Lingual braces + extraction + mini-screws

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Lingual braces + extraction + mini-screws

#1 Post by kissmesoon »

Hi you all! I'm new in here! I have a question, but first, I just wanna say that I had my lingual braces on since last september, after having two upper pre-molars extracted.

I had no pain, nor difficulties to talk AT ALL afterwards. I've eat a soft diet for a few days, and that was it. I'm glad I took linguals!!! Nobody notices it!

Plus, i have not much difficulties to kiss and do *other stuff* with my boyfriend. I think it is important that some people know that, because it might have to be taken in consideration for some of us! :oops:

Sooo, my questions is :

:arrow: I got my mini-screws in two days ago. It is supposed to help make my teeth fill in the holes left by the extractions quicker. (Since september, my teeth have moved just a bit)
Do you know approximativly how much time it takes with the braces + the screws to fill the holes :?: Is it really quicker :?: :?:

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#2 Post by drrick »

It isnt necessarily quicker but it allows the spaces to be closed by moving the front teeth back without moving the back teeth forward. Also can be done with less tipping, etc. It is a way to move them in the desired direction more accurately.

Do you have floating false teeth in the position of the extractions for added esthetics?
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#3 Post by kissmesoon »

Thanks for your answer!

Yes, they have glued two "false teeth" to cover the gaps... It looks ok!

But I'm afraid they are not strong enough to last - eating, brushing, etc... But we'll see!

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