore, cannot believe how much they moved. When is a Big Day? Monday or Tuesday? Oh, get the silicone wax.
Posted: Sun May 31, 2009 2:57 am
by pimlico78
xtc - good luck with next week. The whole process is really quick and pain free, just sit back, relax and let the ortho do the work. The linguals will be applied in no time.
I have STb light linguals ... So, you may find the i-braces (incognito) better for wires as there's more room to tuck the tie wires away from the tongue. The STb light linguals have the lowest profile, but having smaller brackets seems to mean there's limited space to put pokey wires. I have read to use a pencil eraser or spoon to push / tuck the wires away from the tongue so will try that. Have managed to push the back one into a safe place with a dental appliance I bought from the local pharmacy, but that doesn't work so well with the others.
Speech problems - I've managed really well (only 5 days with linguals now). Ortho and nurse noted that my speech was good on leaving the clinic and my sister didn't even notice when I spoke to her on the phone - she said 'I thought people had a lisp when they wear braces !' Still think speech is not perfect but don't think anyone notices the difference.
Starting to have more confidence with eating, but have lost a bit of weight in the last week. Best to avoid biscuits and crisps anyway, think linguals can just make you eat more healthy.
Not aware of UK stores selling Rincinol PRN, will do some investigation. Invisible shield for mouth sores sounds great.
Posted: Sun May 31, 2009 4:48 am
by xTc
Thanks guys for the support, my brace day is tomorrow (Monday).
I haven't really thought about eating, now that I do it does kind of worry me

I love to eat, however I do eat healthy, don't eat biscuits or crisps so that won't bother me.
I really want to have straightish teeth for my hooliday this summer so I can smile with my girlfriend in the photos! I'm getting braces on the 1st, do you think leaving it 4-5 weeks will give enough time for movement?
Thanks again, I'm so excited/nervous at the same time!
Posted: Sun May 31, 2009 7:04 am
by pimlico78
I've seen movement in just a few days, but I think it will be around 4 months before I see any real improvement (based on what I've read, previous posts etc). The thing is lingulas can move in weird ways before they straighten up. However, saying that, I'm loving the progress. I'm off on holiday in four weeks also, so fingers crossed things will be moving in the right direction by then.
Don't worry about eating, it's just a little weird at first. Everything (speaking, eating, and having the brace generally) takes a few days to get used to but you will, I have. You just need to avoid chewy, sticky, hard foods. And that leaves you with plenty of delicious things to eat.
You'll be fine tomorrow. Just remember that the Ortho knows what he/she is doing. There's no pain in the procedure at all, just a little weird as they have to dry the teeth / gum area so the bracket glue works; clean the teeth; and attach the archwire.
And you should be excited, getting your brace fitted is the first step to the perfect smile !

Posted: Sun May 31, 2009 12:26 pm
by xTc
Thanks Pim that makes me feel tonnes better
I'll update tomorrow with pictures etc

FIngers crossed!
Posted: Sun May 31, 2009 4:46 pm
by Amaleigh
hi xTc,
I had upper linguals put on this past Thursday and I am already almost used to them. The second she put them on I had second thoughts. Driving home, I hated them. That night, hated them. Next two days were progressively better. Today is 3 days later and after only THREE DAYS I'm so glad I did it.
Unfortunately, I lost my right front tooth in an accident in February and have worn a temporary since. The driving force behind getting the ibraces was well, my vanity, and a bent root over the top of the missing tooth. They couldn't put an implant in until it was turned up. Linguals were my only option. I have always hated my teeth and avoided smiling, but at 26, I thought I'd look ridiculous with braces. I still have to get clear ceramics on the bottom in 3 months (due to serious over-crowding, linguals weren't an option), but I can handle the bottom. I don't know how to smile with the bottom of my mouth and it's not a skill I care to have!
I am speaking at about 95% now. I talk A LOT though, lol. I've been singing every song I hear to help. Eating is sad b/c I'm a big fan of food. I'm also a big fan of Spagettios. If you weren't before, they can be your best friend! lol...
I ate steak on Friday night and was pretty miserable but I ate it on principle. I won't let something I want hold me back. I even went to a job interview on Friday and GOT THE JOB. I did, of course, immediately tell him about the braces though!
All in all, completely worth it. Good luck tomorrow! It will all be worth it when this is over!!
Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 2:19 am
by xTc
Thanks Amy you sound really positive! Well done on going for the job that must have taken some courage!
I'm due to be braced in about an hour

My stomach is churning a bit haha, I'm such a wimp.
I'm just scared of my reaction at first as I know it's gonna feel horrible
Thanks for the support I'll update when I'm done